userJarryd Campicancel

11,967 Commits over 2,496 Days - 0.20cph!

3 Months Ago
Compile fix
3 Months Ago
Clear death marker from map after player respawns on tutorial island
3 Months Ago
Turn on GameTip.showgametips convar when starting the tutorial
3 Months Ago
Don't show the campfire or furnace deploy guides until the player is at that tutorial stage, fixes soft lock situation where the player deploys the entity before that mission stage has started
3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
Added temporary doors and a parenting volume to container Crane can now track a list of target entities to move with a list of destination points, each item will be moved in sequence
3 Months Ago
Update test container model, manifest
3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
Fix UI NRE when disconnecting from a server while the backpack panel is open
3 Months Ago
Parent the prefab to the selected gameobject when spawning something via the CreateMenuPrefab script
3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
Merge from main
3 Months Ago
Merge from tutorial_island
3 Months Ago
Merge from main (will fix tutorial not loading if instanced_rendering is on)
3 Months Ago
More merge fixes
3 Months Ago
Compile fixes, manifest, codegen
3 Months Ago
Merge from main
3 Months Ago
Remove Lights from tutorial island, TOD doesn't change so they're not necessary Change terrain mesh setup process to make sure it gets generated in case anything happens to the mesh renderer
3 Months Ago
Expose head look weight on tutorial NPC, set to 0.7 (was 1) Head look now only applies if the player is talking
3 Months Ago
Saving and loading
3 Months Ago
Crane can pickup and move objects to a specific target position/rotation
3 Months Ago
Boilerplate GenericLerp implementation for crane and entity setup
3 Months Ago
Merge from main
3 Months Ago
Ask player to start tutorial when they wake up rather than when they are sleeping
3 Months Ago
If the tutorial island cannot be loaded when reconnecting for whatever reason revert the player state so they aren't left in limbo
3 Months Ago
Merge from tutorial_island
3 Months Ago
Fixed not being able to reconnect to a server mid tutorial after being disconnected
3 Months Ago
Tutorial NPC now looks at player when they are in range
3 Months Ago
▌▄▍▋▆ █▆▄▌▅▊▄▆ ▋█▄▍▌ ▊▋ ▄▆▆ ▇▋▅ ▍▇▍▊▍ ▋▌▆▆▌▍▆ ▊▊▍▊ ▅▄ ▇█▄▆▆▆▄▍ ▍▊ ▉▊▌▉▄▄ ▉▍ ▄▆▅ ▍▆▄▉▊▄ ▋▆▍▋▇ ▅▅▄ ▇▄▊ ▄▋▉▍▋▆▋▉ ▍█ ▅▉▅▍▉▍▌ ▇▅ ▄▊▊▅ ▇▋▍▌▅
3 Months Ago
Merge from tutorial_island
3 Months Ago
Added button to reset tutorial in options menu
3 Months Ago
Merge from tutorial_island
3 Months Ago
Added debug.cleartutorialforplayer server convar If a player gets stuck in the tutorial for any reason, this will delete the island and reset the player back to it's regular state on the mainland (will also kill the player if they are alive)
3 Months Ago
Cleaned up kill warnings when cleaning up the tutorial
3 Months Ago
Updated Tool Cupboard mission wording
3 Months Ago
Fixed viewmodel lingering for several seconds when cinematic starts
3 Months Ago
Typo fix Added ability to check existing inventory when a craft mission objective starts, will mark that step as completed if the player already has a target item in inventory Applied new behaviour to craft campfire objective Remove "Don't allow tutorial allowance to go down" log
3 Months Ago
Adjust spawn location during respawn mission step Add help prompt for looting corpses
3 Months Ago
Added a tutorial help popup on the death screen to communicate how to respawn
3 Months Ago
Expose fade to black time
3 Months Ago
Help text update
3 Months Ago
Better handling for tutorial islands that time out -Clear the players missions so they can restart the tutorial -Clear the InTutorial flag so they don't get respawned on a non-existent island -Notify the client (if they are connected) that the tutorial has ended to revert the time and weather settings
3 Months Ago
Properly fix hemp issue in 93017
3 Months Ago
Lower the tutorial base slightly so that the player can more easily get into the front door without jumping
3 Months Ago
Disable worms and grubs from hemp in tutorial
3 Months Ago
Merge from tutorial_island
3 Months Ago
Subtract 92937
3 Months Ago
Remove NeedsCursor on the cinematic UI, so the cursor isn't freely movable during the cutscene
3 Months Ago
Merge from tutorial_island
3 Months Ago
Subtract 92807, fix network group issues Should resolve cooking chicken step not working