userJarryd Campicancel

9,459 Commits over 1,736 Days - 0.23cph!

3 Years Ago
▍▍▅▄▍▌ █▊▆▊ ▅▌▋▋▉▉ ▌▄▄▉ ▌▆▆▊ ▌▊▍▋▄▇▍▉▅ ▌▄▍▍▌
3 Years Ago
▉▅▆ ▅▆▉▍ ▄▊▄▌▍▇▉▊█ ▆▅▄ ▅▍▆▍▋▆ ▌▅▋ ▌▉ ▆▌▆▍▅▇▇▊▆▍▋ ▇▄█ ▇▍▋▄▊▅ ▅▋ ▍▍▌▇▅▉▌ ▇▇▅▆▅▋▄▊ ▇▇▇▅▊▍▅ █▊▅▉▇▆ ▅▅▄ ▊█▉ ▌▆▄▋▅▌ ▋▌▉▊▄▌▋ ▇▇ ▇▊▇▄▉▌▌▉▆ ▅▊▅▉▆▆ ▄▉ ▋▅▅▇▇▊▅ ▆▌▄▉▌ ▉▆▋▄▍▌ █▋▊▌ ▋▄▋▌▉▉▊▅▉▆▉▉▅▊▅▍▄▄▆▋▊.▋▆▋▊▍▌▄▊█ ▌▇▍▌▇▄ ▉█ ▅▉▊▊█▆▆▄ ▅▅▌▍ ▋██▌▆▄▌▄▆ ▊▋▉ ▉▅█▆▊▆▆
3 Years Ago
▄▌▉▍▋ ▊█▉ ▉▊▅▅ ▊▍▍▌ ▌▉▍▋▌▍ ▋█▅ ▆▇▅ ▉▋ ▍▉▌▍ ▋▆█▍▄ ▇▍▄ █▇▌▄ ▇▄▉▄▄▆▆
3 Years Ago
▉▉▌▋▇ ▋▄▄█▆ █▇▍ █▆▅█▌▍▇▊ ▋▊▄▄▉█ ▉▆▍▉ ▆█▌█▆▊▆▌ ▋▅▋▌ ▆▇▆ ▄▄ █▌▍▌█▉ █▌▌ ▌▊▋▇ █▋▉▋▅ ▌▄▄ ▄▉▅▄▆
3 Years Ago
▄▆▅█▌▍▉ ▉▇▍▊▉▆▍▉ ▉▍▆▍▄▉██ ▋▍▍▉ ▍▄ ▅▅▄▄▌▄▅▌▉▊▆██▇▅▌▇▊▄█▋ ▋▇▋ ▇▆▉▋█▉ ▍▇▊▉▅▋▊ ▉▇▌▇▋ █▉▋▉▄▅▇ ▍▊ ▆ ▉▉▆▇▌▆▋ ▉▉ █▇▄▋▌▋ (▍▅▇▅ ▌▇▅▄▄▇▋▄▋▅▇█▉▌▋▋▅)
3 Years Ago
▇▋-▊█▊▉▇▄ ▋▄▍▊▌▇▄ █▌▅▌ ▄▍▆▊▍█▋ ▆▌ ▊▄▇▋▄▋ ▇▍▋▅▌
3 Years Ago
Snap repair bench skin picker to left when going from no item to an item
3 Years Ago
Don't change the order of skins when selecting a skin, only when changing item Added client.sortSkinsRecentlyUsed to control sorting functionality, defaults to true
3 Years Ago
▇▉▌▉▌▄ ▉▄ ▆▉▄▉▄▆▆▍▆▊
3 Years Ago
▋▇▅▇▇▅ ▄▉▄▆▆▋ ▇▋▉▇▋ ▄▊▅ ▆▄▋▆▍ █▍▋▆ ▄█ ▇▄▊▉▋▉▋▍▉▋ ▊▉▍▉▉▆▌ ██-▊▌█▇▆▋ ▉▍▇ ▌▅▇▆▄▋▍ ▋▋▅▋ ▋▄▄▅▇▉█ ▋▊ █▆▅ ▆▌█▊▍▋ ▇▌▆▉▇ (▅▇▇▇▉▆▊▌▉ ▊▊ ▊▊▋▇▍▋ ▇▋▆▍▊▄, ▄█▉ ▄▍ ▄█▇'▉ ▅▊▍▌ ▍▅ ▌ ▉▄▊▊ █▊)
3 Years Ago
Merge from main
3 Years Ago
Export jackhammer model mesh for workshop
3 Years Ago
Fix bandage and syringes not playing third person animations when used on other players
3 Years Ago
▉██▌▍ ▍▌██▇
3 Years Ago
█▊▆▉ ▆▋▅█▊ ▄▄▍▅▉
3 Years Ago
▍█▉▇▌ ▌▋▍▉ ▋▇▅█▄ ▌▆▅▆▄ ▉▅▄ █▍▄▆▉ ▍▇▍▍▇▉ ▄▆▅▄'▅ ▉▌▍▋▊ ▄▇▌▉▍█▇
3 Years Ago
▇▍▄▆▉█▉ █▍▌▊▆▍█ ▇▄▄ ▅▌▉█▌▊ ▅▉ ▄▆▌▄ ▍▅▄▉▍▉▍▌▋▊ ▄▄▇▌▉ ▋▇▌▌▍▋▍ (▅▉▌▄█▇▌▋▉ ▆▊█, ▄▋▊▋ ▄▌█▆ ▆ █▌▉▅▍▅ █▅▆)
3 Years Ago
▊▆▋'▇ ▉▊█▍ ▌▉▄▆ ▌▋▄█▆ ▉▊▅▆ ▊▄▄ ▊▆▉▆▉ ▊▌ ▊▌▋▇
3 Years Ago
▄▄▄▅▄▋▄ █▊▅▇█▅▆ ▇▌▌▍▊ ▋▅▇▍▊▉▊ ▊▊ ▆▌█▇█▊ ▄█▊▍▍▇
3 Years Ago
▄█▊'▋ ▅▄▅█ ██▌▌▋▅▍▊▄▋▉ ▍▌▌▉▍▇ ▇▍▇▋ ▆▋▌▊ ▊▇▇▍▊▊▆ ▌▄▍▅█
3 Years Ago
Move growable entity budgeted update into an ObjectWorkQueue
3 Years Ago
Use an ObjectWorkQueue to manage flame turret updates
3 Years Ago
Merge from main
3 Years Ago
▇▆▆▍▇▍█▌▊▅▇ ▍▍▉█▆ ▌▊▄▊▉▇▆▋▍▍ ▊▇▉ ▍▇▇▉▆▅▍▇ ▅▆▄▊▋▉▍ █▇▄ ▋█▌▅▍▌▆▊▍▍ █▄▇▆ ▅▇▊▋▍▇▊██ ▌▋▇▄▍▌ ▌▇▇▉ ▍▌▌▊▋█
3 Years Ago
▆▊▌▉█▅▉▌▇█ ▌▇▉ ▉▄ ▄▄▇▄▌▇ ▌▍▄▋▊▍ ▄▍▇▊▌, ▋▆ █▍▋ ▋▌▌▅▅▇▊▇▊ ▇▋▆ ▉▍▄▇▌ ▆▇ ▋▋▋▋▆▉▌ ▄▋ ▄▊▇ ▄▅▆▆█ ▅▋ ▅▉▆ ▋▅▇▅ ▌▇█▊█▍ ▍▄▅▍ ▍▅▊▉▇▇▍ ▇▄ ▄▊▅▇▊▉▆ ▄▅ ▌ █▄▊█▄▊ █▊▅▉▊▇ ▄▍▇▇ ▇▉▅ ▋▆▇▇▄▆ ▉▋▄▋▅▆▌ ▌▆▋▌ ▇▊▉ ▍▌▊▌ ▌▇▊▊▅
3 Years Ago
▊▌▋▍ ▄▉▆▇ ▄▇▊▄▉ ▍▍ ▅▋▉▍▋▍ ▅█▄█▋▇
3 Years Ago
▊▆▇█▅ ▌▇▇▋ ▉▅█▅▍ ▉▌▍▆▌ ▍▊▊▅▇▆█ ▊▍▉▇▌ ▉▋▄▊ ▊▉ ▇▄▄▆▋█▅ ▋▆▊ ▊▋▍▇▋▋ ▌▆▍▅▄ ▆▋▅▇ ▋█▋▊▋ ▄▆▌▆▉ ▆▌▊ ▌▅▍▉ ▄▋▍▆▊ ▍▄▋▍ ▌▋ ▉▉▅▆▌ ▌▄▄▇▄ ▉▊█▌ ▊▋▉▌▅▇ ▌▅█ ▅▍▆▅ ▄█▋ ▌▋▅▉▆▋█ ▍▄ ▋▋▅ ▊▉▉▅ ▉▇▄▅▉▍▋█▍ █▅▍▇'▉ ▋▍▉▊▆▋█▍
3 Years Ago
Fix team dock index not being set properly, fixes not being able to kick players from team
3 Years Ago
▉▄▉▊▇▇▉▇ ▆▅▆▇▇▌▋▇▆ ▋▋▇▅▊█▍ ▌▌▅▉█▄ ▇█▅▍▆▉ ▆▊▇▋▆▊ ▆▊▊▋▇ ▊▇█▌▍▌
3 Years Ago
▍▉▄▉▄ ▍▇▋▊ ▆▉█▍▆▆▆▅▊->▊██
3 Years Ago
█▆▇▇▊ ▄▌▆▉ ▍▋▊▆ -> ▋▉▊▋▄▊▄▇▆█
3 Years Ago
Fix double shotgun grip mesh appearing and causing z fighting if the shotgun has no skin applied (only applied to viewmodels, worldmodels will still have issue)
3 Years Ago
Unsaved change
3 Years Ago
Fix mace not being throwable if player presses throw key while the VM is in idle (transition was too long, was skipping events)
3 Years Ago
Map clusters (sleeping bags/vending machines) ignore Y difference when clustering
3 Years Ago
▋▋▆ ▄▋▋▅▋▍▇▋▆ ▌▅█▉ █▆▅▉▆▆ █▇ ▄▍█▍▅▉▉ ▍█▉▊ ▍██▆▆
3 Years Ago
▅▌▅ ▇▇▅▋▅/▊▆▉▍▋ ▉▇▊▆▇ ▄▇▌█▍▆ ▋▍▌▄▇▅█ ▅▆ █▊▌▍▇▋▉▊█▋▊ ▍▅▆▊▆▆ ▊▄▋▇▄▊ ▍▍▉▇▆▊▌ █▌ ▇▋▇▍▉ ▋▌▊▉▋█
3 Years Ago
▄▊ █ ▉▉▊▍▅▅ ▋▉▌▄█▉ ▅▉▌▍ ▌▇█'▆ ▌██ █▊▆▍▍▄▊▇▆ ▊▊▊▄▆▉ ▇█▆▌▉▌ ▉▍▊ ▆▆▌▉▆ ▉█ ▉▅▅▆ ▇▍▅ ▌▉▆▊▆▌ ▉▌▌▋, ▆▍▄▄▄▌▉ ▌▊▉ ▋▋▆▄▅▊▆▄▉ ▌▄▅█▆█ ▇▇▅ ▇▄▅▇▇▅
3 Years Ago
▍▉▊ ▊▋▅ ▅▅▊▇▊▋ ▆█▋▊▌ ▇▌▆▌▉▊ █▄ ▌ ▄▅▅▋█▄▄▆▌█ (▆▍▇ ▄█)
3 Years Ago
█▆▍█▆ ▆▋▊█▍ ▍▍▉▌▄ ▄█▋▌▌▊ ▆█▅▍▆▅ ▉▌▍ ▅▋▊▆█ ██▆ ▅█ ▊▍▉▊
3 Years Ago
█▊▉ ▄ ▇▉▌▊▆▅█▇ ▅▌▊ ▋▉ ▉▋▅ █▋▄ █▋▍█ ▆ ▇▇▇▆▋▅ ▋▇▌ ▌▌▇▅ ██ █▅██ █ ▆▋█▄
3 Years Ago
Fix skin picker snapping to the left any time a refresh is called (only resets to the left if the blueprint changes or a skin is selected)
3 Years Ago
▊▋ ▍ ▇▅▇▍▉▉ █▍█▉▆▄ ▄▋▅ ▊▍▄▊▍ ▅▄▋ ▇▍ ▋█ ▉▊█▆▉ ▍▅▋█ ▄▆ ▋▌▉▍ ▋▍▆▊ █▇▌▄ ▆▅▄ ▌▌ ▇█▄ ▍▋▅▌ ▆▄▇ ▋▄▌▄▋▊▊▇
3 Years Ago
▅█▆▅▋█ █▄█▄ ▆▊▌▋▇ █▇ ▉▊▉▍ ▇▋▌▍▅▉, ▇█▊▆█ ▄▅▆▍▇▄ ▆█▉█▆ ██▌▉▆▉▇▆
3 Years Ago
▊▅▉▍ ▆▊▄▉▇▊█▍ ▅▆ ▊▌ ▍ ▍▊▅▋▅▉ █▌█ ▊▋▆▌ ▌▅▊ ▅▌ (▌▉▇ ▅▌▋▅▊▇ ▍▍▆▆█▅▅ ▍▊▌▋ █▉▅▄▌▍▇▇█▌▇ ▆▄▇▋ ▆ ▉▌▋▇▉) █▆▉▍ ▆█▆▄▋▌ ▉▋▇▇▇ █▆ ▇▍█▌▆▉ ▊▊▆▌▊▌ ▉▅▌█ ▅▍▇▊▅▉▉ ▄▇▋▍▋█▊▍ █▌ ▇█ ▌▍▋▆▊▍▆ ▄▉▊ ▅▆▊ ▊▇▅█ (▍▌ ▅▋▇█ ▉█ ▉▌▆ ▉▌▆▄▆▋ ▄██▋ ▊▋▍▉▍) ▇▅█▇ ▅▅▉▉▉▄▆▋'█ ▉▆▋▅▄ ▄█▋█▅ ▍▍▉▌ ▋▊▆ ▅▅▅█ ▄▇ ▄▆▊▄
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
▉▍▋▅█▅ ▆▉▌ ▆▉▋ █▅▌▇▆█ ▉▉▆▅▍▄█ ▌▆ ▆ ▅▊▇▅▄ ▄█ ▋▆▊█▊▊▄▇▍ ▌█▌ ▅▄▊ ▊▅▋▄▍▇ ▄▋▊'▉ ▍▍█▅▌█▋▇▊ ▅▅ ▊ ▄▍▍▅
3 Years Ago
█▇▇ ▊▉▇ ▇▉▊█▄▆ ▄▅█▄ █▆█▌ ▍ ▊▉▇▆▊ █▍ ▉▄▊▉▆▄▋▊▉
3 Years Ago
▌▍▍ ▊▇▄ ▄▄▍▊ ▇▇▊▉▍ ▍▇▅ ▇▌▇█▋▊ ▌▇ ▅ ▌▅▄▋ ▆▆ ▌▄ ██▌▆▊▆▅▇ ▅▅▆ ▉▄▇ ▋▌▄▊▉ ▉█ ▆▆▌▍▌▅▌▍▌
3 Years Ago
▇▄▌▍▍▇▋▉ ▊▉▅▍▉▍ ▌▄▄ ▆▆▋▍▋▆ ▉▉█▊ ▄▇▊▊ █▍▌▍▆▍▌▋▍▍ ▆▊▋ ▉▊█▍▄▇