userAdam Wcancel

11,277 Commits over 3,500 Days - 0.13cph!

1 Year Ago
Refactored GingerbreadNPC so it doesn't override Scarecrow, ready for future changes. Switch Gingerbread NPC to use ginger bread brain. Added separate ginger bread AI design file.
1 Year Ago
Added GingerBread brain. Removed temp code from ScarecrowBrain. Moved ScarecrowNPC and ScarecrowBrain to new Gingerbread folder. Added gingerbread custom states.
1 Year Ago
more junkpile cover point improvements
1 Year Ago
Fixed junkpile_i cover points
1 Year Ago
Junkpile scientists are now more defensive in behaviour when player is further away. Attack range reduced.
1 Year Ago
Added sneak and non-vision max distance settings to AIBrain
1 Year Ago
Merge from client_ai_state_and_blendshapes
1 Year Ago
Gingerbread men maniacally alternate between happy and angry facial blendshapes when in an aggressive state.
1 Year Ago
merge from xmas22
1 Year Ago
EntityComponents can now be serialized. BaseAIBrain now serialises and syncs current AI state client-side if SendClientCurrentState is enabled. Added PlayerModel.SetBlendShapesMode() Gingerbread men now toggle between idle/angry face blendshapes. ProtoBuf / codegen. Gonna merge this tomorrow morning after I've doubled checked it all.
1 Year Ago
Junkpile bushes now block AI line of sight.
1 Year Ago
Fix for TakeCover state when no entity in memory. Used last attacked from position instead of just returning.
1 Year Ago
Also play weapon drop sound when a weapon is throw-mounted.
1 Year Ago
Added client rpcs to play the inventory sounds when mounting/grabbing weapons directly
1 Year Ago
Only allow items with rackconfig to be placed on rack. Can now place held item directly onto hovered empty target rack mount by pressing E. Better menu option toggling. Some cleanup.
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
can now throw weapons onto racks
1 Year Ago
Setup vertical mount weaponrock colliders
1 Year Ago
Can now take weapons directly from the rack
1 Year Ago
horizontal mount weapon rack
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Fixed a bug I accidentally refactored in for weapon skin display
1 Year Ago
Added RackMountConfig to all weapons and set them all up so they rotate/position uniformally.
1 Year Ago
Added a rack mount config script to apply to items. Quick tool script for saving weapon rack mount settings. Position items based on their rack mount config.
1 Year Ago
Reduced slots and increased spacing
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
More request control wip. Override ShouldNetworkOwnerInfo for frankenstein too.
1 Year Ago
request control wip
1 Year Ago
Can now relinquish control of a pet wthout disowning it. Added relinquish to pet wheel. Pets load their default AI design when pet control link is cleared.
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
Re-order some pre checks
1 Year Ago
IsControllingPet() now works client & server. Only allow harness access/linking when not currently controlling a pet.
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
merge from refactor
1 Year Ago
merge from ownership
1 Year Ago
fixed client/server compile errors
1 Year Ago
More distinction between ownership and active control. Can now clear active control link without disowning a pet. Map markets get correctly destroyed for uncontrolled but still owned pets. Dogs get disowned when removing harness. More cleanup.
1 Year Ago
wip ownership rework/simplficationa cross pet types
1 Year Ago
Simplify IPetEntity and refactored related code.
1 Year Ago
Bunch of refactoring and simplifying for ownership/petbrain related stuff.
1 Year Ago
Pet inventory can now hold non-harness items. Drop all items if harness removed. Only allow owner to access inventory.
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
Corpse prefab
1 Year Ago
animal vs pet target/threat behaviour changes
1 Year Ago
Increase base health. Added a player damage multiplier.
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
merge from main