19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
Fixed some issues with Unit death flagging and animator/ragdoll handling
Just merging from main, to keep the hunt up to date with everything.
InteractionPositions now stored on a per-interaction basis on SmartObjectViews
Added SmartObjectViewEditor with handling for new stuff
Added SmartObject.GetInteractionPositionSet(int interaction_id)
Made EntityView abstract
Added SmartObjectView (from which ItemView, BuildingView and ResourceView inherit)
Reduced fire burning effect radius
More VicinityEffect work, added assets, FX prefab etc
Disabling subscription validity check in SmartObject.OnSmartBehaviourExecuted for now
SmartObject and Subscription twaeks
Workaround for interaction issue
Fixed crappy pathfinding callback code
VicinityEffect improvements and EffectFX (yes really) groundwork
Performance UI widget and misc tweaks
Removed AssociateWithTribeHub property from BuildingSettingsEditor
Fixing bugs with unit pathfinding events and SmartObject interaction position/subscription handling
Added OnBehaviourExecuted : UnityEvent<Behaviour>
Fixed bug in DepositItem after merging actions.
Fixed GoToSmartObject.cs
StandNear/SleepHere/SitByFire DSEs include distance considerations again
Enabled Hunting again on Hunting branch.
Merged latest from Main yet again.
Disabled hunting on main.
Merged from Hunting branch, to bring ActionChainData direction to Main.
Merged from main.
Some manual plastering after conflicts.
Tweaks and optimizations.
Graphics options / UI tweaks
Graphics options refactor stuff, still crap
Unit emotes will be disabled and revert to idle when carrying items
Refactoring breeding and fixing some bugs with Unit+Family
ItemViewEditor tweaks, should fix erros related to attachments
Removed more LINQ from SmartObject
TOD settings and rays tweak
Fix stupid shit in SmartObject
Reset all attachment point data for item views, buffer AP offset list in ItemViewEditor when refreshing
More LINQ removal, GC opt and profiler hooks
Added NullRefChecker which will spit errors if StatModifier assets have nulled fields
Optimising Unit Item and Attachment systems
DataAsset no longer abstract
Menial Action layout consistency, removing some old refs to agent that we don't need (Action stores ThisAgent)
Show total smartobject count in unity knowledge debug list
More GC opt, fixed some issues with pathfinding events
Optmisation and refactoring of Unit+Pathfinding events and all GoTo type actions
Some GC opt in Stat+Tickable
More foreach removal in Effect, EffectSettings et al
More foreach nuking in senses
Starving effect drains health again
Don't clear senses arrays every tick
DistanceConsideration re-write
Unit knowledge debug view
FindItemOfType no longer use the deprecated Stockpile (uses Group+Knowledge SOs instead).
Remove [RequireComponent(typeof(SmartObject))] from Item
Merged from main branch, that I work on latest changes.