89 Commits over 31 Days - 0.12cph!
Merge from cosmetic_flowers (and main as a result)
Setup cooking workbench with new art.
Setup LODS.
Setup deploy guide mesh.
Setup gibs
cooking workbench model and textures
Fix apple pie tin mat variant.
Restore original pie tin material settings.
Setup and assign projectile tin material variants
Pie third person visual fixes.
Refactor visual configs.
Food items 3p/vms now setup correctly in both clientinit and ondeploy.
Add all pie projectile variations.
FoodVisualConfig setup for entity/third person too.
3rd person pie animation fix
Pie world model visuals now match their view model versions: matching tin colour and correct toppers.
Added WorldModelVisualConfig for applying FoodVisualConfigs to world model items.
Fixed pie tin tinting.
Assigned placeholder tin colours for all pie VMs.
Food visual color tinting support via property block.
Refactored some FoodViewModel visual config code so I can use it for the world and 3p models going forwards.
WIP tint code.
Merge from main very latest now it's working again
Pies folder/naming cleanup. Manifest.
Setup food_pie_generic.entity materials
Fix being able to spam the eat action
Added and assigned what icon
Manifest update for new items.
Egg icon.
Setup 8 pie types: Items, recipes, pie VM settings.
Added them to recipe list.
Linked chicken pie output item to chicken pie recipe.
Added Brea recipe/item.
Codegen/manifest to get bet branch working again
Fix? 3p pies anim import weirdness
Assign hold anim override
Fix return from aim frame range to remove glitching.
Update anim controller for smoother/less delayed return on aim release.
Assign a temp pie impact effect to prevent NRE
Add support for throwing individual items in a stack instead of the entire stack.
Setup pie anim controller to return to deploy after throw.
Better throw event timing in anim
Throw anim frame mismatch fix
Added generic pie.projectile.
Setup test pie items as throwable.
Bunch of throwing setup.
Removed revolved VM from vm.
Setup throwing VM events.
Converted Food heldentity to BaseMelee
Update 1st Pass Pie Animations
Improved plant pot deployment rules
Tweaked corn plant meshes to prevent them from clipping into the pots
Added more geometric details to make corn higher poly and in line with more recent models
Added colored SSS map for corn
Merge from wip branch.
Set plant pot lost changes.
Fix plant pot not working after merge from main
- Merge Conflicts
- Manifest
- Codegen
main -> cookingv2 (shit ton of merge conflicts)
Apple pie temp icon, setup.
Setup Bread Worldmodel and Item Prefab
Created Bread Icon
Updated Game Manifest
Set eat anim to return to deploy anim when completed ready for the next food item in the stack, if there's any left.