userDamian Lazarskicancel

2,165 Commits over 3,044 Days - 0.03cph!

6 Years Ago
Wooden cabins Simplified coliders Fixed wrong material on LODs
6 Years Ago
Dredge dressing Ladder triggers Dredge lights
6 Years Ago
Tweaked swamp water material Tweaked swamp tree bark materials Made swamp trees larger
6 Years Ago
Replaced dredge with prefabs
6 Years Ago
Dredge LOD/COL/Prefabs
6 Years Ago
Painted swamp topology
7 Years Ago
Wooden cabin material update
7 Years Ago
Added swamps to procedural map, added ocean
7 Years Ago
Bandit town dredge update
7 Years Ago
Dredge LODs and vertex color update
7 Years Ago
Dredge and bandit town scene update
7 Years Ago
Dredge progress
7 Years Ago
Progress backup
7 Years Ago
Bandit town / updated dredge structure
7 Years Ago
Dredge texture/UV update / Added railings and hanging tires
7 Years Ago
Merge from main
7 Years Ago
Updated bandit town cabins
7 Years Ago
Finished swamp tree meshes Added leaves and alpha branches to swamp trees Vertex painted swamp cabins Various tweaks and optimizations to the bandit town scene
7 Years Ago
Bandit town scene progress
7 Years Ago
Bandit town splat and topology update
7 Years Ago
Bandit town scene progress Dredge greybox Expanded swamp water area
7 Years Ago
Bandit town scene progress Added sandbag/metal sheet cover checkpoints near entrances to the town Added hanging lanters to illuminate the area at night Optimized fog particles Added forest topology around the swamp Various other additions
7 Years Ago
Swamp scene progress
7 Years Ago
Swamp splat and heightmap update
7 Years Ago
Swamp splat update
7 Years Ago
Static wooden door
7 Years Ago
Bandit town scene progress Additional walkway variants Additional swamp tree variants Height fog New wooden cabin variants
7 Years Ago
Swamp placeholder material update
7 Years Ago
Bandit town scene progress added swamp tree greyboxes added placeholder swamp material
7 Years Ago
Wooden cabins modular pieces LOD/COL/Prefabs Walkway segments LOD/COL/Prefabs Updated swamp cabins scene
7 Years Ago
Bandit town progress / greyboxed wooden shack modular walls
7 Years Ago
Bandit town progress backup
7 Years Ago
Bandit town progress
7 Years Ago
Bandit town scene layout progress / wooden walkway greyboxes / mossy rock materials / swamp water material
7 Years Ago
Added powerlines to old monuments
7 Years Ago
Rotated electric poles in the compound
7 Years Ago
Replaced old powerlines in the compound monument
7 Years Ago
Electric poles / spotlight and snapped cable variants
7 Years Ago
Broken electric pole variant
7 Years Ago
New electric poles / removed old meshes
7 Years Ago
Slightly moved chillzone decal to prevent z-flickering / disabled shadow casting on the decal
7 Years Ago
Compound chll area dressing / added overgrowth to empty areas
7 Years Ago
More underwater rock formations / static driftwood / tweaked underwater create spawners around rock formations
7 Years Ago
Fixed incorrect prefab references in the rock_dressing scene
7 Years Ago
Updated underwater rock formation prefab and scene
7 Years Ago
Underwater rock formation test
7 Years Ago
Made compound emergency stairs wide to prevent the player from getting stuck
7 Years Ago
Tower scaffolding mesh/lod/prefabs
7 Years Ago
Rusty texture variant for compound scaffoldings
7 Years Ago
Compound emergency stairs meshes/coliders/prefabs