528 Commits over 123 Days - 0.18cph!
Merge from ai_wolf_iteration
Fix compile errors caused by serialized fiels in server only parts of the code
Merge from ai_wolf_iteration
Fix editor only code causing compile issues
Merge from ai_wolf_iteration
Fix editor only code being used outside of editor directives
Merge from ai_wolf_iteration
Add more weapons to editor combat loadout
Make targetting component more robust, make wolves react more believably when shot with long range weapons
Merge from ai_wolf_iteration
Conservatively fix compile error caused by #if SERVER
Make target component API usage more consistent
Bring wolf to 0 runtime allocs by removing a lambda in the senseComponent
Remove lambdas from wolf fsm transitions in preparation for it to be data driven
Add distance check option enum to entity query
Add profile markers to FSM
Add missing profile markers
Add profile markers for parts of the codes that can do traces, path queries and entity queries
Remove uses of lambdas in entity queries to avoid subtle allocations
Have wolves use brains queries instead of entity queries
Fix missing using statement on server
Fix compiler complaining about unused serialized variables when they are server only
Fix pooledlist test not being setup and torn down properly
Hook new wolf growl anim, make animator state generator case instensitive
Rewrite PooledList to be IPooled and IDisposable, allowing it to be part of using statements and free itself when leaving scope
Have fsm UI states sync their name with the actual runtime state instance
Add labels to transitions in fsm UI
Derive graphview edges to store fsm transition information directly in them
Fix undo not working when renaming fsm nodes in the UI or changing state properties
FSM UI now properly add new states at mouse location
Add option to export code only FSMs to graphviz to help porting existing FSMs to the new UI
Reduce occurences when one wolf is injured and other wolves keep circling slowly instead of coming to help or fleeing
Tweaks after playtest feedback:
* have wolves interrupt lenghty animations when they are suddenly in danger
* injured wolves don't answer to calls for help as it'll just get them killed
* less predictable charge patterns to disrupt aiming
* higher chase and flee speed
Add helpful warning messages when PolymorphicDrawer fails
Simplify polymorphic attribute drawer code
Prevent wolves getting permanently accustomed to fire when they survive a fight with a player that used fired on them, that's because new players encountering those wolves may get confused when they get bitten despite the holding a torch
Serialize state tags instead of hardcoding them, partial port of the code FSM to the new UI
Allow loading fsm scriptable objects into the runtime fsm component
Improve fsm editor UX, create new states next to currently selected ones, link them, and select the new one
Clean up serialized data containing fields that don't exist anymore
Generate code and manifest
Add fsm UI support for tag transitions, complete transitions, start states and link states