userAdam Wcancel

11,556 Commits over 3,591 Days - 0.13cph!

1 Year Ago
Applied shelved previous work. Merged to date from main and merge fixes. Initial fixes/wip.
1 Year Ago
merge from ai_aboveground
1 Year Ago
▆▆▍█▊ ▋█▄▊▅█▄ █▍▉▋▅█▍▇ ▌▉ ▄▋▆▇▉ █▌▆█ ▍▄█▉▄▍▆ ▇▇▉▅▅▄▇▉ ▊▋▍▊██ ▌▌▉▋▅▆. ▆▆▅▄▆. ▇▋▉ ▄▍█.
1 Year Ago
merge from nms
1 Year Ago
Hooked up prefab to animator and added code calls to EntityFlag_Toggle events
1 Year Ago
cherry pick 81315, animation code
1 Year Ago
override outdoor AI stats
1 Year Ago
first pass outdoor/buildings cover data
1 Year Ago
merge from nms
1 Year Ago
Code to toggle anim. Not hooked up yet as art/prefab needs some tweaks.
1 Year Ago
merge from ai_aboveground
1 Year Ago
Update scene with navmesh obstacle prefab. s2p.
1 Year Ago
fix a gap in the fence obstacles
1 Year Ago
Added fence navmesh obstacle prefab
1 Year Ago
Re-enable spawners on my branch
1 Year Ago
merge from nms
1 Year Ago
Disable above ground spawners for now.
1 Year Ago
Enable force collect terrain for navmesh. Scene. s2p.
1 Year Ago
merge from ai_aboveground
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
building move data
1 Year Ago
main outdoor move points
1 Year Ago
merge from nms
1 Year Ago
Initial above ground setup
1 Year Ago
scene, s2p.
1 Year Ago
Expanded AI_MiddleMiddle AIZ to include new corridor area. Added move & cover point data. Updated AI prefab.
1 Year Ago
Updated AI prefab to point spawners to new NVG variant scientists
1 Year Ago
Added ScientistNPC_Roam_NVG_Variant variant prefab. Added an additional NVG loadout with LR300 to match other scientist possible loadouts.
1 Year Ago
Added UsesAsOffset bool to LerpBetweenPointsBool to force offsetPosLocal to actualy work as an offset (defaults to false to preserve old behaviour)
1 Year Ago
merge from silo/ai
1 Year Ago
Set new NMS specific door prefab instances to not be security doors so they don't break the navmesh. (not needed as security doors). s2p.
1 Year Ago
Enabled read/write on new radio tower & worklight meshes to fix navmesh gen error spam.
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Added Scientist.NVGM loadout. Set spawners to equip it.
1 Year Ago
merge from main/scientist_nvgm
1 Year Ago
merge from silo
1 Year Ago
▆▄▄▍▉ ▌█▉▇▍▍▉▅▉█ ▍▍▄▍▇▊▇ ▄█ ▇▉██▄▉▋▇ ▆▋█ ▋▄▄▋▊██
1 Year Ago
▊▊▉▍▆ ▉▅▄ ▊▅▆▉▋▍▍▌▌▍ ▌▇▍▄ ▆▋▌ ▆▅▇▊▉▌▄▆ ▊▊▉▌ ▊▍▋▉▅█▊▍ ▇█▅▌▊ █▄█▌▋▉▇
1 Year Ago
Icon fixes, text fixes, added double horse icon for purchase. Phrases.
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
Weapon racks can now opt to use colliders instead of grid pos to determine hovered weapon. Freestanding vertical rack now uses this method for more accuracy.
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
client/server compile fix
1 Year Ago
Make a couple of functions not static so that their RPCs get generated correctly
1 Year Ago
fixes, optimisations, refactoring, manifest.
1 Year Ago
▊▉▌'▇ ▇▇▌▇▆ ▆▉▄▋▆▄▋ ▌▉ ▉▊▅▉▋ ▌█▇▅▄▇ ▄▍▊▅▊▌ ▋▌▊▄▊▄ █▊ ▌▅▄▄▋▉▍▅▆ ▇▌ ▆▄▌▍▍▄▅ ▋▄▅▇▍▌ ▄▇ ▇▍▅▉▍▉▊ ▍▌▊▇▆██ █▍▊ ▇▆█ ▌▍ ▌▋▍▉▆ ██▉▆. ▅▍▇▆ ▍▄▊▇▆▊ ▅▍ ▆▊▌▊ ▆▊▆▊.
1 Year Ago
assign saddles in prefab
1 Year Ago
apply shelved corpse fix code
1 Year Ago
merge from doubble saddle
1 Year Ago
merge from main