2,822 Commits over 3,897 Days - 0.03cph!
changed pivot point & mesh position of bota bag world model
Added player flinch anims
updated vm bow source anim
updated anims, model, prefab & anim controller for view model bow
created bow_tier1 materials
updated bow vm source anim
Added player_rig_scalebones.fbx for artists
updated player_rig_scalebones source file
tweaked mesh to remove clipping
fixed hazmat pants prefab ( which broke when updating the mesh)
fiixed issues with hazmat pants mesh + added scale bone for waist
Added player sliding source file
updated scale bone positions in player_rig_scalebones source file
updated burlap trouser scale bones
Updated burlap trouser scale bone positions
Added spine1 scale bone to player_rig_scalebones source file
re-populated burlap trousers prefab (as mesh update broke it)
Skinned & re-exported burlap trosuers + LODS with additional scale bones
Updated vm bow source file
rigging update for bow viewmodel source file
Added placeholder sliding player anim
Updated torch & bone knife icon
Updated boneknife prefab - model & player anims now working
Added bone knife world model to reboot
Added anim events to torch 'lit' vm anims
Updated eoka & revolver wm prefabs
updated player rock attack source file
Eoka pistol now working in 3rd person
updated vm bota bag prefab
Edited stone hatchet wm prefab
Added temp stone hatchet world model ( No lods as new stone hatchet is currently being modelled)
updated player gestures source anim
Altered vm rock 'hit' reaction anim
Updated hammer wm prefab (so now he actually holds a hammer)
Updated view & world model rock prefabs & materials
Added unarmed 'Dont shoot' player gesture anim
Updated gestures source anim
Added player gestures anims ( point / thumbsup / wave )
Added gestures folder & anim source file.
Added alt attack to vm rock source file
updated vm hammer hit anim & added 'strike' anim event
updated player rock attack to better match timing of viewmodel
updated vm melee weapon anim contact points, reactions,events & controllers
Updated vm melee weapon source files
Added additional directional head flinch
vm melee hit anim updates
re-made bota bag vm prefab & transfered scripts ( as everytime something changes on the model it breaks the prefab)