
19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!

9 Years Ago
Unit audio work, tweaked social goal scoring
9 Years Ago
proper export of the wave anim
9 Years Ago
added OnAnimationEvent AttackHit to terrorbird, sabertooth and mammoth
9 Years Ago
Changed some item slot + pool flags
9 Years Ago
Removed NavMeshObstacles on bush prefabs because death
9 Years Ago
Group+Knowledge lazy CanFindItemOfType Item Desire fulfilment check supports ItemType Added Socialise goal and "wave at" goal plan
9 Years Ago
made eyes bigger in prefab blend shape, temp hack will get lost when characters are rebuilt (but super quick to manually change)
9 Years Ago
atmos 19 edit
9 Years Ago
added interaction points
9 Years Ago
TOD Time based wakeup at start for cave peoples. Tweaked Sit By Fire related stuff a bit, but still feels a bit broken.
9 Years Ago
Ocean shader tweaks Drop items if DepositToBuilding fails (haaaaack)
9 Years Ago
Building.RequiresItem also checks requirement amount
9 Years Ago
should play anim when crafting(untested)
9 Years Ago
carry logs on shoulders
9 Years Ago
Added a Boost Energy Timer coroutine to TribeStartAre (set to 10 second timer now). This causes the cavemen to wake up after 10 seconds.
9 Years Ago
Ocean Placeholder was missing Material reference. I set it to the same as Ocean->Water in Island0001 uses.
9 Years Ago
Merge from 8_splat_support
9 Years Ago
Grass tinting support (temp fix)
9 Years Ago
Added Confidence in Decision consideration to a few goals and goal plans.
9 Years Ago
sticks rocks and berries have better view offset
9 Years Ago
Fixed scoring of Confidence In Decision. Added min/max score bounds. Added score modifier option to scale the score.
9 Years Ago
Massive island got more massive and refactored. Cleanup
9 Years Ago
water edge shader tweak, feel free to revert petur crappy test wave mesh
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Fixed terrain visuals not updating when terrain config was changed (e.g. splat colors) Fixed snow painting and visuals
9 Years Ago
Merge from 8_splat_support
9 Years Ago
Confidence in Decision consideration added. Not integrated with any DSE yet.
9 Years Ago
Break current goal in Agent.ClearGoals
9 Years Ago
Don't complete sit/sleeps
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Units drop all items on death
9 Years Ago
Entity.PreDestroy re-parents any child entities
9 Years Ago
Scrapped the building construction states and skins system, driving new animator building stuff from construction completion %
9 Years Ago
added a complete state
9 Years Ago
split up tent basic into anim and setup a controller bld_TentBasic constructionComplete
9 Years Ago
starting tent basic building setup
9 Years Ago
I dont know why this is a merge
9 Years Ago
Data save to be sure
9 Years Ago
Changed BuildingStates enum bitshifting to not use power of 2, seems to fix our filering
9 Years Ago
Removed debug log in Building, added None value to BuildingStates for testing
9 Years Ago
-buildings now build, and they also take the time specified on them.
9 Years Ago
Construct Interaction and Action tweak
9 Years Ago
Tweaks to Sleep weights. Unit+Items reports error when attachmentpoints was null (breakpoint on error log in here until we catch the error please @maurizio @billowe ).
9 Years Ago
Test for NRE on attachment points for items (they seem to sometimes be null).
9 Years Ago
Adding another replacement attempt to unit personality's GetBehaviourDescription.
9 Years Ago
starting and stopping sleeping is no longer quite as bad
9 Years Ago
Fixed weather not changing properly A bunch of tweaks to managers, removed "is debug" scene toggle crap Added WeatherParticles component, a quick hack to disable particle FX in children based on wetness value of incoming weather
9 Years Ago
improved clipping of female clothes
9 Years Ago
people play hammer animation when building