582 Commits over 153 Days - 0.16cph!
Add bark and footstep audio to new jump anim
Implement wolf headress effect on wolves
Merge from ai_wolf_iteration
In unlikely case of ground projection spherecast starting inside geo, handle failure gracefully and keep the point unprojected
Handle sphere traces that start inside geo returning Vector3.zero as their impact point
Reduce wolf circle speed by 25%, make it so that the wolves uses multiple different speeds when closing the gap instead of zigzaging at full speed
Make wolves react more predictably to allies being hit, making packs of 3 more manageable with a bow
Prevent wolf from jumping inside geo if the player is tip toeing on a platform/cliff edge
Reduce wolf vision range at night
Merge from ai_wolf_iteration
Merge from ai_wolf_iteration
Correctly return state failure when pathfinding failed
Merge from ai_wolf_iteration
Prevent wolf from charging for too long
Fix wolf sometimes getting stuck in charge
Add log when state finishes but has no end transition
Fix wolf standing still when circling into a wall
Fix wolf mesh staying below powerline platforms, even though their actual body is on top
Make wolves give up even faster if you are mounted
Makes it easier to sneak on wolves when they are eating
Clean up sight code
Add better sight vislogs so we can debug exactly which cone caused the sighting
Fix wolves slowing down as they flee
Revert switch to unity's async pathfinding, it causes more bugs than it solves
Fix wolf jumping into cars
Fix wolves jumping into cars
Fix wolves jumping into cars
Merge from ai_wolf_iteration
Fix wolves leaping too far
Fix wolf thinking the player is reachable when they are not, because of unity async paths returning "complete" instead of "partial" even when they are partial, potentially because of the hidden large projection they do
Hook last version of jump anim, and re-annotate the motion warping timings
Apply out of navmesh root motion when not in the air
Tweak the wolf dynamic vision range:
Reduce base wolf vision by 5m
Player crouching = 50% range
Player sprinting = 130% range (no change)
Crouching now allows getting in melee range if you approach a wolf from behind
Merge from admin_invis_command
Polish jump trajectory and weightiness
Merge from ai_wolf_iteration
Improve the fidelity of the wolf high jump using a bespoke animation
Add a telegraph before jumping
Make it dodgeable with enough space by running before the wolf lands
Give more time to hit the wolf before it jumps back
Fix anim montage generation not properly ignoring locomotion anims
Add debug commands for visualizing NPC acceleration, deceleration and gait
Fix wolves suddenly stoppinng when fleeing
Fix wolves that keep eating or chilling while their pack members are fighting nearby
Make bradley, heli and shark respect the "ai.addIgnorePlayer" and "ai.ignorePlayers" admin command
Add command to make admin invisible