
223 Commits over 457 Days - 0.02cph!

8 Months Ago
Updated locker to 42 slots to fit new parachute slot Updated locker behaviour to only allow backpacks in the new slot Updated both deployable and camper versions
8 Months Ago
Client compile fix
8 Months Ago
Fixed supply drops missing their parachute prefab, as that prefab is now the player parachute Added the old parachute prefab back in, it's no longer an entity (see parachute_supplydrop.prefab) Supply drops now just turn their parchute on and off with a flag
8 Months Ago
SAM sites can now target parachutes
8 Months Ago
Unpacked parachute no longer collides with vehicles (same layer/rules as dropped items)
8 Months Ago
Merge from main
8 Months Ago
Getting hit with grande launches no longer flings parachute up in the air Parachutes will no longer respond to explosion forces
8 Months Ago
Fixed locker nre when swapping with a parachute equipped (lockers now ignore the parachute slot entirely, we'll probably change this behaviour in the future)
8 Months Ago
Fixed parachute not being able to be worn with a regular hazmat
8 Months Ago
More entering network range checks
8 Months Ago
Potential ClientOnPlayerMounted NRE fix
8 Months Ago
Made some very temp placeholder changes to the unpacked parachute model
8 Months Ago
Reparent the parachute animator to spine2 while the player has a weapon equipped and is in the parachute, prevents the parachute canopy moving as the player aims
8 Months Ago
Apply damage to the player when the parachute is destroyed due to a collision based on the collision force Regular landings with a full health parachute incur no damage, falling at maximum possible speed on a parachute with 1 health will incur 50 damage
8 Months Ago
First pass on parachute falling faster and becoming harder to control as it takes damage
8 Months Ago
Update the players wear container capacity if loading a save from an earlier version
8 Months Ago
Merge from main
8 Months Ago
Add some temporary LODs to the parachute so it renders from a distance Increase hits required to take down a parachute - now around 15 rifle shots Increase size of parachute hitbox and fixed some misaligned boxes
8 Months Ago
Fixed debug.spawnparachutetester not working after slot change
8 Months Ago
Mearge from parachute/wear_slot
8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Added a convar to disable the landing animations
8 Months Ago
Added position support for the animated screen shake
8 Months Ago
Update first person landing animation to match third person anim Fixed hands staying visible after landing
8 Months Ago
Snappier landing animation when landing the parachute
8 Months Ago
More transition rule changes
8 Months Ago
Improvements, fixes
8 Months Ago
Testing out a heavy landing animation, implementing via a full body non looping gesture that's triggered by the server on landing Fixed an issue where the animator would transition to the parachute mounted animation instead of the deploy animation
8 Months Ago
Merge from main
8 Months Ago
Unpacked parachutes now start decaying after an hour, takes an hour to fully decay
9 Months Ago
parachute anim update
9 Months Ago
Apply unsaved controller change
9 Months Ago
Fixed parachute backpack getting duplicated while deployed
9 Months Ago
Fixed parachute rig getting stripped when set up in a wearable Parachute vehicle now has access to a ParachuteController component that can handle the animator Added forward and right parameters to parachute animator Fixed parachute not properly disengaging when the player hits water
9 Months Ago
rigged parachute, deploy anim, animator setup, added to backpack deployed prefab
9 Months Ago
Server compile fix
9 Months Ago
Merge from main
9 Months Ago
Players can no longer dismount the parachute for a second after deploying the parachute (see BaseVehicle.AllowPlayerInstigatedDismount) Prevents accidentally dismounting the parachute if player is spamming the Space key to deploy The player can still be dismounted during this window via other means (hitting something, getting shot, etc) Only run the landing camera animation if the player is dismounted due to a collision
9 Months Ago
Fixed animated screen shake not working properly, now has to be parented to a player to work WIll only apply to the camera if it's parented to the LocalPlayer
9 Months Ago
Merge from main
9 Months Ago
New screen shake component - AnimatedScreenShake Takes an AnimationClip, caches the rotation curve values at edit time and then replays the animation at runtime via the ScreenShake system Not quite working yet
9 Months Ago
Folder organising
9 Months Ago
Fixed parachute not disengaging if it hits the ocean
9 Months Ago
Fix first person camera calculating wrong rotation when the player flies through a parent volume Parachutes can no longer be parented
9 Months Ago
Add a very tall diving tower to craggy for testing
9 Months Ago
Add analytics: start height, distance travelled, flight time
9 Months Ago
Added an animation based collider system for handling the parachute colliders A lot of the visual parachute motion is now handled by the player animation, not the vehicle so this adjusts the colliders to match the visual based on the current input For consistency this animator runs on both the server and client
9 Months Ago
Fixed colliders not matching new art
9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
Fixed first person camera changing height incorrectly if player is in water while a parachute is equipped