userJarryd Campicancel

13,600 Commits over 2,710 Days - 0.21cph!

4 Years Ago
Removed unused skinnable
4 Years Ago
Tweaked crafting costs
4 Years Ago
Merge from summer_dlc/skins
4 Years Ago
Fix skins not applying to gibs on boogie board, parasol and chair
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Merge from summer_dlc
4 Years Ago
Sunglasses skins Fixed sunglasses not being craftable
4 Years Ago
Refactored both pools to inherit from LiquidContainer in order to work correctly with buckets Can now drain pools properly by holding RMB while holding a LiquidVessel (jug/bucket/etc)
4 Years Ago
Player corpses now float in pools
4 Years Ago
Fixed being able to place water pumps in pool that were on foundations on top of the ocean
4 Years Ago
Inner Tubes and Boogie boards will now be destroyed instantly if an active vehicle collides with them (boat/minicopter/etc)
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Speculative PaddlingPool/WaterVolume NRE fixes
4 Years Ago
Prefab variants and skin setup for mesh replacement inner tubes
4 Years Ago
Parasol skins
4 Years Ago
Remove water pistol skinnable
4 Years Ago
Full manifest rebuild
4 Years Ago
Fix player seed resetting on death in a demo
4 Years Ago
Don't show dlc items in the new workshop item UI
4 Years Ago
Water gun skins
4 Years Ago
Beach chair skins
4 Years Ago
Inner tube skins
4 Years Ago
Manifest + skins
4 Years Ago
Beach towel skins
4 Years Ago
Boogie board skins
4 Years Ago
Skins setup for paddling pool
4 Years Ago
Tweaked splash effect rotations again
4 Years Ago
Increase range of water vehicle wakeup notification when adding water to cover all of the above ground pool
4 Years Ago
Increased bounds of inside area checks on above ground pool to make it a bit more forgiving when placing on uneven surfaces like terrain
4 Years Ago
Improved water factor handling on water volumes, players are now able to properly swim in the above ground pool
4 Years Ago
Fixed wrong repair/pickup refs for parasol Use burlap bag for sunglasses world item Modified prevent building volume on table so that small entities can be placed on top
4 Years Ago
Reworked prevent building volumes on above ground pool so it doesn't block board deployment
4 Years Ago
Disabled the high poly watergun mesh on the entity
4 Years Ago
WIP node connections for failed responses
4 Years Ago
More inner tube splash tweaks
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Don't show the drink option while mounted to a board or tube
4 Years Ago
Added another prevent building volume to the pool to prevent being able to deploy over the edge Switched pool physics material to metal for proper impact decals
4 Years Ago
Force calculate artificial lights on first calculate Add a 5s random offset to the time restriction on updating artificial light quality
4 Years Ago
Some optimisations to calculating artificial light values in large farms Only update the artificial light level of a plant every 20 seconds, but force an update if a light nearby changes state Added some slight randomisation to sprinkler splash invokes to space out the load
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Add some movement particles to the tube
4 Years Ago
Added some splash effects to the side of the board when moving
4 Years Ago
Can add/remove/modify conditions via blackboard
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Fixed sunglasses overlay not activating if equipped in a slot after a priority overlay (nvg)
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Tube and board set WaterFactor to 0 for riders