
7,564 Commits over 3,623 Days - 0.09cph!

11 Months Ago
Fixed the close flare on the new ceiling light fixture
11 Months Ago
▅▆▅▄▊▆▍▋ ▉▇▄▆▌ ▇▉▄
11 Months Ago
Final playthrough polish on lighting prefab.
11 Months Ago
Updated explosion_underwater_surface for the new water
11 Months Ago
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11 Months Ago
▆▇▍ ▋█▍▄▄ ▅▅▋▅▍▊
11 Months Ago
Bullet/blunt/slash/stab water impacts no longer fill rate performance hogs, and look nicer.
11 Months Ago
Water splash material vertex lit instead of emissive, uses a healthier texture atlas.
11 Months Ago
11 Months Ago
Cleaned up old temp lighting from the scene.
11 Months Ago
Added the lighting prefab and made a few scene tweaks needed for its integration.
11 Months Ago
Moved the subway entrance lighting to an override group with a culling volume to save on shadow casters. Exit sign emissive tweak.
11 Months Ago
Remaining lighting
11 Months Ago
11 Months Ago
Finalizing backup
11 Months Ago
Localized FX Bounce polish
11 Months Ago
Prefab backup New prop light spotlight off Tweaks/fixes to a few light fixture mats.
11 Months Ago
Exterior bounce
11 Months Ago
Loading bays
11 Months Ago
Prefab backup. Streetlight detached prefab iteration.
11 Months Ago
Progress backup
11 Months Ago
Prefab backup New light cookies
11 Months Ago
Lighting progress
11 Months Ago
Interior fixes.
11 Months Ago
Terminal progress backup
11 Months Ago
Lighting progress & related files
11 Months Ago
Prefab backup & light fixture mat tweaks
11 Months Ago
Lighting prefab. Tweaks to new office ceiling A fixtures.
11 Months Ago
Phonebooth lighting tweaks.
11 Months Ago
Few more fixes
11 Months Ago
Small timing fixes.
11 Months Ago
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11 Months Ago
Final atlas files. Scene backup
11 Months Ago
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11 Months Ago
Further halo improvs.
11 Months Ago
Stronger 6P density.
11 Months Ago
White premultiplication on 6p textures to improve haloing.
11 Months Ago
Cleaned up all the old crap. Naming convention.
11 Months Ago
New atlas renders made for the updated shader.
11 Months Ago
Final tweaks now that the screenspace camera code feature is in.
11 Months Ago
▇▆▆▆▉▆▍▆▆▅ ▇▍█ ▊▆▇▋▍ █▉▌▊▋ ▄▋ ▋█▍▊ ▊█ ▇▌▍'▇ █▋▊▊ ▋▉▍▆▋▅▊▉ ▆▊ ▄▉█▆ ▌▍▋█▆▉ ▌▌▄ ▉▊▊▄▅ █▆▌▊▄▇▊ ▄▍▇▍▌▅. ▆▅▆▊▄ ▍▄▍▍▊▍.
11 Months Ago
More UI polish
11 Months Ago
Alignment improvements.
11 Months Ago
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11 Months Ago
▌▋▍▉▊▄ ▅▅▉▍ ▅▋ ▆▆▌▉▉▇.▌▄▍.▆▄▇▉ ▊▉▆ ▉▍▇▉▍▇ ▋█▉ ▊▌▆ ▊▌▊▆▉▆ ▄▌▉▅▍ ▉▆▇▉▊ ▋▉▍ ▄▉▌▊ ▊▊▊ ▌▌▉█▄▌▉.
11 Months Ago
Fixed the most awful chat field UI bug.
11 Months Ago
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11 Months Ago
11 Months Ago
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11 Months Ago
Prefabbed changes (some bugs remain)