3,310 Commits over 3,714 Days - 0.04cph!
can only pick up non-locked boxes
chair no longer syncs position
map writing enabled for mods
furnace costs 100 less wood
furnace no longer starts with wood
can pick up furnace if empty + hammer equipped + cupboard
can pick up fridge if empty + hammer equipped + cupboard
can pick up large storage if empty + hammer equipped + cupboard
can pick up small wood storage if empty + hammer equipped + cupboard
shelves can be placed overtop of existing boxes
map no longer needs a map item
map item uncraftable
F key toggles lights on car
updated sedan prefab with proper client collison meshes from minh
vehicles collide with deployables
better clientside collision for sedan
quicker sitting animations
skin approval
VehicleMovement hits triggers
sitting in chair provides 100% comfort
better exploit attempt logging
re-added player y position smoothing
nre fix in NearMountPoint
sound NRE fix
increased size of chair prevent building /deploy volume vertically
skin approval
a million mounted fixes
thompson has reduced aimcone
fixed condition not visibly scaling consumable properties in info panel
fixed tooltips getting stuck
vending machine really no longer drops items
auto turret loses target when it goes out of range
bradley can now drop a package of 12 tech trash instead of HQM
removed weird gather values from items
overlays no longer visible in third person (scope/helmet)
fixed missing ref on planters
manifest/prefab spam
fixed bradley loot table giving way too much
custom smg learnable recoil patterns and reduced aimcone
fixed flyhack catching people standing on vehicles
bradley shows smoke and fire based on current health
after not being attacked for 5 minutes, bradley heals over 60 seconds
code cleanup
improved helicopter searchlight
perhaps improved interpolator jitteriness
servergibs have proper mass
oilfireballs sort particles properly (oldest first)
fixed bradley lights on during the day
fixed bradley lights on on gibs
fixed missing ref for coax muzzle
fixed NRE when "spawn bradleyapc" command is used
updated helicopter explosion debris to not be large untextured brown sticks
updated helicopter damage effect to not be large untextured brown sticks
helicopter gun muzzle flashes now aim towards target instead of always aiming straight up
updated helicopter explosion fireballs
further adjusted some launch site props
tagged certain launch site path nodes as 'straightaways'
bradley will no longer turn 180 degrees when on a straightaway (won't get stuck)