
358 Commits over 213 Days - 0.07cph!

9 Years Ago
autoturret no longer costs ak47, costs more hqm instead (cheaper!)
9 Years Ago
Fixed trippy/wonky rivers (RUST-1072)
9 Years Ago
Restored BaseMelee sprinting behaviour when pressing attack or aiming Fixed long-time issue where attack actions were delayed one frame while sprinting
9 Years Ago
crash fix with more than 6 owners ( maybe ) nerfed xp gain from others using your tools from 100% to 20% (derp)
9 Years Ago
Network++ Save++
9 Years Ago
Updated manifest Fixed server failing to start up if entity deleted in load
9 Years Ago
more unused anims deleted
9 Years Ago
Bullets are hitscan for the first x meters (initialDistance) Fixed bullets not actually firing until the next frame
9 Years Ago
Added third person throwing anims + clips
9 Years Ago
Deleted unused controllers & vm anims
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Save spawnable's population, restore on load
9 Years Ago
Item owner UI
9 Years Ago
Copying hash shit from main
9 Years Ago
print working dir
9 Years Ago
Print EAC command line
9 Years Ago
Verified that community UI works
9 Years Ago
RUST-678 Shadow distance & shadow cascades not saved to cfg
9 Years Ago
RUST-1071 Better player feedback when cancelling an item in crafting queue
9 Years Ago
Reverted to slower build process that actually works gfy unity
9 Years Ago
Clutching at straws
9 Years Ago
More tweaks
9 Years Ago
Build retry on failure
9 Years Ago
Copy speed test
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
RUST-1077 ServerMgr.Xp.GetAgent bug
9 Years Ago
Staggered unity launching
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
merge into prerelease
9 Years Ago
Error ourputting
9 Years Ago
Build tweaks
9 Years Ago
Less parallelism
9 Years Ago
deleting unused controllers
9 Years Ago
Throwable weapons balancing
9 Years Ago
Quick Craft
9 Years Ago
Tweaked LookupShortPrefabName / LookupShortPrefabNameWithoutExtension
9 Years Ago
Tweaked disconnect message when exception is thrown
9 Years Ago
Added teleportpos, printpos, printrot admin console commands
9 Years Ago
Fixed mushroom prefabs
9 Years Ago
EAC update
9 Years Ago
Steamworks paths
9 Years Ago
Fixed (potential) robocopy stall
9 Years Ago
Fixed thread limits
9 Years Ago
Updating RustBuild (trying to speed up builds)
9 Years Ago
Notice fixes
9 Years Ago
Context menu tweaks
9 Years Ago
Craft menu scroll speed
9 Years Ago
RUST-1074 XP bar covering screen after client stall
9 Years Ago
Merge from throwable_weapons
9 Years Ago
RustBuilder build