975 Commits over 243 Days - 0.17cph!
Potential fix for anims not being cancelled properly
Merge from jungle_update (croc speed up when chasing player running away)
Fix croc struggling to ever catch up if a player runs past but never attacks them to piss them off
Add slow acceleration to croc fleeing
Temporarily remove croc swim sprint noise
- Prevent croc from fleeing back to water but charging again right after
- Croc accelerates slowly when charging through water, instead of going at top speed the moment it gets in water
- Have croc start swim attack from further away, looks better on hit and prevent weird misses
Further improve croc water transition
Fix height snap when croc goes in and out of water
Reduce croc health slightly
Fix crocodile missing attacks a lot, but still ensure belly flop attack can be dodged
Merge from jungle_update (improvements to tiger and croc)
Have croc always use max speed if it's charging in water, as it doesn't get tired easily like on land
Reduce volume of croc swimming fast
- Tiger will only flee if aimed at precisely, incentivizing trying to spot the tiger after a growl instead of just aiming in general direction then forgetting about it
- Tiger will not flee if aimed at with a melee weapon other than the spear
- Tiger will only flee if aimed at from a long distance, else it'll just commit to a charge, incentivizing walking away first if tiger is too close
Prevent crocs from swimming in too shallow water / alternating too fast between swimming and not swimming
Adjust croc population to account for the fact they can only spawn in select places
Slightly reduce tiger population
Tweak croc belly flop tracking, attack rhythm, turns
Fix croc letting you go in its back too easily
Fix wood barricade double not carving navmesh
Fix croc not interrupting intimidation when player is very close
Add tiger placeholder water footstep to avoid error spam
Merge from jungle_update, better crocodile behaviour
- Make croc better at pretending to flee to bait player into following it to the water
- Make croc even more sluggish when it didn't take enough damage to be angry
- Give croc same protection value as tiger (effectively buffs melee weapons which would be moskito bites otherwise)
Croc will now start quite slow, and get more and more aggressive the more it's shot at
Merge from jungle_update, protocol bump
Add placeholder footstep audio to tiger and panther
79093, caused shoreVectors to be generated twice, which slowed down playing in editor
Attempt to fix croc being stuck after static bite attack only on release
Fix croc head popping when moving out of water
- Double volume of tiger growls when sneaking
- Ensure player gets at least 3 chances to hear the growls before being attacked
- Tigers are more likely to flee than to charge if they think they are threatened, unless very close
- Tiger takes longer to decide to charge
Make tiger retreat faster after successful hit on prey
Fix panthers spawning underwater
Fix tigers spawning underwater
Prevent wolves from spawning in the jungle, imo crocs tigers and snakes are enough to worry about
Merge from jungle_update (contains protocol change)
Jungle ambient noise like birds goes silent when tiger is stalking you
Protocol change
Merge from jungle_update (fix compile errors)