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10 Months Ago
10 Months Ago
1/2 low hanging fruit visual facelift
10 Months Ago
Fixed moonpool surface not really rendering at all.
10 Months Ago
Swamp & lake material fixes
10 Months Ago
Fixed rivers almost being still. Normals & speed better match river source FX.
10 Months Ago
Fixed tug navigation (red/green) lights turning off when standing on the side of the boat and facing a certain way.
10 Months Ago
Reapplied AK drip.
10 Months Ago
Rowboat bow splash FX iteration.
10 Months Ago
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10 Months Ago
Minor emissive and material hue tweaks to better match the screens.
10 Months Ago
Tug-specific sonar sweep visuals to better match the other screen.
10 Months Ago
Added disabled damage prefab to the Tugboat (not code supported yet)
10 Months Ago
Added a functional dashboard headlight indicator light to the Tugboat, because cute.
10 Months Ago
Tug damage prefab with light/medium/severe states
10 Months Ago
Fixed underwater rain again.
10 Months Ago
Fixed Tugboat caustics projecting into nothing, not being set up for its size.
10 Months Ago
Water droplet material is underwater masked.
10 Months Ago
Fixed tugboat radar flickering
10 Months Ago
Fixed snowing underwater.
10 Months Ago
Cherrypick fix Beaufort 5 being too vibrant, and other water color tweaks.
10 Months Ago
Underwater fog slightly darker.
10 Months Ago
Nudged water SSS down a little. Fixed beaufort level 5 water accidentally being brighter than the others.
10 Months Ago
Fixed rain rendering underwater.
10 Months Ago
Fixed subsurface falloff gradiation between beaufort states
10 Months Ago
Water & beaufort parameters. (Waves unchanged)
10 Months Ago
Ocean refraction tweaks +caustics adjustments to match.
10 Months Ago
Slight caustics speed/depth/scale/brightness tweaks, because they were barely noticable.
10 Months Ago
underwater.prefab iteration & fixed time scaling issue
10 Months Ago
Bone retargeted breathing FX out of the back area when underwater
10 Months Ago
Suit breathing fx prefab
10 Months Ago
Iterated on underwater.prefab. (Bubbles & plankton still using bugged shader mask test)
10 Months Ago
Optimizing overly expensive underwater bubbles & plankton WIP
10 Months Ago
Nixed late blue cast on water splashes, looks odd in certain weather conditions. Fixed issue with throttle splash on rhib.
10 Months Ago
Fixed various rendering issues with the torch on & off state. Disabled the viewmodel flare for now because of compatibility issues, and tweaked the glass to get more traditional flaring to compensate.
10 Months Ago
Calibrated the brightness to match the vanilla torch
10 Months Ago
All guns consistent worldmodel orientation, with pivot/CoG shifted where it feels logical
10 Months Ago
Weapon worldmodel LODGroup consistency pass. Applied to prefabs.
10 Months Ago
Remaining LOD groups
10 Months Ago
LOD consistency progress
10 Months Ago
LODgroup consistency progress/backup
10 Months Ago
Worldmodel LOD consistency WIP
10 Months Ago
Fixed toolgun worldmodel materials all being in the wrong order
10 Months Ago
All weapon worldmodels into the testmap
10 Months Ago
Fixed python worldmodel LOD3 being offset
10 Months Ago
Added fluorescent sound buzz when enabled.
10 Months Ago
Flare color fix that got messed up in a Unity crash.
10 Months Ago
Forgot to add the flare to the on state.
10 Months Ago
On/off functions Temp file cleanup
10 Months Ago
WeaponRack lighting rework.
10 Months Ago
Temp prefab with gunrack lighting setup Optimized wallracklight textures New flare type