31,406 Commits over 3,959 Days - 0.33cph!
Made paths flatten the terrain around them
Fixed that some monuments could still spawn inside each other
Refactored terrain maps to use 2D and 3D base classes
Added some additional set overloads to terrain maps
Added methods to push / pop the current editing target to terrain maps
Protocol++ (network + save)
Added maxCondition to item def
Don't wipe out the whole stack when eating
Fixed supply drop parachute not closing
Added ThrownWeapon HeldEntity type
Added c4 charge entity
Fixed warnings in ItemIcon
Added explosives/timed explosive charge items
Updated phrases
Can toggle nudity censor in F2 menu
F2 menu settings are now saved properly
Added process info to F1 menu if it can be retrieved on the current platform
Meat is now stackable
Medkits/Pills are stackable
Added missing twig roof skin
Fixed divide by zero
Fixed 0 health on building blocks
Reduced cost/health of all twig blocks
Added roof block
finished the 3rd person animations for pump shotgun.
set up the wm_sawnoffshotgun to use appropriate 3rd person animations
Fixed some warnings (still some left in ItemIcon, but I don't want to break it - cc garry)
adding corrugated_a generic textures
Protocol++ (non dev branch can't see building skin changes anyway)
Removing debugging from PlayerInput now that wakeup bug is fixed
Added F2 options to hide hud/chat/branding
Building blocks start off on the cheaper, more fragile "twig" set (non-balanced)
Removed health regen on building blocks
Placed building blocks start with max health
Upgrading a building block puts it on max health
Implemented topology, biome and color terrain map bakes and loads
Made terrain map bakes handle size mismatches gracefully
Removed NPCLocomotion raycast height snap fallback
Fixed harmless warning in PrefabPreProcess
Changed heightmap extraction from bake to runtime
Enabled normalmap extraction from compressed texture
Added runtime compression to colormap
Fixed cancelling queue'd craft not returning resources
Crafting can no longer take from or give to wearables slots
Items are no longer destroyed if inventory is full - they're dropped into the world
If furnace/campfire is full, will spit out items instead of losing them
Added drop notice
Fixed walking/running stopping when closing inventory menu
Fixed chat box opening again on submit
Chat has scrollable history
Can click on avatars in chat to view steam profile
Fixed too many veritices in canvas error if lots of chatting
Fixed PrefabPreProcess setting inactive prefabs to active after processing if in the editor
Added debug logs to CullCell
Fixed PrefabPreProcess calling Awake / OnEnable on preprocessed prefabs if inside the editor
Added debug logs to RandomDynamicPrefab
Removed NPCSurvey from SpawnHandler tick (causing slow / crashing resource respawn?)
Fix rock sounds not playing
some 3rd person animations for the pump shotgun
Debugging not being able to wake up
Fixed stack splitting dupe bug
Catch & report RPC exceptions nicer
Fixed EAC banned users sometimes not getting kicked properly
Fixed NRE in RandomDynamicPrefab.EnterView
If network exception disconnection, tell server what the exception was
Handle main menu news not loading properly
Fixed blurry menu texture
Fixed UI scaling wrong on 4:3
Fixed some player chat messages just printing "SERVER"
Fixed white line on Steam avatars
Fixed not being able to drag from belt bar or some of loot bar
Put corpse inventory container first (temp hack, so can loot corpse body)
Added experimental tiling per splat; only on legacy shader atm
Unbroke blend mask toggle
Attempt at fixing TerrainPaint splats going retard sometimes
Terrain atlas generator now throwing error on invalid splat texture size
Fixed being able to drag empty icons
Added Pickup notifications
Added blend masking toggle to TerrainPaint, for debugging purposes
Fixed TerrainPaint mismatched splat channel ordering in play mode
NPC no longer jump far ahead after being updated slowly.
Added skinned male variant head with LODS
Added some randomization to rad towns 2 and 3
Added randomized mushrooms to more trees
Fixed pointless allocations in AISense
Changed AIObstacleRedirect to AISenseRedirect
Fixed ItemIcon shader being grayscale on OS X