
223 Commits over 457 Days - 0.02cph!

9 Months Ago
Improved animation transition when deploying parachute quickly after jumping
9 Months Ago
Server compile fix
9 Months Ago
Show a dedicated first person canopy
9 Months Ago
Fixed screen shake of any parachute affecting every player in network range
9 Months Ago
Added debug.spawnParachuteTester Spawns a bot at the players position + a given height (defaults to 20m), copies the players inventory to that bot, adds a parachute to inventory and deploys the parachute Handy for testing and target practice
9 Months Ago
Fixed regression causing all random variants of the abyss suit to show at once
9 Months Ago
Switch ParachuteSeat over to SledSeat class for IK handle support (eventually) Move visual art to the wearable via a new parachute.back.deployed hidden item Fixed BoneRetarget scripts causing pooling errors
9 Months Ago
Added parachute canopy art
9 Months Ago
Fixed parachute throwing collision error on standalone client
9 Months Ago
Server compile fix
9 Months Ago
Improve transitions out of the skydive animation
9 Months Ago
Give parachutes their own protection properties, make them a bit tougher Takes 4 rifle shots to take down, still needs more tuning
9 Months Ago
Don't go to the skydiving animation while noclipping
9 Months Ago
Fixed projectile invalids when firing from a parachute
9 Months Ago
Merge fixes Reduced pickup time of unpacked parachute to 8s (was 12s)
9 Months Ago
Merge from main
9 Months Ago
Added support for a mountable to equip an item of clothing on the player while mounted (see wearWhileMounted on BaseMountable)
9 Months Ago
Parachute lines now get updated all the time, not just after the deploy animation
9 Months Ago
Fixed abyss suit spinning wheels not being disabled when a parachute is equipped
9 Months Ago
Added temp parachute backpack model Detached backpack models from makeshift + nomad Set up all hazmat prefabs to remove backpack models
10 Months Ago
updated skydiving player anims
10 Months Ago
Parachute straps now properly attach to player's back (temp until more final art)
10 Months Ago
Merge from main
10 Months Ago
Added detailed colliders so that parachutes can be shot at
10 Months Ago
Show parachute health on HUD Client compile fix
10 Months Ago
Move the first person camera closer to the actual model head bone position while freefalling with a parachute, fixes distorted legs view
10 Months Ago
If a player is dismounted from the parachute due to a collision in the first 1.5s of the deploy they will be hurt with fall damage (up to 80 damage)
10 Months Ago
Better animation transition if the player cuts their parachute while the deploy is in process Parachute.bypassRepack convar bypasses the pickup duration Added drag to the unpacked parachute so it falls a bit nicer Fixed condition not getting applied properly
10 Months Ago
Protection properties for unpacked parachute Parachute is now saved and allows sleeper mounting for nexus shenanigans
10 Months Ago
Added overridePickupTime to entity pickup settings, parachute takes 12s to pick up
10 Months Ago
Fixed backpack notifies not working after 85060
10 Months Ago
Reworked parachute repacking process, instead of adding an "unpacked' parachute to the players inventory when landing the unpacked parachute now gets dropped in world space Player can pick it up like any other item to repack it
10 Months Ago
Rework how we update the current backpack item since we don't send the main item container to other players Use the player's save data to store a current backpack item id so it's always accessible to everyone
10 Months Ago
Added a little backpack icon to the current backpack item in the main inventory Fixed not being able to move a backpack around in the inventory
10 Months Ago
Don't save the parachute (we can't reconnect the player after reboot so don't go parachuting during a server restart)
10 Months Ago
Merge from main
10 Months Ago
Slight camera motion improvement when equipping weapons, unequipping weapons still has a slight camera snap
10 Months Ago
BaseMountable now calls ModifyCamera on it's VehicleParent (if it has one) Better camera control on parachute, lock the players eye position to it's actual model eye position
10 Months Ago
Introduce drag gradually over a second as the parachute is deployed for a more natural look
10 Months Ago
Refactor foot ik to have less huge blocks of copy and pasted code Fix foot Ik caching a bad position if the foot IK raycast does't hit anything, leads to better responsiveness when landing
10 Months Ago
Adjust interruption rules on jump animation for better responsiveness when landing on the ground
10 Months Ago
Added freefalling blend tree animation, normalize forward and right animation parameters when falling with a parachute equipped
10 Months Ago
added fall to skydive anim and new state in animator, updated skydive idle loop
10 Months Ago
Improved the animation transition from jump to fall
10 Months Ago
Added a slight forwards/backwards tilt based on input
10 Months Ago
Add some slight view shake while parachuting
10 Months Ago
Added backpack item flag, can only have one backpack flagged item in inventory at a time Marked open and closed parachute items as backpacks
10 Months Ago
Added new ItemDefinition flag: NotAllowedInBelt Applied to parachute
10 Months Ago
Merge from main
10 Months Ago
Fix not being able to equip hazmat suits Remove back slot on Wearable occupation slots