
2,828 Commits over 2,041 Days - 0.06cph!

5 Years Ago
Subtract decay detector
5 Years Ago
Subtract seismic detector
5 Years Ago
Subtract potentiometer
5 Years Ago
Merge from comp/entities
5 Years Ago
Merge from main
5 Years Ago
Allow typing when the console autocomplete is active (instead of needing to push tab)
5 Years Ago
Merge from motd
5 Years Ago
Fix an item being lost when a corpse with full inventory despawns (into a backpack), the item that can't fit into the backpack will get thrown onto the floor now
5 Years Ago
WIP server message of the day
5 Years Ago
Add support for temporarily banning players There's a new, optional parameter at the end of ban/banid that controls the expiry date It can be something like (one of these) 5m, 2w, 3d for relative time, or a unix timestamp, which is what's saved to bans.cfg
5 Years Ago
Revert ProjectSettings change that snuck in
5 Years Ago
Fix crash when loading server information sometimes (updated FP.Steamworks) Fix bootstrap NRE when running custom builds
5 Years Ago
Remove ScmInfo.Items field
5 Years Ago
Fix error sent from TeamInfo when their player is null (offline+dead)
5 Years Ago
Experimental emoji rendering in chat
5 Years Ago
Subtract 41032
5 Years Ago
Fix alt look rotation not working with debugcam enabled, also fix alt looking not showing in third person
5 Years Ago
Fix camera rotation regression when mounted and parented at the same time
5 Years Ago
▅▅▅▅ █▊▋▊▅▅▍ ▌▊▍▆ ▉█▉▄ ▋▇▊▄▋ ▌▄ ▊▆▍ ▆▇▉▆▉▆ ▅▋▇▅ █▋▌▋▍▋▇ ▌█ ▌▅▋▄ ▆▇▍▉ ▄▇▇'▇ ▍█▊▌ ▌█▊▅▊▄ ▌▄█▉ ▍▉▌▅ ▍█▅▆ █▌'█ ▆▆ ▌▉▋ ▄▇▍▋▉▇ (▅▌▅▇▊▋▋▋▆ ▊▊ ▋▇█▊▍ █▌▅▊▄▌█▊ ▅▋▉▍▄▉▅)
5 Years Ago
Don't allow empty messages to be sent, truncate extra long messages before sending them
5 Years Ago
Make hiding the body and VM when alt looking less aggressive
5 Years Ago
Fix funky viewmodel positioning when parented
5 Years Ago
Fix combatlog not usable without admin
5 Years Ago
▆▇▊ ▇▊▋ ▆▉ `▆▋▅▅▅▅▊▊`, █▄▊▋▊▄▆▄▅█▄▋▊ ▇▌ ▇▌▇▉ ▇▌ ▇▄█ ▆▇ █▄▇ ▌▌▄'▆ ▉▉█▇█▇
5 Years Ago
Abort connection if connecting to an EAC protected server without EAC loaded
5 Years Ago
Merge from altlook
5 Years Ago
Fix server using the wrong look rotation
5 Years Ago
Merge from main
5 Years Ago
Clamping nonsense
5 Years Ago
Fix weirdness when mounted on things that aren't completely upright
5 Years Ago
Fix some weirdness on horses
5 Years Ago
Fix alt looking so you can't flip your head upside down anymore (hopefully)
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Merge from comp
5 Years Ago
██▊▌▅▋ ▆▋ ▉▍▋▉▌▋▉▇ ▇▇▋▇▊▍▄▄▅ █▄▅ ▅▅▄▊▇▋▊▅▇▍ ▉▆█▊▊▌▍▍ ▆▋▆ `▊▍▍▇▇▋▉▇` ▊▊▊▊▄▉ ▇▍ ▄▅▄▅█▍ █▋█▌▄▇▆▄▆▆ ▆▌▉ ▆▄ ▆▄ ▍▄▋ ▋▆▌▊▇▄ ▆▌▌▋▅▊ ▌▊ ▉▅▍█ ▋▅▅ ▉███▆▄ ▅▍▋ ▅▄▅▊▆▆▍▌ ▉▍▅ ▇▅▉▄▊▍▌▋▌▇
5 Years Ago
▌▍▅▋▌ ▇▍▆ ▍▅▄▊▇▅ ▄▅▆▆▊ ▇▍▋▆▇▊▆ ▋▄▌▅ ▅▇▇▊▌▌▆█ ▊█▊▆▋▆▇ ▉ ▉▋▋▍▇▋
5 Years Ago
▊▆▅▋ ▍▉▅▋▌▍▋▌▋▄ ▍▉▇▋▋▊ ▊▊▊▋█▄▇ ▊▊▉▍▊▄▋ ▇█▌ ▄▄▋▆▄▌▉▍█▇ (▆▉▉▉▌▋▉ ▅▄ ▊▇▇▍ ▅▉ ▄▆▍ ▅▌▍▊█▊)
5 Years Ago
Fix chat timestamp always being 0
5 Years Ago
Merge from main
5 Years Ago
▊▋▍ ▍▅▇▉▊▅▍▌ ▍▄▄▋ ▌▄▆ █▌▉▇▌▋▍ █▌ `▅▍▉▄▉▉▊▆█▋` ▊▅▊▍▇▉▇
5 Years Ago
▄▆█ `▌▍▍▇▅▉▅▅` ▄▊ █▆▋▍ ▅▇▌▌ ▅▄▍█▆▉ ▄▊▉▅ ▆ ▉▉▉▆▊▆
5 Years Ago
▊▅▊ `▌▊▋ ▄▅▋▍` ▌▅▄▅█▍▄ █▍ █▍▊▊ ▄▄▆▉▇▋▆ ▍▉▍▅▊▊▄▋▍▌ ▇▄ ▊▅/▊▆▆▅▆▄▍▉▉▇▅
5 Years Ago
Fix getting wet in the cargoship hold
5 Years Ago
Never include server channel messages in the recently seen list (fix for report UI on modded servers) Never allow clicking on server channel messages, even if they have a steamid set
5 Years Ago
Show ban reason when rejecting banned players from joining the server
5 Years Ago
Fix broadcast pooling
5 Years Ago
Fix sending unhandled command error with bad data
5 Years Ago
Reject commands sent by banned players
5 Years Ago
WIP team chat integration Keep track of the most recent team chat messages, add a command to get them Add a command to send team chat messages Broadcast team chat messages to listeners as they arrive Got rid of some redundant allocations in DeveloperList
5 Years Ago
Merge from main