
8,345 Commits over 3,957 Days - 0.09cph!

2 Years Ago
Snow machine improvements WIP
2 Years Ago
Gingerbread slash/bullet/blunt FX prefabs. Snow machine refresh WIP
2 Years Ago
Crusty gingerbread generic impact & related files.
2 Years Ago
merge from main
2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
"dumb" inner shell & related files
2 Years Ago
File backup
2 Years Ago
Finally maybe an acceptable top topology for the flame mesh
2 Years Ago
Ref values
2 Years Ago
Flame mesh texture prototype
2 Years Ago
Pre inner flame cone checkpoint
2 Years Ago
Kinetic params
2 Years Ago
Reworked mesh bones
2 Years Ago
Some scale hackery to work around the old shader's innate object spaceyness.
2 Years Ago
Mesh & scene backup
2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
Mesh backup
2 Years Ago
Stuff for Bill
2 Years Ago
Newest shader again for debug
2 Years Ago
Maybe fixed the new Tuna Can Lantern candle flame being 3 feet tall in the build(???)
2 Years Ago
Merge from VFX (Hobos, Candles, Tuna Can Light, BBQ, Molotov ground fire now soft blended.)
2 Years Ago
merge from main
2 Years Ago
Hobobarrel static & deployed prefab setup and polish.
2 Years Ago
Scene backup
2 Years Ago
More fixes.
2 Years Ago
Bugfixes and final polish on Caboose Dressing prefab.
2 Years Ago
merge from main
2 Years Ago
Added back the missing window plane
2 Years Ago
merge from Caboose
2 Years Ago
Various fixes
2 Years Ago
Trigger fixeroos
2 Years Ago
Shifted stuff around in the lighting hierarchy for proper togglability with the culling volume.
2 Years Ago
Caboose dressing prefab with exterior lighting and culling volume Neon material tweak
2 Years Ago
Scene backup. Caboose string light mesh changes to facilitate the modified shape
2 Years Ago
Fixed Caboose emissive material and lighting animation regression. Changes to some textures to faciliate string lights being in an off state without looking derp.
2 Years Ago
Inverted culling volume test to deal with the paper thin caboose wall light bleed WIP.
2 Years Ago
Fixed NeonSign material being blank. Optimized NeonSign texture sizes. Tweaked Caboose Graffiti to be cutout rendered instead of faded (necessary for lighting purposes)
2 Years Ago
Flame iteration & scene backup
2 Years Ago
Scene backup
2 Years Ago
Floating flame sequence to augment any base fire atlas.
2 Years Ago
Upwards pointing generic slightly rounded bottom flame atlas. (Hobo barrels)
2 Years Ago
Added soft blend to the Molotov ground fire, now that the shader bug has been sorted.
2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
BBQ deployed prefab updated with facelifted elements.
2 Years Ago
merge from main
2 Years Ago
Scene backup
2 Years Ago
Remaining BBQ FX stuff Iterated on the BBQ emissive texture
2 Years Ago
New BBQ FX & related meshes/mats
2 Years Ago
BBQ fire facelift & point-light-killing perf optimization WIP