userJarryd Campicancel

513 Commits over 274 Days - 0.08cph!

7 Months Ago
Fixed help widgets not showing images/video
7 Months Ago
End tutorial cinematic boilerplate, invoke via debug.testTutorialCinematic, see EndTutorialCinematic.prefab
7 Months Ago
Codegen, manifest, etc
7 Months Ago
Merge from main (notable merge on StandardLayers.cginc)
7 Months Ago
Fixed network group assigning not working and throwing group inside errors for tutorial entities Also fixes tutorial trees getting added to the global broadcast list
7 Months Ago
Fixed some broken prefabs
7 Months Ago
Fixed some chicken ping issues
7 Months Ago
Update LookAtTooltip after merge
7 Months Ago
Manifest, codegen, protobufs
7 Months Ago
Merge from main
7 Months Ago
Fixed MeshTerrainRoot running on server Find scrap and find metal blade tutorial steps will now accept any already in the inventory Lower height of starter base, easier to get into without requiring jumps Ping the campfire for the ignite stage
7 Months Ago
Remove door from the dock Clean up more old spawners Pull metal ores out of cliffs Show pings for kill chickens mission
7 Months Ago
Split out stone nodes so they're not intersecting regular cliff geometry Added loot barrels, more trees and some stumps Better align map marker Clean up loaded grass on the client
7 Months Ago
Fixed bear not spawning correctly Fixed rotation of map icon
7 Months Ago
Manually place hemp on tutorial island Fixed navmesh generation errors
7 Months Ago
Update island prefab
7 Months Ago
Fix up kayak tutorial stage Delay recycling the island until the player has respawned on the island, fixes a heap of bugs and looks a lot nicer
7 Months Ago
Placement improvements, tutorial should now be mostly completable with new mesh
7 Months Ago
Save the baked foliage into a special mesh that just stores data. Just baking the generated meshes to disk would take up about 250mb of memory in meshes, saving the positions straight into a serialized asset was tanking editor performance, so the positions of each foliage piece are saved as vertices in a data mesh Load the foliage on the client when loading into the tutorial
7 Months Ago
Replicate shadow casting and layers
7 Months Ago
Added ability to load saved foliage
7 Months Ago
Copy splat settings to material
7 Months Ago
More foliage tests
7 Months Ago
Some progress bars
7 Months Ago
Foliage baker can now bake down the currently loaded foliage into mesh assets to be saved to disk
7 Months Ago
Merge from tutorial_island/foliage
7 Months Ago
First attempt at moving over the contents of the scene into the prefab Some light scene reorg to better support this transfer in the future
7 Months Ago
First pass on a mesh export of the terrain, mostly copied terrain shader across (see Tutorial Island_mesh in scene)
7 Months Ago
Adjust size of tutorial island prefab to match new design Also adjusted network group handling to match
7 Months Ago
Merge from main
7 Months Ago
Workbench description update
7 Months Ago
Server warnings to explain what's happening if the player ends the tutorial while god mode is active
7 Months Ago
Trees placed by hand in the editor will now display their LOD0 mesh instead of just being invisible
7 Months Ago
Close any existing tutorial modals when opening a new one
7 Months Ago
Can no longer talk to the NPC between missions
7 Months Ago
Rename scientist to survivor
7 Months Ago
Fix NRE during Kayak mission
8 Months Ago
Play a bear roar sfx during the bear mission conversation
8 Months Ago
Don't play sfx for pings created by the mission objectives
8 Months Ago
Give more starting resources in base building mission Don't turn the mission provider to face the player Description fixes
8 Months Ago
Look at the conversation NPC's actual model head instead of the static eye position
8 Months Ago
Added an ignore terrain option to MonumentNavMesh to stop nav mesh being generated under the tutorial island
8 Months Ago
Server compile fixes
8 Months Ago
Compile fix
8 Months Ago
Merge from main
8 Months Ago
Added a looping gesture for the mission provider, just uses the wounded anim right now
8 Months Ago
Increase wood supply amount in mission 4
8 Months Ago
Fixed missing canoe collider Moved chicken spawner
8 Months Ago
Apply same ping styling to pie menu
8 Months Ago
Use a ping widget to highlight a blueprint if it's required by the current tutorial stage