
273 Commits over 62 Days - 0.18cph!

15 Minutes Ago
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36 Minutes Ago
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4 Hours Ago
Add more perf markers to nav agent
Allow wolves to perceive other NPCs through occluders, but not players
Have wolves prioritize players that attack them over animals they are hunting
Fix bug where wolves were faster than light
Reduce the speed at which wolves eat a corpse
Add more ai debug toggles to rust editor
Optimize wolf path following, 60% speed boost Set a IsNavMeshReady bool to avoid calling agent.isOnNavMesh / agent.updateRotation / agent.isStopped once the navmesh is ready Cache transform to avoid doing .transform multiple times, micro-optimization but significant for hundreds of wolves
4 Days Ago
Cache actions to prevent allocs with Invoke and CancelInvoke
4 Days Ago
Add more detailed profiler markers to fsm
4 Days Ago
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5 Days Ago
Fix wolves looking at random players (wolves are pooled on client, so we need to reset their lookat target)
5 Days Ago
Fix wolves fleeing permanently when player swings the torch, they should only retreat temporarily Fix torches not being considered off after switching weapon Make wolves circle fires instead of circling players near fire, helps prevent wolves walking into fire Make wolves smell food and corpses around them, not requiring direct LoS to find it Simplify hearing and give it its own convar separate from the sense convar for easier filtering when debugging Add vislogs for food and fire
5 Days Ago
Optimize wolf fire detection, fix campfires making the wolf toggle between states very fast
5 Days Ago
Draw vislog spheres as circles to reduce clutter
5 Days Ago
Add parameter to drive vislog time between saves to disk, have NPCs log their position and state
5 Days Ago
Restore wolf health if it stays out of combat for a very long time
5 Days Ago
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5 Days Ago
Hook up ragdoll
6 Days Ago
Prevent wolves from being scared by noises too easily, make wolves favour circling more
6 Days Ago
Setup corpse and loot
6 Days Ago
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6 Days Ago
Add anim to wolf jump Tweak fsm api to prevent bugs we could catch in a static way Make it possible to stack the disabled state on a navmesh agent
6 Days Ago
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6 Days Ago
Instead of passing a small default value to SamplePosition, create another methode called IsOnNavmesh to make it harder to misuse
6 Days Ago
Polish wolf attack on foundation behaviour: raise jump apex, prevent target switch, U turn instead of barking when landing away, cancel if player gets down Fix canReach being inaccurate Fix potential bug when noise transition evaluates to true, but it's inverted or composed with other transitions Improve navigation vislogs
6 Days Ago
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6 Days Ago
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7 Days Ago
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7 Days Ago
Wolves can now jump onto player foundations to attack
7 Days Ago
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7 Days Ago
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7 Days Ago
New scientist first pass
7 Days Ago
Remove remnants of fsm tags, add strafe mode to path follower, add CanSeeTarget fsm transition
7 Days Ago
Make sure wolf can transition from hurt to death
7 Days Ago
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7 Days Ago
Fix wolf sight tracing to prey feet, often causing it to be blocked
7 Days Ago
Fix wolf hovering slightly above ground
7 Days Ago
Make new wolf DPS equivalent to the current one
9 Days Ago
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9 Days Ago
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9 Days Ago
Wolves will not bother howling if their prey is unreachable
9 Days Ago
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9 Days Ago
Wolves will favour targeting players over other NPCs unless the other NPC is way closer
10 Days Ago
Remove FSM tags, exhaustive transitions turn out to be easier to debug and manage
10 Days Ago
Add budgeted queue for pathfinding requests
10 Days Ago
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10 Days Ago
Have wolves clear their target after eating, as else they can hunt you down after finishing their food if you passed them while they were eating
10 Days Ago
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