
290 Commits over 62 Days - 0.19cph!

29 Days Ago
Tweaks after playtest feedback: * have wolves interrupt lenghty animations when they are suddenly in danger * injured wolves don't answer to calls for help as it'll just get them killed * less predictable charge patterns to disrupt aiming * higher chase and flee speed
29 Days Ago
Improve wolf senses
30 Days Ago
Add helpful warning messages when PolymorphicDrawer fails
30 Days Ago
Simplify polymorphic attribute drawer code
30 Days Ago
Prevent wolves getting permanently accustomed to fire when they survive a fight with a player that used fired on them, that's because new players encountering those wolves may get confused when they get bitten despite the holding a torch
30 Days Ago
Serialize state tags instead of hardcoding them, partial port of the code FSM to the new UI
31 Days Ago
Allow loading fsm scriptable objects into the runtime fsm component
31 Days Ago
Improve fsm editor UX, create new states next to currently selected ones, link them, and select the new one
31 Days Ago
Clean up serialized data containing fields that don't exist anymore
31 Days Ago
Generate code and manifest
31 Days Ago
Merge from main
31 Days Ago
Add fsm UI support for tag transitions, complete transitions, start states and link states
31 Days Ago
Allow changing state and transition classes, currently breaks when undo
31 Days Ago
Allow state renaming
31 Days Ago
Clean up FSM ui code, fix bug when removing state would corrupt the asset
31 Days Ago
Prevent duplication state connections, add method to deep copy a fsm
31 Days Ago
Allow fsm transition editing in the new UI
32 Days Ago
Add WIP fsm editor
33 Days Ago
Add placeholder audio for the wolf
33 Days Ago
If you hit a wolf before it spots you, it will run away for a bit, howl to call it's friends, and come back for you
34 Days Ago
Prevent wolves beelining and being too easy to shoot when flanking at long range, merge unreachable state and flee state
34 Days Ago
Hook new wolves to population, allow spawning packs
34 Days Ago
Replace entity queries with query.process, prevent growl spam, pass target when intimidated
34 Days Ago
Fix wolf leap attack being too spammy
34 Days Ago
Fix wolves being sitting ducks around lit campfires, or being too easily cheesed with torches
34 Days Ago
Fix wolf not following players moving away with lit torches
34 Days Ago
Add torch to bow editor loadout
34 Days Ago
Have wolves look at their prey when circling
35 Days Ago
Make fsms easier to debug and extend by using tags for high-level transitions instead of nested fsms
35 Days Ago
Have wolves react to campfires
35 Days Ago
Have EntityQuery.ProcessInSphere<T> cast to the chosen type, fix wrong time warning labels
35 Days Ago
Have wolves react to player torches
35 Days Ago
Add new methods to grid and BaseEntity.Query to remove the need for a static array
35 Days Ago
Merge from main
35 Days Ago
Merge from main
35 Days Ago
Fix client / server compile errors
35 Days Ago
Fix scoring and ranking of potential destinations not being respected
35 Days Ago
Undo vislog changes
36 Days Ago
Clean up vddraw
36 Days Ago
Hook visual logger to AI code and have it wrap ddraw
36 Days Ago
Add editor window similar to unreal's visual logger for easier AI debugging
37 Days Ago
Make wolves eyes glow in the night
37 Days Ago
Fix wolf circling being broken
37 Days Ago
Only update the wolf's path if the new destination is far from the current one
37 Days Ago
Clean up wolf path following logic
37 Days Ago
Modify wolf senses and targetting to be lazily evaluated on demand, instead of ticking
37 Days Ago
Budget fsm tick
37 Days Ago
Fix wolf not spotting nearby preys in some cases
37 Days Ago
Disable leftover debug displays
37 Days Ago
First pass at wolf unreachable prey behaviour