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8 Years Ago
female vox level edits
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Added generic unit collection settings,
8 Years Ago
female vox level edits
8 Years Ago
- More Behaviour Tree learning
8 Years Ago
rebuilt merge fups
8 Years Ago
UnitSettingsEditor NRE fix
8 Years Ago
merge from prerelease
8 Years Ago
Trigger radius for senses should be a bit smaller now
8 Years Ago
Removed another range check for ranged abilities
8 Years Ago
Fixed bad field instantiation in UnitSettings
8 Years Ago
Unit collections tab in data editor
8 Years Ago
fixed item description text
8 Years Ago
UnitCollection now has a proper data type (UnitCollectionSettings)
8 Years Ago
Fixed bad merges
8 Years Ago
Action.BreakChain renamed to Break, logs on break when agent.Entity is selected for debug
8 Years Ago
Fixed moving to target Abilities not having access to current combat ability
8 Years Ago
EAC hashtool config test
8 Years Ago
Moved tick of Effects away from Sim Tick.
8 Years Ago
Lets only clean up the dead after Post state of sim tick
8 Years Ago
Benchmark results use a truncated average instead of plain average Rendermode benchmarks
8 Years Ago
RustBuilder update
8 Years Ago
Removed range check for ranged attacks when shooting.
8 Years Ago
Temp caching target for slightly better readability.
8 Years Ago
EAC hashtool config updates
8 Years Ago
made ragdolls stop glitching when scale is not 1 add force to correct bone from correct distance in ragdoll when hit by arrows(has some other problems)
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Some minor cleanup to the combat ability selector code and a suggestion/comment.
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
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8 Years Ago
feature complete ownership functonaility (unless its broken )
8 Years Ago
Clamp Unit senses radius to 75, fixed scale of the trigger itself
8 Years Ago
- Started porting the simple AI to Behaviour Designer as a learning exercise
8 Years Ago
ActionState reset handling/cleanup Fixed Wait Action state handling causing errors
8 Years Ago
Desires debug
8 Years Ago
Desire.Equals overloads compare DesireParameters rather than Desire
8 Years Ago
Desires data properly assigned in Unit.Desires.AddDesire
8 Years Ago
Added timeout to package collision
8 Years Ago
Added SEGI beta
8 Years Ago
fixed issue with some of the female clothing having "Madonna tits"
8 Years Ago
Merge from main
8 Years Ago
Launcher rebuild
8 Years Ago
Desire creation allocation avoidance in actions Fixed UnitViewUtility not updating prefabs from source correctly Audio file metas
8 Years Ago
Rebuilt plugins, updated launcher with eac client dll
8 Years Ago
More LSO tweaks: reduced bias, now more pronounced everywhere, increased radius and exponent
8 Years Ago
Added Desire creation support to BehaviourChain Selector elements, exposed via editor and handled by UnitDecisionMaker (no longer hooked up in DSE/DecisionContext) Desire no longer stores DesireParameters, instead derived types store data as properties Removed IDesire interface since base Desire no longer requires generics
8 Years Ago
LSO: Fixed decal materials not receiving LSO LSO: Fixed state not saved to cfg (RUST-1051) LSO: Added intensity param set to 0.9 to improve balance between darkest and lightest LSO: Fixed height normalization error LSO: Added max height map size (4096)
8 Years Ago
RustBuilder rebuild
8 Years Ago
Merge from main
8 Years Ago
replaced and added female vox deselects