
176 Commits over 61 Days - 0.12cph!

3 Months Ago
super basic in-editor marching cube setup to make experimenting a bit easier
3 Months Ago
bumped render queue on hit guide up to avoid issues with disappearing inside sculpture at times
3 Months Ago
handling item condition properly on ice sculpture deployables
3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
added SculptingToolData to all relevant weapons (currently any melee weapon that does stab damage)
3 Months Ago
better defaults on sculpting tool data
3 Months Ago
hit guide for carving/smoothing is painted onto the ice itself in the sculpture shader, additive mode still uses the 3D sphere hit guide as it's more appropriate to that mode - also some cleanup and a fix for the hit guide getting stuck when switching items in some situations
3 Months Ago
added additive mode for tools that puts ice back - only on the ice pick right now for testing
3 Months Ago
initial smoothing from water splashes - can't splash with sprinklers (too high amount requirement)
3 Months Ago
merge from main
3 Months Ago
initial support for per-tool carving settings - separated mask of carving modes and settings for shapes / sizes - only added to the jackhammer and icepick, need to set it up for all other piercing damage melee weapons
3 Months Ago
Ice shader: triplanar normal map correction
3 Months Ago
Ice shader: fix culling/flickering when gpu instancing is enabled
3 Months Ago
handling serverside collision with a coarse collider, this disallows shooting through holes made in the sculpture
3 Months Ago
removed old unused ice textures now we have the composite texture
3 Months Ago
not completing sculpture physics bake in the main thread and instead deferring completion until before the next physics step - drastically reduces impact of sculpting and loading sculptures on the main thread, the bake is generally finished before the frame is finished
3 Months Ago
merge from main
3 Months Ago
ammended sculpture belt switching logic to be less confusing when the sculpture is locked
3 Months Ago
removed material duplicates that are being handled with an mpb in code - only difference is fresnel power being 6.5 instead of 4.5 on one of them, need to check if that's intentional or not
3 Months Ago
hooked up new light setup in code
3 Months Ago
LOD fix
3 Months Ago
Light materials.
3 Months Ago
Lighting prefab with full color palette.
3 Months Ago
Ice shader: use packed textures to reduce texture sampling, and clean up GUI
3 Months Ago
missing cleanup
3 Months Ago
changed carving/smoothing to use a flat-ended capsule (sphere where the carve starts but with a flat cap) and use a constant depth, oriented to the player's view when carved - makes carving feel more consistent at different carving sizes as you couldn't easily see how deep the carve would have been before
3 Months Ago
fixed backwards WriteOnly/ReadOnly attributes on job and changed bad naming that caused it
3 Months Ago
corrected readonly attributes on jobs that were mistakenly using a facepunch one due to namespaces
3 Months Ago
tweaked ice sculpture IO input rotations, also rendered new icon
3 Months Ago
corrected material initialization logic so emissive material and property is actualy set when loading
3 Months Ago
saving/loading sculpture light settings
3 Months Ago
set dayaans material values to the default, tweaked tiling of cracks slightly, tweaked ice colour to be a bit more blue in anticipation of the ice_composite texture consisting of R - albedo G - Height - B - Smoothness - A ao. Old textures can now be removed once Dayaan has hooked up the new texture
3 Months Ago
toast to show if you're trying to edit a sculpture while it's locked
3 Months Ago
any edited sculpture shows picture CornerIcon in UI
3 Months Ago
Ice shader: screensize and edge length now factor into tessellation
3 Months Ago
server compile fix
3 Months Ago
merge from main
3 Months Ago
Ice shader: change tangent space normal blending to world space, make occlusion map align with normal map sampling, and frost now impacts alpha
3 Months Ago
fixed lod1 uv1 for emissive broken
3 Months Ago
colour picker fixes/cleanup - added support for multiple renderers - using MaterialPropertyBlock rather than Material - deleted per-colour materials other than on/off variants
3 Months Ago
set up emissives and diffrent light colours + materials
3 Months Ago
added IO artwork and light to ice pedestal, added emissive on UV2, added to gibs, set up IO positions and test emissive materials
3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
merge from main (needs codegen)
3 Months Ago
Added a light with configurable color to ice sculptures
3 Months Ago
basic IO setup of sculpture - temp port positions, can just use On flag to toggle lights
3 Months Ago
Ice shader: add tangent reconstruction normals will now behave properly, improve parallax offset calculation, and add frost min/mid/max sliders.
3 Months Ago
Disabled the animation from HitGuide because DepthBuffer limitations, hashtag sadface.
3 Months Ago
Fluffed up the hit marker. (Kinda needs soft blend tho)
3 Months Ago
Ice sculpture item setup