3,978 Commits over 1,035 Days - 0.16cph!
Add `FullRebuild` option to the Jenkins script (default false)
merge from softcore_update -> aux2
merge from tc_changes -> softcore_update
merge from fix_premium_modal_typo -> main
Fix typo in the premium modal
merge from fix_item_ownership_halloween -> main
Fix halloween lootbags not giving out item ownership (due to no phrases being set)
merge from fix_premium_lock_favorite -> main
Remove button component from premium locked icon
- fixes server being favorited when clicking the lock
merge from fix_show_premium_label -> main
Rename `Premium` server browser to `Show Premium` to make it clearer what it does
merge from fix_item_ownership_filtering -> main
merge from copy_paste_clientside_fixes -> main
merge from fix_typecache_generic_name -> main
merge from persist_teas -> softcore_update
Add `keepteaondeath` convar to keep tea effects across death inside softcore
Prevent TC dropping corpse if the last building block of a base is destroyed
merge from softcore_update -> tc_changes
merge from softcore_update -> aux2
merge from tc_changes -> softcore_update
Set TC corpse protection to immune
Set decay of TC corpse to 48 hours
Add flag to TC to block every player from building `BlockAllFromBuilding`
- set the flag in the corpse prefab so it blocks base owners from building until the TC corpse is fully repaired
▋▌▊ `▋▄▅▍▅▄` ▄▇█▇ ▉▅ ▊▊▍▋█▍▆█▆ ▋▄ ▅█▇▄▉▄ ▌▍ ▉▋ █▅▌'▄ █▌ ▄▉▇▇▋██▉▊▍ ▇█▋█ ██ ▍▍▍▉▋▍▉▇ (▊█▍▇ ▅█ ▄▋ ▍▄▆ ▌▌ █▇▊▍▌▇▊▋)
Update bounds & cost to repair the TC corpse prefab
Fix authlist not being copied correctly from TC -> corpse
Ensure the storage corpse gets attached to the building the deployable belonged to (so it applies the correct TC privledge)
Send network update on the deployable once the corpse is fully repaired
Only kill the corpse once the deployable is fully setup
Add corpse prefab to normal TC prefab
Update manifest (radtown_1)
merge from softcore_update -> tc_changes
merge from main -> softcore_update
Add callback when corpse is spawned so we can transfer auth list onto invisible TC
Add invisible placeholder TC
- allows us to persist auth of a building when the TC is destroyed
- will be independent from the TC's corpse
merge from premium_servers -> main
Fixed premium refresh interval being set <5s, clamp it from 30s -> 1hr
Fix rotation of paste relative to admin seeming random
- was sending a Quaternion which is serialized with spaces and breaks command parsing and being read as a default rotation
Fix copybuilding not always working
- was sending transform.position instead of eyePos so it was raycasting from the admin's feet and sometimes missing the target
Add using statement when client recieves paste from server to dispose protobuf
merge from premium_servers -> main
Indicate which `hello` api call is the first one
Send pastes from client -> server on a different channel so they don't block player ticks from being sent and cause packet flooding
Add support for each overload of ServerRPC to change what channel it's sent on
- also fixed `SendMethod.Reliable` for each RPC not being sent assigned in SendInfo (it defaulted to reliable but best to fix)
Allow dashes and underscores in paste filename
Prompt users to use `--overwrite` if copying a paste will overwrite a local file
Print out number of entities saved when a paste is saved to the client
(stash from before the patch)
merge from main -> copy_paste_clientside_fixes
merge from premium_servers -> main