1,248 Commits over 1,949 Days - 0.03cph!
Merge from voiceprops/dlc (achievements)
Merge from voiceprops/dlc
Merge from voiceprops/dlc
Merge from voiceprops/dlc
Merge from voiceprops/dlc
Merge from voiceprops/dlc
Merge from voiceprops/dlc
Merge from voiceprops/dlc
Merge from voiceprops/dlc
Merge from voiceprops/dlc
Fixed players mouths not moving when voice chatting
Can no longer press Alt to unlock the mouse while in debug camera if not in a demo
The demo browser now successfully populates even if one of the demos fails to load (the exception is printed to the console as a warning)
Added coloured directional hose materials
Default colour radial menu option is now coloured green when using hose tool
Mark displayName in RelationshipManager proto as optional (should help bugged players rejoin)
Don't store relationship data if either player is an npc
▇▆▋ ▋▋ █▄▉▍▌▊ ▌▌▋▆ ▊▋▅▋▄▆▊▉ ▉▆█▍█ ▋▅▋▌▅▆▌ █▆▄▋▉▉▆/▋▍▅▌▊▋▋▄█ ▇▉▄▄▋▋ (▅▉▇ █▊▌▋▄▋▋ ▊▌▋█ ▊█▅ █▄▌▊)
▋▌▆▊▉ ▄▌▄▇▍ ▍▍█▅ ▋▉ ▊▄▊ ▄▊█▋▌.▋▆▊▇▇▅▍ ▉▅ ▄▅ ▆▅▊ ▍▋ ▋▌▍▇▉█ ▍▊▆█▌▅, ▍▄▄▇▅█ ▍▆▇ ▉▊▆▄▇ ▌▇▄██▍▅▌▇▋█
▇▆▆▆▍ ▄▍▇▋▊.▅▍▋▅▊▋▊▇▅▅▋ ▆▅ ▉▊▊▋ ▍▌ ▍▄ ▊▇▌▋▅▊ ▄▇█ ▋▌ ▆▋▋ ▇▆▇▋▆▉▉ ▅ ▉▋▄ ▅
Fixed new scientist corpses showing their net ID on loot panel
Coloured electrical cables now show their colour when the directional material is applied while holding the wire tool and in TC auth
▌▄▌█▊▍▊ ▋▊▄█▅ ▍█▌▍▉ ▋▍▋ ▆▄▄▋▄▅▋▅ ▇▌ ▋▄ ▆▇▅▇▅▅ ▅▌█ ▄▌▍▆ ▍█▋▊█▍
Merge from io_colour (pie menu changes)
Demo list UI now shows hours as well as minutes and seconds
▅▊▆▍▊ ▊▅█▆▆▄▇ ▊▌▄▉█▌▉▋▋ ▊▄█▌▇▅▇▄ ▍▍ ▇▇▆▌▍█ ▊▌█▆▉▍▍ (▌▋▆▋▉▄ ▉▋▇ █▋▉▊▌▄▆█) ▋█ ▇▇▋▍▇▄ ▅▄ ▋▄▄█/▆▊▅▉▅ ▅▇ ▋ ▄█▆▄▍▉▆ ▇▊ ▉▊▍▉▅▉▊▅ ▌▌ ▊█▍ ▋▋▆
Fixed an incorrect r/w warning on the Gibbable editor
Merge from wearable_eyes_view
Added an enforceClipWeights weights toggle to the AnimationEvents component that ignores any events from clips with less than 50% weight
This prevents events double firing when transitioning between states (eg ejectShell triggers on fire and fire_ads clips)
Enabled on m39 viewmodel, fixes multiple shells being ejected on every shot
Merge from blink_sleeping_fix
Another attempt to fix the ConstructionSkin.SpawnGibs NRE
▋▄▍'▉ ▄▋▄▆█ ▆▅▊▅▌▊▉ ▉▊█▌▉▇▇▆▄▊ █▅ ▄▉▌ ▇▆█▋▇▉ ▄▌ ▅▊▇▍▋▋▍ ▉▇ ▋▍▌▆▌█▇▇▋ ▊▉ ▇ ▇▌▅▍▇▋
▅▋▄ ▍▍▄▅▅▄▌ ▊█▇▄▇▇▊ ▄▋▌▌▆ ▊▌ ▌▋▋▋▍█ ▇▋▌█ ▇▋▅█▇ ▇▍▉▉▅█▋█ ▋▊█▅█ ▍▇█ ▍▄▅▄▆▆ █▆▊▉ ▌▉▍▊▊▆▆▊ █▌▆▊▉█
▄▍█▋▌ ▄▇▉▆▊▇▍▉▅ ▊▄▋▄▌ ▇█▌▊▄▌ ▄▋▋▇ ▆ ▄▄▇▊▉▋ ▇▄ ▆▄█▌▍▄ ▄▆▆▊▋ ▅▌█ ▇▌▆▆▆▇▍
Potential NRE fix when spawning gibs for construction blocks
█▉▌▊▆▋▅ ▋▌▊█ ▍▊▋▄▍▉ ▊▍ ▋▋▆▌▌ ▄▇▉▇ ▇▊▄▍ (▊▅▇▉ + ▉▍▄▍▆▊)
Don't update look direction on modelstate from the server on the local player - we set that every frame so it's more accurate locally
Rotate our smoothed direction instead of lerping
Slightly increase third person alt look range
Fixed vm's with particles/lights still being visible while gesturing
Unsaved crossbow vm animator change from last week
Fixed crossbow viewmodel still showing an arrow after the arrow was unloaded via the inventory