3,309 Commits over 945 Days - 0.15cph!
▊▊▍▍█ ▇▅▊▍ ▍▆█_▅▋▉█▆▋▉_▉▇▇█ -> ▆▅█▌
▊▄▉ ▉▉▊▇▊▊▆ ▋▍▌▊▅▆ ▇▉▉▋▅ ▌▄ ▊▍▅▄▅▄ ▍▅▌ ▉▋▅▆ ▇▆▆▋▌▉▄▍█ ▌▆▄▊▍ ▊▋▌▍▄▋▍ ▍▊ █▉▅ ▉▋▄▍▇ ▄▉▍▌▅▇▋▍▉
merge from fix_amplify_import_times -> aux3
Fix amplify package reading content of every single file on initial import instead of only reading shader files
- in theory will reduce full rebuild times
Don't upload "breaking server rules" from the server either
Add option to report players for breaking server rules via the F7 menu
- events will only be sent to game servers
merge from fix_lod_camrea_nre -> main
Try fixing LOD camera NRE again
merge from fix_lod_camera_nre -> main
Fix NRE when LOD is calculating on main menu but no cameras are spawned
merge from fix_antihack_toast_reason -> main
When sending "Antihack!" toast to client, include the antihack reason that is blocking placement
- gives better information to bug reports
merge from fix_monument_scenes_osx -> main
merge from fix_monument_scenes_osx -> main
Fix monument scenes not working on osx because the scene's path was using windows line endings
merge from main -> fix_monument_scenes_osx
merge from fix_computer_station_invisible_lods -> main
Fix SERVER compile errors
▅▍▍▄▄█▄▄▅ ▍▍▄▆ ▆▊▍▊▉ ▊▌ ▌▌▅▍ ▄▄█▊██ █▉▇▋▊▋▋▇ & ▅▌▇▇▍▉ ▇▆▆▄▄▆▇▍ ▊▌▅▇ ▋▄▄▄▍█ ▉▋ >▉█▋ █▊▌▅ ▆█▋█ █▌▊▉▌▋
- ▇▉▅▄▉▌█▉ ▇▍▋▇ ▄▌▍▌▆▄ ▍▉▌ ▇▆▅▄█▌ ▇▋█▄█▆▇▉▍ ▇▊▍▉ ▆ ▌▇▌▇▍▇ ▍▉▉▊ ▊ ▉▇▍▄ ▆▄▍▄▄▅ ▌▌▌▇▄▋ ▆▍▉ ▉▄▇
- ▆▍▄▇▋ ▅▅▌▋▅▋█ ▌▍ ▇▉▊▆▋▍▉▄ ▄█▄▄▌▉▋▉ ▄▅▊▆▄▍▍ ▍▇▌ ▌▅▇ ▋▅██▅█▊ ▇▆▌▄▋▆▍
Delete duplicate but incorrect filename `editorconfig`, apply previous changes to `.editorconfig` instead
merge from fix_copypaste_shipping_container_color -> main
Fix shipping container colors being reset to random when pasting entities
merge from fix_telephone_grid -> main
Switch telephone to using the MapHelper class
Add `printgrid` command to debug position -> grid name code
Refactor teleport2grid so finding map grid based on string is inside MapHelper.cs
merge from wallpaper_analytics -> main
Add analytics when spraycan is used to change entity skin in the world
Log skin id of any entity submitted to analytics
merge from main -> wallpaper_analytics
fix codegen (used changes from different branch)
merge from main -> wallpaper_analytics
Lock high priority network queue behind convar `high_priority_network_queue`
merge from main -> network_queue_priority
merge from network_queue_priority -> aux3
Prototype: create a high property network update queue for building blocks, high walls & SAM sites
- this should cause bases to load in faster when travelling fast across the map (in vehicles)
merge from main -> enable_monument_scenes
merge from qol_rad_pills_buff -> main
Adjust bandit buy value to 10 scrap per anti-radiation pills
Increase radiation decrease amount from 25 -> 75
Decrease rad pill water consumption from 10 -> 5
Increase buy value at bandit camp from 1 -> 12 scrap
merge from qol_junkpile_despawn -> main
Fix all junkpiles despawning instead of only looted / empty ones
merge from main -> qol_junkpile_despawn
Subtract merge from broken queue_improvements branch
Cherrypick menu loading screen change
Cherrypick code changes from queue_improvements onto new branch