117,262 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!
Updated to SteamworksNETVersion 6.0.0
added proper sound effects for the hunting bow
smoothed the jog/run movement for a bunch of the 3rd person animations
made the 3rd person bolt rifle animations smoother. (ie. removed the twitching of the player's shoulders when he jogged)
Reverted procedural small; checked in by accident
Made AtmosBlend update wind smoothly again; possible thanks to unity tree wind fix
Temporarily removed that unused third overlay from PVT shaders; will add back if applicable
Added el cheap-o parallax mapping to all terrain PVT shaders; using subtle offset as default
added "shotgun" / "smg" to the devplayer script. Fixed up some errors on the mecanim player conroller.
Time of Day update to 2.3.0
Deleted old bush and tree art
Added placeholder bushes to all forest types
Changed camera clear flags back to solid color now that we're no longer using any of the tree creator shaders
Changed the way random number seeding works (can now request per-position seeds in a nice way)
Changed waterpipe shotgun world model & updates to prefab
Polish pass on terrain textures and blend parameters, making the ground a bit more crisp.
Fixed compile error in AIObstacleMesh (sorry for the suffering I caused you Jenkins)
Added syringe world prefab
Fool me once, shame on... shame on you. Fool me... you can't get fooled again. Added a second generation bush.
Added blend trees to shotgun player holdtype
Removed some unused scripts
Updated tree prefabs to the correct child object layout (all future tree prefabs should look like this)
Removed legacy billboard system
Removed legacy trees
changed the huntig bow _wm prefab so it aligns better with the 3rd person animations
3rd person animatiosn for playing holding bow (unaimed)
added code to handle the new "aiming" float variable in the player mecanim.
Slightly unnerfed the global reflection.
Some metallic reflections for the axe, hammer and icepick.
Committing the right file.
Let's try making the shadows dark, and the sky bright!
Wiping out forest 4 for Andre.
Added the largest tree ever. Good luck chopping it down. (It will look less silly when it gets its smaller siblings.)
Repositioned salvaged weapons & spears for player animation prefabs
changed salvaged axe holdtype
Added AIObstacleMesh to handle mesh colliders in dynamic obstacle avoidance (unfinished, backup commit)
Made AI test level work again
Added initial salvaged weapon prefabs ( before they delete themselves again)
Added building skin transition experiment
Added BuildBlock editing toolbar
Updated building block prefabs with unified layout for editor
Refactored prefab preprocessing system (is now an interface any component can implement)
Only allow prefab preprocessing of any sort if not inside the editor (better safe than sorry)
Fixed animals being able to attack targets they can't see
Fixed animal attack range check ignoring height
Fixed missing specular in TerrBumpMasked shader
Fixed potential NRE in planar reflection
Added PVT version of TerrBumpSpecMasked shader
Added back support for legacy terrains albeit changing new baseline to TerrBumpSpecMasked
Update TestLevel_PVT for testing
Don't log error messages about D3D device lost etc - to prevent console spam hurting framerate
some new 3rd person animations for bow (unaimed) and ... I farted.. /me runs away
This should fix the sounds not playing.. for good!
added a swing/miss animation for the medical syringe
Tree tint variation tweaks, and slight global wind improvements.
Optimized chopped tree billboard sizes.
Fixed NRE in AtmosphericBlend