
358 Commits over 213 Days - 0.07cph!

9 Years Ago
Merge from main
9 Years Ago
Fixed see players through walls with motion blur (RUST-1069)
9 Years Ago
Bundle tweaks
9 Years Ago
Comile fix
9 Years Ago
Hud Notice system Added notice for level up, item available with non placeholder sounds
9 Years Ago
changing 4300 files on a hunch
9 Years Ago
Crafting queue cleanup Double click craft Touched 2800 meta files for no good reason
9 Years Ago
Benchmark results use a truncated average instead of plain average Rendermode benchmarks
9 Years Ago
fixed issue with some of the female clothing having "Madonna tits"
9 Years Ago
Merge from main
9 Years Ago
Rebuilt plugins, updated launcher with eac client dll
9 Years Ago
RustBuilder rebuild
9 Years Ago
Merge from main
9 Years Ago
Made blueprint corner status indicators neater
9 Years Ago
Fixed antialias not working Removed multiple procmap benchmarks Added barren benchmark Added postprocess benchmarks Disable motion vectors if motion blur disabled
9 Years Ago
Removed debug output from crafting ui
9 Years Ago
Fixed space pressing buttons after menu is closed Fixed pie menu drawing over the top of inventory/crafting Rock can be crafted Fixed uncomfortable rock repeat rate
9 Years Ago
Menu UI Scale
9 Years Ago
Fixed mainmenu obscuring the belt bar (!) Fixed Drag icons sometimes not showing, made bigger
9 Years Ago
Temporary b22 shader fix
9 Years Ago
Nametag tweaks
9 Years Ago
Fixed glowing eyelashes
9 Years Ago
Disabled UI dithering until we can come up with something that isn't shit Fixed front page news header image bugs
9 Years Ago
Should fix #harvest pumpkin tooltip
9 Years Ago
Server history scroll speed Key bind option for craft menu Water quality defaults to high Tooltips for some options
9 Years Ago
Load mainmenu from scene (not scene2prefab) Load mainmenu.serverbrowse from scene (should do this for all mainmenu subpanels tbh) ingame menu background tweaks Redone options screen so it doesn't look like a hairy bag of dicks Options turns bloom off works Option to turn motion blur off
9 Years Ago
Motion blur experiment
9 Years Ago
Split inventory/crafting into separate scenes UI background blur is more generic instead of being tied to inventory menu
9 Years Ago
XP Hud changes
9 Years Ago
Fixed procmap benchmark
9 Years Ago
merged from main
9 Years Ago
Fixed autoturret serialization
9 Years Ago
Ores don't show health bar
9 Years Ago
More shitty ass bundling shit
9 Years Ago
Fixed NRE's in GeneratePrice @helkus
9 Years Ago
Builder fixes
9 Years Ago
Create less bundles
9 Years Ago
Server builder fix
9 Years Ago
More build speed experiments
9 Years Ago
Build process reshuffle.. build faster you prick!
9 Years Ago
physics.steps for client (devs)
9 Years Ago
use localPosition where possible (evaluating perf difference)
9 Years Ago
Death/Kill messages include steamid
9 Years Ago
Fixed momentarily locking move keys after submitting chat
9 Years Ago
Pie menu scene resave
9 Years Ago
Ores fix (I think, this might cause issues?)
9 Years Ago
ran Scene 2 Prefab
9 Years Ago
Replaced deprecated calls to RenderTexture.isCubemap Moved process GPU device requests call to MainCamera.cs Added "terrain.atlasmipfix" and "terrain.basetexcomp" commands to disable all native gfx api calls (only pvt and these two features use them) Added comments regarding terrain.* commands to ConVar.Terrain script
9 Years Ago
Fixed holosight item showing a phantom file / duplicate error
9 Years Ago
Fixed protocol