3,978 Commits over 1,035 Days - 0.16cph!
Fix IndexOutOfRange from prefabs without random weights in ItemModSwap inside primitive gamemode
Fix premium tag having to be clicked twice to open premium modal
Include 2 more background images for the premium modal
Fix premium tag offset vertically in loading screen
Remove `premiumfilter` test convar
merge from main -> premium_servers
merge from fix_runtime_profiling_pooling -> main
Fix pooling profiling not serializing the generic arguments of types
Fix network pool buffer sizes sending the index of the buffer instead of the size of it
merge from fix_copy_paste_duplicate_entities -> main
Fix copy paste pooling bug that was saving pastes with 2x the entities
merge from from fix_camper_map_marker_unclaim -> main
Fix only updating map markers when deleting your own bag and not others
merge from main -> fix_camper_map_marker_unclaim
merge from fix_protobuf_model_state_pooling -> main
Fix pooling error for client model state causing player to not jump when standing still
merge from main -> premium_servers
merge from premium_servers -> main
merge from server_browser -> premium_servers
More work on the premium modal
Add premium modal that describes what premium servers are
Update icon if premium qualification changes while UI is open
Add premium icon above your profile picture if you qualify for premium
Upload icons of premium icon
Show premium tag
Change premium filter to be opposite of normal filter
- show premium and non-premium servers if filter is selected
- remove premium filters if not selected
merge from premium_servers -> main
merge from server_browser -> premium_servers
Set premium tab disabled by default
Ensure servers in official tab always show regardless of having zero players or not
Sort premium servers first if you qualify for them, put them last if you don't qualify for them
- controlled by convar `prioritize_premium_servers`
- applies to all sorting of servers (players, ping, hostname, etc)
Add `premiumfilter` convar to add premium tag to servers while testing
- string filter to control what servers in the browser get the tag added
Apply tooltip to the base prefab instead of the variant
Update premium tag tooltip
Add premium tag to AutoCorrectTags()
Show lock icon when you don't qualify to join the premium server
- show nothing extra when you do qualify for it
Add `browser_premium_tab` convar to control if the premium tab is shown
Add new tab to the server list for premium servers
- similar to how official servers show in their own tab
Add filtering for the premium server tag
- like how you can filter by monthly, weekly, etc
Add premium server tag to tag list prefab
Add ability for servers to stay inside the same server list when forwarded from one server list to another
- allows us to forward servers from official list while keeping them in the official list
Refactor how the premium tag is added
Add `premium` server tag when `server.premium` convar is set
Ensure `premium` tag gets compressed
merge from fix_camper_map_marker_unclaim -> main
Fix camper not removing map marker when bed is cleared for up to 15 seconds
merge from craft_update -> aux2
merge from item_ownership -> crafting_update
Fix give command not setting item ownership
Set item ownership from the player deploying it when placing stackable items
- fixes industrial crafters not having an owner to assign items to
Fix item ownership throwing an error if the username is null
merge from crafting_update -> item_ownership
merge from fix_world_serialization_checksum -> main