
19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!

9 Years Ago
fixed bad string formatting
9 Years Ago
Added debug option to DSE settings
9 Years Ago
First pass SmartObject subscription refactor, added Subscription object
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
BehaviourGroup tick checks for required member count when executing behaviours and breaks/disbands the group if there are no longer enough members.
9 Years Ago
data tweaks
9 Years Ago
Added Consideration types for unit age, gender and relationships Removed SuitableMate Consideration type ConsiderationSettingsEditor now shows properties from child types in the settings block
9 Years Ago
Pushed number of agents we tick on minute and hour up to 200 (from 20), so that it's slightly more performant with scaling numbers of agents.
9 Years Ago
EffectSettingsEditor tweak
9 Years Ago
Testing some performance tweaks in Unit+Senses and Stat.Tick (implemented IComparable on IStatModifierTickable for faster OrderBy
9 Years Ago
Fixed Agents getting stuck in a BehaviourGroup
9 Years Ago
Fixed a stupid thing in SuitableMateCosideration
9 Years Ago
Consideration refactor, allowing considerations to consider both Myself and Target from a DecisionContext in certain... contexts. Tweaking BehaviourGroup membership
9 Years Ago
Moved Duration for Timed Stat Modifiers and Timed Effects to tick every 15th TOD Minute, rather than every TOD Hour.
9 Years Ago
Rewrote to a list of effects pending removal, rather than removing them on the spot. No longer need to buffer effects list before ticking it.
9 Years Ago
Added Eating Effect to Consumables, which required a Duration (tick) support in Effect. Misc tweaks to Effect.
9 Years Ago
Fixed minor tickable modifier bug when it applies to BaseValue, it now applies to statBaseValue.
9 Years Ago
Effect and trigger data cleanup, tweaks and fixes around Effect state handling and ActionChain callbacks Effect editor tweak to ensure you cannot set RemoveOnCompletion and a Start Trigger
9 Years Ago
data tweaks
9 Years Ago
stats use float effect remove fix
9 Years Ago
Tweaks Updated human prefabs
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
RemoveStatModifier overload
9 Years Ago
More effect refactoring, effect debug view tweaks, asset path and type in BE assets dicts, removing old test assets
9 Years Ago
WIP Effect refactor
9 Years Ago
BehaviourGroup tinkering, added display of active Behaviour Group to Unit debugger Wolf anim controller improvements
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
nested editor tinkering
9 Years Ago
fixing editor death
9 Years Ago
Break out of foreach after removing an item, else we get invalid operation.
9 Years Ago
Added ItemManager to Globals object TribeStatArea spawns and adds stick to the campfire Data tweaks (Forget if Interrupt on various Interactions)
9 Years Ago
Added Behaviour.OnBehaviourActivated for callbacks, SmartObject only counts subscription and allocates InteractionPositions when the relevant SmartBehaviour is active Added BehaviourStack.Contains method Buffering Agent.Effects in TickEffects Fixed potential NRE when calling Consumable.Consume() Removed Agent.SubscriptionCount, now simply check against the Stack.Behaviours.Count in DM Overriding some methods in SmartBehaviour to deal with subscription handling better
9 Years Ago
-partly B&W2 style: camera only follows the ground going up, not going down.
9 Years Ago
-merged with main -Camera: standard with lots of tweaks (better follow, better gliding around, some sort of currently rough fix for the camera going through mountains)
9 Years Ago
Added back in Forget if Interrupted to interactions.
9 Years Ago
SmartObject.TrySubscribe overload with interaction name lookup
9 Years Ago
Shifted about some Agent+DM code to Agent+SmartBehaviour that deals with auto-completing a "current" SmartBehaviour if it's action chain is completed and a new behaviour is being stacked on top of it.
9 Years Ago
Added UnsubscribeOnCompletion flag to InteractionSettings, allowing SO subscription to persist after completion of the SmartBehaviour ActionChain DM will call SmartObject.Unsubscribe when applicable
9 Years Ago
Interaction tweaks GoToSmartObject tweaks
9 Years Ago
Fixing stupid CanSubscribe checks
9 Years Ago
More InteractionPosition stuffs
9 Years Ago
Fixed Consumable Effect Settings.
9 Years Ago
Since "hours_passed" accumulator is a ulong, I moved it to the StatCollection, that we only store one per Agent. Means we only register a single listener per Agent to the OnHour TOD event too.
9 Years Ago
Stat+Tickable now use TOD OnHour to tick modifiers that have a "duration" (timed lifespan).
9 Years Ago
Consumable now use EffectSettings rather than its own ConsumableEffect API.
9 Years Ago
Pretty much finished the Stats and Effects refactor. Some data might be viped from assets and some editor stuff might need revisiting (commented with todos).
9 Years Ago
More interaction positioning stuff, massive gizmos