19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
Move animal skin atlas mat out of Resources
BiomeSettingsEditor groups materials by category (generic/foliage)
FoliageTools > SpeedTreeImportWizard
Lots of prefab/material updates because ^^
forgot to press refresh before checking in last time
no nose is good nose
(removed nose from male and female)
fixed ONLY clothing in bills example of clipping, rest still needs to be done.
Atmos piece added, mixer edited
Morph masking and editor improvements
Char morph editor funtimes
Statistical Model Condition and Consdieration abstracts added.
PlayerCamera "closeup" dummy data as mentioned in BEF-186
Split unit relationships data to file, added equality members
ReorderableList cleanup, alpha ordering (yay)
DesireConsideration returns weight * momentum, not the sum
Updated AO to latest; reduced depth threshold to 0.2 to prevent halos
gross eating vox sounds added
Agent+Desires AddDesire no longer takes momentum input
DecisionMaker.AddDecision always assigns Goal and GoalPlan, except for ln 149's usage in BehaviourGroup DM
DecisonContext.PushDesires injects GoalPlan.LastDecisionScore as Desire weight
new male vox sounds added
Missed IComparable in Desire
new male vox sounds added
Goal, GoalPlan equality members
Removed IComparable from InfuenceMapEffector
Removing IComparable implementations all over the shop
Implemeneted equality members in PerceivedUnitData and PerceivedSmartObjectData
Removed useless desire match method
Fixed Array no longer requires T to inherit from IComparable.
Split fuel gathering goal plans
DesireParametes equality
Removed a bunch of redundant constructor overloads and other methods from DecisionContext
new male vox sounds added
Basic working waves shader for mesh strips, so yay.
Backing up some texture masks before I ruin them again.
Better handling of Desire fulfillment and tracking of "child" desires (item find deires created when adding a craft desire are now removed when the parent is fulfilled)
Morph data and editor scene tweaks
Basic wave cascades pt 1/2
Morph blending tester in CME
Gender/Age specific default morph pairing in Species
Added new male select vox sounds
Refactored shit in prep for shorelines fx
editing and adding new male xox sounds
Clear decisions in the right place ;x
Removed BCD access from Action
BCD read/write all handled by DM, not BehaviourChain
Fixed UDM not clearing decisions before scoring elements that read from BCD
BCD GetDataProperty warning when null
Unit item pickup desire fulfiment supports multiple desires
UCF desire creation tweaks
Required tool conditions create both craft and find Item desires
Smartobject tweaks to destruction and subscription management
Group knowledge smartobject blackboarding/cache disabled, added DM check
Fixed item pickup condition
Ensured that all ability and interaction DSEs are valid
Fixed BehaviourChain.PickBehaviourTarget returning bad things
Added BehaviourChainMachineFilterSet
Removed BehaviourChain seed data