2,823 Commits over 3,897 Days - 0.03cph!
Updated crouch anims, moved some old anims to unused
Updated strafe anims, added crouch strafe aim anims
Updated citizen base controller ( added strafe pistol anims to blendtree)
moved pistol walk anim to pistol folder
attachment position updates
rotated feet on world model, updated prefab, animator tweaks, added initial holdtype prefab
Attachements and anim event work
Anim events, worldmodel game prefab
Updated anims & controller, added shake effect
Burner & Healer celebs
Added to animators
Source anims
updated mortar celeb export
Initial bar bones prefab, controller, folders, rig and anims
RUST-120 - VM hammer - Fixed arm clipping with vm clothes
updated sitting generic pose RUST-119
Riot helmet LOD clipping fix RUST-48
removal of additional compound bow fbx/prefab
vm compound bow admire anim update
Added rigged world compound bow
Fixed arrowheads on viewmodel
Added rigged model to entity
reduced spec level on material
updated lods, added worldmodel prefab, nudged draw bow sounds
tweaked ironsight to match anim better,
added sounds and anim events,
updated skinning of strings,
updated prefab
super rough placeholder anims, initial setup of vm prefab & animator, parameters
removed jackhammer screenshake
Jackhammer -
Improved responsiveness,
added deploy sounds,
added slight screen shake during attack
jackhammer anims & controller updates
c4 updates merge from New c4 branch
updated viewmodel with toms new c4 model
updated deployed, world and entity prefabs
tweaked entity holdtype positioning
tweaked hand position on anims to avoid wire clipping thumb
removed additional c4 model prefab
Updated jackhammer anims, viewmodel prefab scaling
added clean vm export script
update to source vm paddle anims
Added generic sitting 360 pose (hands not gripping chair) and added to player animator
3rd person paddle anim source update
source vm jackhammer files
vm jackhammer placeholder anims
vm animator and prefab setup
Paddling anims
Animator parameters for sitting state
holdtype setup and placeholder anims
entity prefab
world model prefab & setup