userJames Kingcancel

8,166 Commits over 3,837 Days - 0.09cph!

5 Months Ago
Sample from heightmap in worker thread
5 Months Ago
Rename sbproj
5 Months Ago
Initial commit
5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
Add optional size for Sdf3DWorld
5 Months Ago
Epsilon tweak
5 Months Ago
Make sure scene scope is pushed when calling OnValidate
6 Months Ago
Select new items after pasting
6 Months Ago
Tab to flip selected transitions, Ctrl+D to duplicate selection
6 Months Ago
Can redirect (or clone) transitions by dragging (fixes #13)
6 Months Ago
Undo / redo (fixes #4)
6 Months Ago
Some tool tip tweaks
6 Months Ago
Transitions can have a delay window, or exact trigger time Fixes #11
6 Months Ago
Started adding shortcuts First pass at copy / paste (#8)
6 Months Ago
6 Months Ago
6 Months Ago
Initial commit with traffic light example
6 Months Ago
Slight state context menu tweak
6 Months Ago
Some more tweaking Make state actions into separate GraphicsItems too
6 Months Ago
Tooltips, cursors Some cleanup
6 Months Ago
Some transition label fixes
6 Months Ago
Can now interact with transition labels
6 Months Ago
Strip rich text from discord rich presence strings, truncate
6 Months Ago
Make transition labels into their own GraphicsItems
6 Months Ago
Disable PropertySheetPopup from being modal for now Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#6109
6 Months Ago
Fix broken transition bounds
6 Months Ago
Increase SubroutineData parameter pool size
6 Months Ago
Fixed #1
6 Months Ago
GetVoxel: return 0 for unallocated chunks
6 Months Ago
Call PrepareGeometryChange before moving TransitionItem Reset view on Home key press
6 Months Ago
Show red icons for erroring state actions too (#9)
6 Months Ago
Show red labels for invalid transition conditions / actions (#9)
6 Months Ago
Nicer bothy flattening
6 Months Ago
Fix warnings from RangedFloat API changes
6 Months Ago
RangedFloat cleanup * Add Min / Max properties instead of x / y fields, fields are obsoleted * Max always equals Min for Fixed range type, unlike the old y field * ToString returns "<min>" for fixed values, or "<min> <max>" for ranges, instead of "<min>,<max>,<type>" * Parse supports old format * Can deconstruct: `var (min, max) = range;` * Add tests parsing old format
6 Months Ago
Fixed #5
6 Months Ago
FlattenGround: do bigger things first
6 Months Ago
FlattenGround tweaks
6 Months Ago
First pass at implementing FlattenGroundComponent
6 Months Ago
Fleshed out world damage Now uses passed in Damage value Has falloff up to Radius Got rid of multiple CarveModification hack A bit slow with large radius ATM
6 Months Ago
Don't network mob state machines
6 Months Ago
Restructure world gen so we can modify heightmap while placing objects Actually fix drone NRE
6 Months Ago
Skeleton FlattenGroundComponent
6 Months Ago
WIP RangedFloat fixes
6 Months Ago
Update libstates Possible fix for NRE in drone FSM
6 Months Ago
Added SendMessage( string ), transitions can listen for a message
6 Months Ago
Make missile bot damage ground
6 Months Ago
Simplify some voxel modification RPCs
6 Months Ago
6 Months Ago
Add some documentation to IModification