3,310 Commits over 3,714 Days - 0.04cph!
fixed NRE when uploading icons
more approval junk
fixed bradley falling through the world when flipping over
bradley diverts traction to wheels that are touching rather than a uniform motor torque for all (climb obstacles easier)
bradley normal map fixes
bradley emissive fixes
bradley LOD fixes
idle sounds
engine exhaust
skin approval + icons
added special loot to launch site rooftops
increased barrel spawns at launch site
added repair bench, recycler, research table to launch site
added radiation pockets to launch site
fixed helicopter NRE when disconnecting
fixed NRE on static repair bench when changing skins
added eye bone to helicopter for spectating
adjusted barrel spawn rates
launch site loot spawn setup
added a dozen hobo barrels to launch site
fixed missing bonus/change effect on cave ores
vending machines display their available contents on the minimap
fixed instock exploit
added static hobo barrel
added hobo barrel to lighthouse
fixed cave ores being oldschool
removed debug.log from gibbable
fixed invisible barrels near sphere tank
chunkier barrel hit sound
barrel gib effect
pickup items play a sound instead of moving to inventory silently
gibs have an 'explode' option to push them away from the source object
fixed ores sometimes not giving the bonus on completion
fixed sand/snow ores not giving proper hqm yields
hqm bonus is now 2, relax
ores have a smash effect when changing stages
dropbox emission fixed
mailbox no longer auto submits items (must press button)
dropbox no longer auto submits items
dropbox stacks submitted items with like-kind
shotgun pellets have an affinity to stay grouped to the center (tighter spread)
shotguns have much faster damage falloff (30~m effective range)
fixed python smoke screen
slightly higher recoil on the AK47
right clicking items on mailbox properly inserts it into the correct slot
added dropbox
fixed quick-snap recoil compensation when compensating during full auto
storage containers spill their contents out from their drop position when killed
laser sight no longer reduces ADS aimcone
laser sight removes aimsway
laser sight reduces hipfire aimcone by 25%
laser sight more visible at distance
laser sight much cheaper
thompson 10 hqm cheaper
ak47 has 50% more durability
skin approval
skin icons
missing file (compile)
merge into main
pump shotgun costs 5 less hqm