
1,215 Commits over 3,987 Days - 0.01cph!

10 Years Ago
- sad fixed origin point
10 Years Ago
fixed origin points for happy/sad/default. Think I fixed PO, alex will have to check.
10 Years Ago
fixing nose and adjusting origin points of the morphs for head 2
10 Years Ago
adjusted origin points for the morphs for the 3rd head
10 Years Ago
checking in morphs for head 1
10 Years Ago
head 2 sad blendshape
10 Years Ago
re-checking in head 2 with teeth and eyes attached
10 Years Ago
checking in head 2 with morphs
10 Years Ago
morphs for head3 for alex to check out
10 Years Ago
added lods in the file for alex
10 Years Ago
checking in black male variant head and texture for alex to skin
10 Years Ago
adding brick textures for dan
10 Years Ago
checking in shotgun with material and textures
10 Years Ago
uploading source files for ak
10 Years Ago
Adding AK, textures and lods
10 Years Ago
adding max file for storage box
10 Years Ago
resized storage
10 Years Ago
no need for this one now
10 Years Ago
large wooden storage
10 Years Ago
emmisive open and closed textures
10 Years Ago
checking in new lods, transition should much smoother.
10 Years Ago
lods plus highres
10 Years Ago
keypad, textures plus lods
10 Years Ago
Adding lods for the smoke stack, hopefully in the right place this time ;)
10 Years Ago
updated smokestack just need to lod and add foliage.
10 Years Ago
smoketower blockin fbx plus prefab and temp materials
10 Years Ago
burlap neck fix
11 Years Ago
hammer lods!
11 Years Ago
adding new bolt rifle textures & materials
11 Years Ago
Checking in storage box and textures ready for animating
11 Years Ago
checking in metal plate helmet and textures
11 Years Ago
burlap shirt fix...hopefully.
11 Years Ago
reupload of player_naked_torso_LOD2
11 Years Ago
checking in fixed LOD2 naked torso mesh with longer wrists
11 Years Ago
checking in fixes for the model errors concerning the burlap trousers and shirt
11 Years Ago
checking in the plate armor with fixes to the mesh, textures should already be up?
11 Years Ago
adding chest plate armour
11 Years Ago
adding gloves (which need skinning properly) and adding feet with textures
11 Years Ago
burlap_trousers textures + meta files
11 Years Ago
burlap trousers max 2014 file for goosey
11 Years Ago
comp map for basic torso
11 Years Ago
basic torso prefab, hopefully this time not empty
11 Years Ago
basic torso and materials
11 Years Ago
ao passes for bill!
11 Years Ago
lods for the head for alex
11 Years Ago
basic feet lods for alex
11 Years Ago
feet and torso lods for alex
11 Years Ago
adding urban head and urban torso lods
11 Years Ago
adding in the clothing+body part lods as obj for alex
11 Years Ago
adding urban LODs