
346 Commits over 121 Days - 0.12cph!

1 Hour Ago
Added tree and ore gathering tests
4 Hours Ago
Fixed a few flow issues when running multiple test fixtures one after the other
Added player movement tests: checking basic character controller features like walking, sprinting, jumping and crouching
Added collectible tests: spawn every collectible prefab in the game and check that they can be picked up
TestParameterSource field and property support
Added TestParameterSource attribute to allow dynamic parameter sources for tests
Improved test results formatting Added WaitUntilWithTimeout yield instruction
2 Days Ago
IO switch tests
2 Days Ago
Fixed power passthrough set to 0 by default on empty outputs, to clarify when power is blocked and when power passes through
2 Days Ago
Added first IO acceptance tests for AND switch, OR switch, electrical branch and blocker
2 Days Ago
Added RustTestFixture, which includes helpers to easily spawn and destroy entities Cleanup and naming
2 Days Ago
Added SetUp and TearDown methods executed before and after each test
3 Days Ago
Added a simple custom testing framework
3 Days Ago
Fixed IO UI showing wrong power values when wiring entities from output to input
4 Days Ago
Fixed Coffin storage adaptor socket position
5 Days Ago
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6 Days Ago
Fixed potential NRE when TCs are killed
6 Days Ago
Merged main into electricity_power_fixes/2/doorcontroller
6 Days Ago
Door controllers now pulseable like before by buttons or pressure pads to quickly open/close a door
6 Days Ago
Fixed door controller not deployable on shelter doors
7 Days Ago
Fixed door controller IO UI overlapping doors interaction UI
7 Days Ago
Fixed Water Purifier missing deploy guide
7 Days Ago
Naming, cleanup, codegen
7 Days Ago
Naming, moved things around, removed unused code
7 Days Ago
More wire tool refactoring, the OnInput method mainly
8 Days Ago
Updated wire materials, fixed the weird reflection on directional materials
8 Days Ago
Refactored colored IO lines prefab spawning
8 Days Ago
Null check in RPC_DoPair
8 Days Ago
Toast instead of chat message when attempting to pair a door you aren't authed on
8 Days Ago
Merged wire-culling into wiretool_fixes2
8 Days Ago
Fixed colored wires reverted to default color when clearing one of their segments
8 Days Ago
Cleaned up and refactored wiretool color pie menu
8 Days Ago
When 'Power In' gets powered, if 'Close' is powered as well, close the door
8 Days Ago
Detect nearby explosives detonating, assigned a different power value to each explosive tier
9 Days Ago
Fixed doors going crazy when spamming power into door controllers, we now discard actions if the door is busy
9 Days Ago
Tweaked wooden shop front door controller socket position
9 Days Ago
Fixed high wooden gate and both hatches double door controller deployement
9 Days Ago
placeholder model and icon
9 Days Ago
Baseline, added new prefabs and placeholder assets
9 Days Ago
Set the chat input field character limit to 128, as we truncate messages to this length before sending them
9 Days Ago
Fixed long chat messages disappearing while being typed (disabled rect mask culling)
9 Days Ago
Adjusted shelves top collider to allow vertical barrel placement on the upper shelf
9 Days Ago
Fixed ice throne colliders
9 Days Ago
Adjusted double armored doors door controller socket positions Increased garage door door controller deploy bounds size
9 Days Ago
Fixed deploy volume physic layer
10 Days Ago
Removed door controller server-side colliders to make sure they don't intercept C4 damages and to disable vehicle collisions
10 Days Ago
Fixed an issue where side inputs were not being reset when the main power was cut
11 Days Ago
merge from electricity_power_fixes/2/doorcontroller
11 Days Ago
Fixed NRE when saving null io line anchors refs
12 Days Ago