
117,288 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!

10 Years Ago
Fixed missing footsteps when moving right
10 Years Ago
Remove player from sleeper list when killed Throw warning when got sleeper that isn't sleeping Fix GoogleAnalytics not working
10 Years Ago
Fresh TreesST.
10 Years Ago
Deleted TreesST.
10 Years Ago
protocol++ (prefab names changed, incompatible between playforms)
10 Years Ago
Maybe fixing trees.
10 Years Ago
Some tree files.
10 Years Ago
Fixed being able to place building blocks through walls
10 Years Ago
Made players walk and sprint slower backwards than forwards Slightly nerfed jumping on slopes (last ground speed = max air speed) Fixed that the landing head bob was being played when leaving water
10 Years Ago
Fixed door not having level skin textures (placeholders) Fixed lock dissapearing when upgrading/downgrading a door
10 Years Ago
Debug info for player wakeup bug
10 Years Ago
Removed missing trees from testlevel (fixes editor crashing) Don't bother with steam auth if in editor Rnamed Animator to AnimatorEx (fixes warning)
10 Years Ago
Added player flinch anims
10 Years Ago
changed the sound distances on several of the sound effects (footsteps / bullet impacts/ etc..). Set all viewmodel sounds to 2D
10 Years Ago
Fixed jump-climb exploit
10 Years Ago
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10 Years Ago
Time of Day update to 2.3.0 prerelease 3
10 Years Ago
Made god rays utilize depth values again (Petur... stahp)
10 Years Ago
Giving directional fog another chance at life, now that we have fogged water reflections.
10 Years Ago
Less crazy god-rays during night time.
10 Years Ago
Tree mats
10 Years Ago
Fixed some clipping and seam issues on the Hazmat jacket. Added Small Stash models, mats, and prefab.
10 Years Ago
Slight tree mat and LOD fixes.
10 Years Ago
Various forest prefab changes.
10 Years Ago
Cleaned up obsolete tree files.
10 Years Ago
A metric ton of forest/tree changes. Still WIP, but the most glaring forest issues should be fixed. Lots of ST optimizations as well. Note: Only running a single variant per tree species, for the time being.
10 Years Ago
some more medical syringe animations.. Having trouble kicking this drug habit..
10 Years Ago
Added Wind Main to atmospheric blend; updates at very low freq due to tree anim reset
10 Years Ago
▅▊▍▊▆▅ ▆▆▆▍▊▉▇▅▊▄
10 Years Ago
fixed bolt rifle clipping during the attack animation
10 Years Ago
Fixed NRE in TickAttackTargetAction
10 Years Ago
changed the timings on the view model weapons so they detect impact sooner
10 Years Ago
When kicking a user due to EAC, mention that in the reason
10 Years Ago
Tree-C for Diogo.
10 Years Ago
Fixed NRE in SendSignal
10 Years Ago
Time of Day update to 2.3.0 prerelease 2
10 Years Ago
Added small mountains back to the temperate biome (experimenting a little) Protocol++ (network + save)
10 Years Ago
Fixed player not rotating at all Fixed player rotations not networking when standing still Fixed rotation lerp not working
10 Years Ago
Added placeholder level models for all building components Made placeholder building level textures slightly less shitty Fixed building guides being invisible Added a buttload of unused substances
10 Years Ago
updated anims, model, prefab & anim controller for view model bow
10 Years Ago
created bow_tier1 materials
10 Years Ago
Cleaned up lerping (removed old, unused code) Fixed warnings, cleaned up redundant startup output
10 Years Ago
Split the snapshot messages until smaller chunks
10 Years Ago
Made furnace destroyable Made campfire destroytable Prevented building campfire, sleeping bag, furnace inside each other Prevented stacking furnace/storage boxes Fixed storage box not having collisions Protocol++
10 Years Ago
Fixed player ragdoll's ass exploding out when killed Fixed gathering a human skull using a projectile
10 Years Ago
Reverted changes to TestLevelTerrain
10 Years Ago
Added debug output to wakeup command, to diagnose not spawning when pressing the button
10 Years Ago
Fixed NRE in AtmosphericBlend
10 Years Ago
medical syring rigged up and some view model anims done.
10 Years Ago
edited the flare mesh prefab; made some adjustments to the salvage tools prefabs