1,248 Commits over 1,949 Days - 0.03cph!
Fixed phone booth collider getting stripped on server
▅▉▅▇▊ ▅ ▍▇▉▅▆▍▅ ▋▉▄▋▌▅▋▇▆ ▇▆▊▅▅▄▌ ▇▋ ▌█▍ ▆▉▉▅▉ ▊▊▌█ ▇▌ ▋▉▊▆
▄▆▉▊▄ ▅ ▇▇▉▆▇▋ ▊▊▍▄▇▌▍ ▊▆▇▍█▌▍▆▄ ▊▍▌▋▆▋█ ▆▌ ▋▆▄ ▉▊▌█▊▊ ▌█▉▆▅ ▊▆ ▇▅▊▆ ▄▌▄▍▇▊▊█▊▉▌▅ ▋▅▊▊▌▅▊ ██ ▌▅ ▅▋▉▇▌▅▉▌ ▊▌▍▌ ▍ ▆▅▆▍▆▄▄
Potential NRE fix in PlayerVoiceRecorder
Fixed pickup/put down sfx not working in builds
▇▄▅▆█▆▅▆ ▊▊▇▉ ▅▅▉▅ ▄▆ ▍▋▋▊▋ ▇▋▊▇█▋▍▆▌ ▆▍▇▅▆ ▊▌▆▆ ▊▊▇▊▆
Merge from demo_toggle_nvg
Merge from elevator_block (elevator power usage is now 5 all the time, forgot to merge this earlier in the month)
Potential packet flooding fix
▉▋▊▄▇ ▇██▍▍▄▊▇▉▌▌▊▉.▌▇▊▊▆▉▍▉▉▌▄▇█ ▄▉▆▊▉▅▋▄█ ▇▋▆▆ ▄▇▄▄▋▋ ▆▅▅▌ █▌█▄▄▋▋▉ █▊▉ ▄▅▅▍▆ ▊▌ ▉▇▍▍▇▄▉▊ ▉▉▅▆▅ ▇ ▌▊▋▋▄▅ ▊▆ ▋▋▇▊▋▍▅ ▌▄ (█▅▇ ▉▌▌ ▉▉█▉█▆▆ ▇▅▉▅▆██). ▆▆▉▅▆ ▊▅ ▊▊▇▉█ ▊▉▋▅ ▋-▌▄
Merge from lefthanded_vms
Tweaked text spacing on the curved skull trophies, should make longer names more visible
Merge from vending_search_improvements
Increase brightness of map view on death screen
Require hammer to pickup beach towel
Increased interaction radius on elevator lift buttons
Update elevator shaft IO socket position, update use distance on lift
Disable inherit velocity on torch smoke particles, seems to be causing the strange smoke movement
Fixed being able place some wall mounted entities on the walls of the elevator
Fix engine stats not appearing when inspecting an engine on a car
██▇▉▌▍▊▊▊ ▅▇▅ ▋▉ ▅▌█▋▄▇ ▌▋▆▅▉▅█ ▊▅▆▄▉▆▄▇▉
Merge from pushbuttonburst
Merge from elevator_block
Fixed non-normal textures not being able to export from the workshop UI
Increased drag (0.05 -> 0.1) and lowered paddle force (1 -> 0.7) when there are two players mounted to a kayak
Merge from elevator_block
Merge from elevator_block
Clamp admintime to 0-23 since a DateTime can't have an hour of 24
Enabled pickup on the powered water purifier
Clamp admin time to 0-24 (if it's above 0)
Fixed gib warning on loot barrels
▊▍▌█▉▋ ▅▋▄ ▊▍▇▇ ▋▆ ▌▋▅ ▊▅▇▊ ▊▍▊▆▋, ▆▋█ ▇▍▅ ▋▇▊▋ ▄▅▋▊▇▇▆▄ (▄▊▇▍▌▉)
▄▊▅▆▅▌▋▆▍ ▇▅▉▊▆ ▉▆▆▉ ▊▋▆█ ▉▊▉ ▊▌▉█▉▍ ▊▋▋ ▍▉▍ ▇▄▅ ▌▄▋▅▉▅▇ ▇▌ ▋▇▇▅█▊ (▊▅▉▊█▄▅▌▇, ▇▉▌▌ ▆▍▆▍▉█ ▌▅▊▇ ▅█▇▉▋▋ ▅▊▉▆▅ ▇█▇▊ ▉▅ ▋▆█▌▍)
Merge from SecretLabChair
Fixed loot barrel gibs not using the correct material
▉▄▆ ▆▉▋▇▅ ▆█▊▌ ▉▌ ▉▉▌▅▋ ▊▍▆▊▅ ▊▊▊▆▅ ▆▅ ▆▉▄▉▉ ▍▊▄█▅ ▊ ▋▆▉██▆▄█▆▌ ▆▅ ▊▆▇▄▉ ▌▄▅▄▄ ▇▇▇▉▇
Fix kayaks not decaying at the intended rate
Put gib override inspector behind a foldout (tied to an EditorPref so it can be toggled off/on project wide and the setting is remembered)
Fixed gib scale on RF Broadcaster
Moved fillable pool handling (OnPoolDestroyed and WakeUp) to an interface and implemented the same behaviour on Kayak
Force show full statement at the end of text animation in conversation, fixes final character not showing
Merge from canoe (fixes paddling animations)