
702 Commits over 853 Days - 0.03cph!

1 Year Ago
▅▄▋▍▅ ▊▄▋█▅▉▅▋▋ ▇▆▋▍▊ ▇▌▌ ▍ ▅▆▍▉▌ █▆▌▆ ▌▋▅▇▄▍▆ ▆▄▆▇▇▅▄▅ !▇▋▉█▍ ▇█▉▇ ▄▊▋▅▄▅▆ ▆▇▇▆▄▉▍▆▋▋▇▆
1 Year Ago
▉▆▊▇▋ ▍ ▊▆▄▄▇ ▋▊ ▅▆▇█▄▉▅█ ! ▄█▄▍▍▍▄ ▊▌▊█▊▊▅.▆ ▉▍▊ ▉▋█▊▄ !▉█▅ ▆█▅ ▅▉ ▅▌▍█▋▉▇▋ ▄▊▉▆▇▍▅▄ ▄▄▌█ ▇▍█▄██▉ ▉▌▋▉▉'▋ ▅▆▌▋▊ ▉▍ ▉▍▉▄▌ ▇▊▊▇▄▆█▇ ▊▅ ▆█▌ ▄▆▄▌▌▇▅▄, ▉▆ ▋▇▇▇▉ ▌▍██▇▆▄▋ ▌▆▋█ ▅++▅▄, ▍▄▇ ▌▊▆▌ ▊▄▆▍▋▌ ▇▌▍▋ ▌▍█▋▋▋▄ ▊▍▉▆▊▄ ! ▌▍▌ █▇▋ ▍█ ▋ ▆▍▆ █▅▇█ ▆▇▍▆▄▉▅▊ ▇▅▆▇▅▊ .▊▊▄▍█▍▍▇▄ ▅▄▇▅▊▉ █▆▊▊▆ ▊▅▆ █▄▇▌▆▅ ▅▉▊▇ ▄▉▆▆█▋█▉ ▍▇▌▅▋ ▇▉▅▌▍
1 Year Ago
▋▋▋ ▆▊▄▌▅ ▆▉█▇▊▉
1 Year Ago
▍▇▆▄▌▍ ▅▉ ▇▄▇▉ ▇▋▋▄▉▅▍▇ ▌▋█▌▊▌▆ ▅█▇▊▇ █▆ ▍▅▌▆█▊▌ ! ▄▆▇█▋▋▋ ▅▊▅▋▅█▍▅▍▇█▍▊▍ ▅▄█ ▍▅▄▋▊▅.▆▋▇▉
1 Year Ago
Fix potential Linux srcds crash
1 Year Ago
Panel.PaintManual does not rely on setting parent to fix clipping
1 Year Ago
Panel.PaintAt restores zpos of the panel Panel.PaintManual can now render panels larger than the screen
1 Year Ago
Fixed a crash due to BSP ZIP hash collision Try to prevent static prop lightmap crashes when given invalid data
1 Year Ago
Remove util.IsPointInBox as Vector:WithinAABox exists
1 Year Ago
Fix trigger_hurt forgiveness not resetting damage correctly language.GetPhrase changes * Increase limit to 4000 bytes, from 1000 * If limit is hit, truncate the string, instead of outputting an empty string Make language.Add type-error on invalid input instead of silently fail Added more intersection functions * util.IntersectRayWithSphere * util.IsSphereIntersectingSphere * util.IsBoxIntersectingSphere * util.IsPointInBox * util.IsPointInCone * util.IsSphereIntersectingCone * util.IsOBBIntersectingOBB - last argument is now optional
1 Year Ago
Add missing snow footstep fallbacks Fixed npc_(template_)maker crashing when spawning non NPC entities
1 Year Ago
Rollback EffectData:SetHitBox change
1 Year Ago
Disable HTTP DNS lookups for now
1 Year Ago
Added VMatrix.__unm (negate operator)
1 Year Ago
Fixed an oopsie with srcds gamemode loading Increase EffectData:SetHitBox net limit to match the particle name limit Run DNS resolution in a thread
1 Year Ago
Update .gitignore Disable C4005, error on C4840 Fixed some warnings Prevent display of concommands in gamemode settings Do not run OnRequestFullUpdate outside of main thread Defer gamemode loading until all other components are loaded Do not use obsolete API for DNS resolution
1 Year Ago
Fix resolved IP address checks to not trip on non local IPs
1 Year Ago
Limit cubemap hack to 64x64 cubemaps
1 Year Ago
Fix up ToS/Privacy Policy links Added voice_recordtofile to blocked concommand list DNS lookup Global.HTTP URLs before sending them to Steam
1 Year Ago
poster support for cl_leveloverview
1 Year Ago
Fix a super weird issue affecting rendering
1 Year Ago
studiomdl.exe larger vtx buffer and safeguards against overflow crashing
1 Year Ago
Apply seamless cubemap hack from VDC
1 Year Ago
Fix metropolice crashing when its target is removed during a burst Steam Voice Settings opens Steam Settings in overlay Recent steam update removed the old voicesettings option
1 Year Ago
Don't be an idiot and make it shared properly FIx skill configs not applying in time for singleplayer Pull Requests (Community Contributions) * TTT: make Poltergeist weapon range easier to override * TTT: fix notification sound cue and make it toggleable * DListView ignores invisible lines
1 Year Ago
Make ents.GetMapCreatedEntity shared
1 Year Ago
Backport crash fix for DMX unserializer
1 Year Ago
Fix my oopsie
1 Year Ago
Fix Combine APC bullet tracer coming from the wrong attachment Fix combine APC rockets going over player's head with certain hold types Added entity translation for npc_apcdriver
1 Year Ago
Make Combine Gunship aim at player's center so it can actually hit players
1 Year Ago
Fixed a server crash when maxplayers is in server.cfg and the cmdline
1 Year Ago
Case insensitive search for singleplayer files static prop support for disableflashlight Hopefully fixed addons breaking properties system clientside
1 Year Ago
Restore static prop lightmaps
1 Year Ago
▍▉▆ ██▍▅ ▍▊▆
1 Year Ago
disable static prop lightmaps for now
1 Year Ago
Potential crash fix to do with rendering static props
1 Year Ago
Update .gitattributes
1 Year Ago
Fix base.fgd
1 Year Ago
▌▄▋▍▅▇ ▇▋▉▇ █▇▊▊▅▆▅▋▊▋▌▌ ▅▅▌█▋▍▄█▉▌▆ (▆▋▌▊▉▍▋▄) █▉▆▄ ▊▅▋█▌▇▉▄ ▇▍▍▌ ▊▄▊▉ ▇▊▅▋ ▊▄█▌▇▊▉▌▌▋, ▇▇ ▍▄▆'▇ ▍▉▅▄ ▍▋ ▌▆▋▍▍█▆▆▋▌█ ██▉ ▋▍ ▅▆▋▋ ▆▊ ▊▊▍▊▌▇▉▌█▄ ▋▌▆▅▄▇▊ ▅▉▊▍, ▉▍▉ ▉ ▊▊▄█ ▍▆▆'▉ ▆▊▅▍ ▇▊ ▍▊▌▇▇▊ ▊▇▉▌▋▉▊▆▊▊▄▊█ ▄▅▊▉█▉▌ ▉▆ ▄█▍ █▇. █▊▍▅▆▊▍ ▍▇▄▆▋▇▊▍ ▍▉▊█▉ !▇▉▆▅.█▋▉▄▇▇▄▍▇ ▆▆▊▊▉▌ "▄▉▄▌▉ ▇▋▆▅▊▇█ ▌█▌ ▄▍▇▌▊█▄▌ ▉▍ ▄▇█ ▄▇▇▇▍ ▋▇▍ ▆▊▊▌▋▉▇█▄" ▌▆██▆▇ ▆▋▌█▄▊
1 Year Ago
Limit networking of m_iGModPlayerFlags to useful bits Added func_friction to the FGD Minor change to net.lua Fixup toggle_duck in multiplayer Increase networked bits for player flags so HasGodMode is networked Entity:SetFriction affects players Also default to 1 on client. Also increase network bitcount to avoid prediction errors.
1 Year Ago
Clean ups Reduce network size of m_iGModFlags to useful bits Double particle precache limit Network creation and map creation IDs of entities to client Clean ups
1 Year Ago
Update prop_static key-values in Hammer to be shorter (Visual Change) Increase network version Network Player:IsWorldClickingDisabled Remove "Bonus Challenge" stuff (Unused stuff that was networked) Clean ups GetDeploySpeed defaults to sv_defaultdeployspeed when no lua table Remove networking limits for player score and deaths Bump view model networking limitations Merge Pull Requests * Reduced net.Write/ReadEntity from 16 bits to 13 bits (Community Contribution) * Editable Entity editing now uses net.WriteEntity, not a 32bit unsigned integer (Community Contribution)
1 Year Ago
Fixed a potential crash with particles
1 Year Ago
▋▍▋▌▋▋▋▋▋ ▉▄▍▉ ▄▌▋ █▇▌▇▋▌
1 Year Ago
▋▋▍▍▍▆▄ ▋▆▄ ▄▌▋
1 Year Ago
▊▆▉▉▄ ▉▅▋▄▇ ▊▆▇▍▊▍▍▊ ▋▄▍▇▄▄▍ █▉▍ ▊▄█▊
1 Year Ago
Fixed a race conditiony Lua error in properties.lua Fixed certain "Entity Get Count of X" functions returning nil * GetNumPoseParameters * GetBoneCount - used to return -1, now returns 0 * GetHitBoxGroupCount * GetHitBoxCount * GetBodygroupCount Return empty string on failure: * GetPoseParameterName * GetSequenceName * GetSequenceActivityName Minor cleanup More Entity no nil returns treatments Return 0 on failure: * GetSkin * GetSequence * GetNumBodyGroups * GetSequenceGroundSpeed * GetSequenceMoveDist * GetModelContents * GetLayerDuration * GetLayerWeight * GetPlaybackRate - returns 1 on failure * GetBoneName - returns __INVALIDBONE__ * GetSequenceActivity - returns -1 * GetSequenceVelocity - vector_origin * GetLayerPlaybackRate - returns 1 Adjustments to singleplayer clientside lua file stuff Hopefully fixes issues people are having Do not fallback PHONGBOOST and PHONGFRESNELRANGES Causes unexpected issues with existing content
1 Year Ago
Enable static prop lightmaps for VRAD.exe This increases the version of StaticPropLump_t to 10, so maps will no longer load in games with older engine versions.
1 Year Ago
██▄ ▊▌▌/▅▊▌▅█ ▋▄▍▄▋▋▍ ▄▅▍▆█▌
1 Year Ago
Write depth for rope SSAO pass This is far from perfect, but helps Bokeh DOF. Pull requests * Minor tweaks to cvars library internals (Community Contribution) * dlistview_column:SetFixedWidth sets the column width immediately (Community Contribution)