userJarryd Campicancel

11,890 Commits over 2,466 Days - 0.20cph!

4 Years Ago
▌▇▆ ▅▉▅▄█ █▍▇▋ █▊ ▋▌▊▍▊▍ ▍▋▄ ▄▍▋▊ ▉▊██▌ ▇▅'▊ ▄▅██▆▆▇█▇ ▌▍▍ █▆▌▋▌▌▄ █▄ ▆▆
4 Years Ago
Midi driver no longer creates a gameobject, instead the active instrument calls update on the driver while it's in use This eliminates midi overhead while an instrument isn't being used
4 Years Ago
▋▉▄▆▍█▍▅▊.▅▉▌▆▍█▊▊▉ ▆▋▉ █▌▉▅▄▋ ▉▍▊▅▉█ ▌▇▊▆▉▌▊▌▍▆▊ ▋▅ ▅▄▌▆
4 Years Ago
▋▍▊▌ ▄▋▄▅ ██▄▆▍▌ ▄█▌▇ ▆▍▇▍█ ▌▍▋▄▇▇▄█▄.▊▌▊▉▉▅
4 Years Ago
▋▇▆█▅ ▍▆▅▅▊▉▋▉▌▊ ▅▍▅▅ ▅▄█▅▅▋█ ▇▄▌█▋▉▌ ▋▍█▍▌▅▇▌▌▍▅▊▊▋▍█ ▋▇▆ ▊▉▊▆
4 Years Ago
▅█▅▋ ▋▇▌▊▋▉ ▇▇█▆▉▇▋: -▆▄▄▊ ▊▊▅█▉▋▆▍▍▊▋▊▋▌▇█ ▋▊▊▉▍▆▌▄▍▋▌▅▇▄▍█▌▄ █▌▄ ▇▆▊ ▊▊▌▍▊ ▊▋█▆▌▍▊█▉▊█ -▋▄█▌ ▌▅▊▍▊▇▋▋██▇██▄▌▇█▌█.▆▍█▌█▄▆▄ ▇▇▍▄ ▄▌▇ ▋▉▍▌ ▆▇ ▍▄▍▋██ ▆▇▊▇
4 Years Ago
Disable ScrollRectEx on MapView when not in use
4 Years Ago
Gate eye controller logic by distance and don't run eye controller on local player in first person
4 Years Ago
Removed a useless Mathf.Max with one parameter that was allocating every frame
4 Years Ago
▆▍▊█▍█▉ █▍▇▄█
4 Years Ago
▋▊▍▆▉ ▊▄▍▌▍▇▊▋ ▅▆ ▋█▆▉▄█▄▌▄ ▌▉▌▇▇▄▍ ▋▋█▌▋▉ ▌▉██▅█.▆▄▇▌▌▉▆▄▌▊▊ ▅▊ ▌▍█▍ ▋▋▉▋▄▉.▌▇▇▉▅
4 Years Ago
▆▇▆▄▄ ▋▊█▋ ▊▉▌▅▊ ▉▅▄▊▉▊▇▌▊ ▊▋▍▍▊ ▄▆▊█▇██▊ ▋ ▅▇▌ ▋▌ ▌ ▅▉██▌█▅▍▇
4 Years Ago
Only setup monument markers once, not every time the map is opened (fixes monument text flickering out for a frame when opening the map)
4 Years Ago
Made ResourceRef PropertyDrawer not load assets every GUI repaint (fixes laggy inspectors in MonumentIsland scene)
4 Years Ago
▊▌▌▍▌ ▇▇▍▄▋▌ ▍▊▄▄▄▍ ▉█ .▋▋▉ ▌▍▆▋ ▊▉▋▆▋▅▇
4 Years Ago
Merge flamejet_optimisation
4 Years Ago
Remove array allocation every LateUpdate on FlameJet
4 Years Ago
Merge from map_improvements
4 Years Ago
Only update map markers when adding/removing points (fixes monument widgets vanishing for a frame when adding/removing markers)
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
Merge from instruments
4 Years Ago
Merge from chainsaw_reload_fix
4 Years Ago
Merge from scientist_lootpanel_fix
4 Years Ago
Merge from workshop_download_fix
4 Years Ago
Merge from tree_game
4 Years Ago
▉▍▋▆█ ▋▅▍▌▆▋.▍▊▆▆▆█▄▄▋▉▅ ▋█ ▅▊▍▉█ ▆▊▋ █▊▍▄▌█ ▌▋ ▉▄▅▊█▊ ▅▍ ▄▍▌ ▋▆▋▊▇▅▆▅▋ ▋▉ ▉▊▊▄▉ ▄▇ ▆█▍ ▆▇▆▉▄▄ ▄█▉▍▉█▇ ▌█▋ ▍▉▌▉▇▄▍. ▍██▍▇ ▅▅ ▊▋▉▍, ▉▍▉▅▇ ▄▅▊ ▆▌▄▅ ▇▌▉▋ ▄▋▇▌▉ ▅█▆▄▉▅.
4 Years Ago
▍▊▄▄▄▌▊ █▋▌▄▅▍▋▉▉▄█ ▄██ ▌▉▅▄▄▄▍▅ █▆█▄▊▉▄▍ ▌▊ ▅▌▋▉ ▉▍▌▌ ▍▍▌▋
4 Years Ago
█▇▇▌▉ ▍▆▍▊▉▇.█▆▆▌▍▊▋▄▄▆▊▇ ▌▍█▆▇ ▌▉▌▆▊▉ ▆▍▅ ▅█▉▄█▍█▇ ▍█ ▍▌▋ ▊▌▌▇▆ ▌▍▉▌▅▋ ▍▅ ▄▊▄ ▋▋▍▍▌█ ▇█ ▍▌▊▍█▄ (▍▆█▅▍ ▄▇ ▇▆▇▄)
4 Years Ago
▇▉▅ ▉▌▋ ▉▍▌▇▌▋▅▄▊.▆▄▄▌▋█▅▇▋ ▇▉ ▄▉▅▋▊▊▆█▅▋ ▅▄█ ▅█▋▉▋▆ ▊█▌▆ (▍▍. ▅█▅▄▅▅█▅▇.▊▍▋▅▊▆█▋▍ ▍ ▄▄▊▋▆▊▊)
4 Years Ago
Fixed a duplicate midi binding on the bass guitar
4 Years Ago
Fixed dedicated sharp note binding not working on instruments
4 Years Ago
Merge from instruments
4 Years Ago
Server compile fix
4 Years Ago
Fix guitar display issue when switching between multiple guitars
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
▉█▋▌ ▄▊▍ ▇▄▄▇ ▋▇█▅▌▍▍▇█▅ ▊▄ █▍▅▋▉, ▍█▇▅▅▄▍▇ ▊▉▄▍▆▉▄▉▆.▆▋▍▌▊▉ ▇█ ▍▄▍▇ ▆▌ ▌▌▇▇▊▊▆ ▊▇ ▉▌▆ █▍█ ▅▊ (▊▉▆ ▋█▋▊▇ ▍▍▊▆ ▍▍▍▇ ▋▅ ▄▌▅ █▌▍ ▉██▄█ ▅█▄▋█▇ ▋▍)
4 Years Ago
Removed some debug logs
4 Years Ago
Fixed a swamp tree with some weird detached marker points
4 Years Ago
Added an angle check to tree marker move amount, disabled on some trees with extreme curves
4 Years Ago
Raised minimum height of tree markers on all trees except palms to 0.4 Flatten out distance on y axis by 50% when finding a new spot to place a marker Regenerated marker data on some trees
4 Years Ago
▋▄▆ ▊▆▉▅▌▆█ ▇▄▄ ▊▊▉▊▊▍▉ ▅▍▉ ▆█▉▌▆▌▇ .▌▅▅ ▊▊▊▅▇ ██▋▇█▌▇▍
4 Years Ago
▋▇█▇▄▍▅▆▍ ▋▍▋ ▍▌▋ ▊█▅▅▊▆▉▆▌ ▍█▆▋ ▇█▄▉▅▍▆ ▋▊▊ ▍▇▆▋▅▆▍▍▌▋▌▌▄█▌▆▊▆▅▉▇ ▉▋█▌ █▋ █▊▍▉▄▍▌▅▋▇, ▉█▍▌▍▉ ▉▌▉ ▇▊▊▍▇▄'▊ ▅▆█▊ ▌▌▊▉ ▉▇▌▅ ▌▌ ▆▆▅▌▅ ▌▅ ▋█▍ ▅▊▇▅▄▋▊▊█▇▌▉▋ ▅▉▊▋ █▆▉▋▇▍▊ ▅▇▉ ▅▅▆ ██▌█▉▅█▉█
4 Years Ago
New admin commands: global.sleepingusers prints out all sleeping users on a server global.sleepingusersinrange prints out all sleeping users in the given range to the player, sorted by distance inventory.equipslot equips an inventory slot on the player being looked at (0 indexed, so 0 matches up with the 1 key)
4 Years Ago
Tweaked MIDI bindings on drum kit
4 Years Ago
Added a new Reliable Event Sender that can be setup on an animator state Can use this to send an animation event even if the animator is culled and events aren't being fired. This might fix some deploy animation problems on guitars
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
Scientist corpses now read Scientist in Loot Panel
4 Years Ago
▅▉ ▆▊▆▉▌▉ ▋▉▉▆██▉▌ ▄ ▍▇▌▋█ ▋▆▇▄▋▉▍ █▋▍ ▆▉ ▋▋▉▍ ▅█▉▅ ▊█ ▊▉▉▉ ▆█ ▌ ▋▌▍, ▌▊▌▍▇▆▋▇ ▉▆▋ ▊▍▍▋ ▋▆▅▋▍▆▊▌ ▆▉▋█▆ ▆▉ ▉▍ ▄▇▊ ▄▍▉ ▊▍▊▆▉ ▇▋ ▄▉▊ ▋▉▅▋▄▍ ▊▅▌ ▊▇▊ ▋▉▄▄ ▊▋▉'▊ ▆▊ ▌▋ ▉▌▆ ▄▅█▉▉▅▌ █▋▇▌▍▅▋▉ ▆▆▆▄▆▅▆▉▋▍ ▉▍▇▅
4 Years Ago
Only run DLC check on Client, not Server
4 Years Ago
Merge from instruments