
5,830 Commits over 3,592 Days - 0.07cph!

50 Days Ago
Replace sounds for GrenadeBeam.HitSound to existing ones Added "Use" input to the base fgd
51 Days Ago
Check for View Model validity
51 Days Ago
Check for View Model validity
51 Days Ago
Check for View Model validity
51 Days Ago
Portal camera reacts to ai_disable Fix a warning on glados core spawn from spawnmenu Fixed crash when running editdemo Added sphere visualizer to point_message's radius Fixed Portal turrets targeting Portal Cameras Better fix for the RPG clientside sound spam Prevent certain NPCs from being Barnacle'd Fixed Portal rocket turret bone followers
51 Days Ago
Portal camera reacts to ai_disable Fix a warning on glados core spawn from spawnmenu Fixed crash when running editdemo Added sphere visualizer to point_message's radius Fixed Portal turrets targeting Portal Cameras Better fix for the RPG clientside sound spam Prevent certain NPCs from being Barnacle'd Fixed Portal rocket turret bone followers
51 Days Ago
Fixed crash when running editdemo Added sphere visualizer to point_message's radius Fixed Portal turrets targeting Portal Cameras Better fix for the RPG clientside sound spam Prevent certain NPCs from being Barnacle'd Fixed Portal rocket turret bone followers
52 Days Ago
Portal camera reacts to ai_disable Fix a warning on glados core spawn from spawnmenu
52 Days Ago
Allow render.CapturePixels in main menu when used on Lua RTs. Block some of the screenshot commands Camera SWEP can still do screenshots, don't worry, and so can your code Portal Turret related fixes Don't try to precache EP2 particle Don't target rockets Added CLASS_PORTAL_TURRET - Based on CLASS_COMBINE, but also hates COMBINE Portal Rocket Turret adjustments In spawned through spawn menu (spawnflag 2) - can be killed and can target NPCs. Also fixed the case when it is disabled and its angles are not 0 0 0, it would look all broken trace concommand also prints clientside entity classname
52 Days Ago
Allow render.CapturePixels in main menu when used on Lua RTs. Block some of the screenshot commands Camera SWEP can still do screenshots, don't worry, and so can your code Portal Turret related fixes Don't try to precache EP2 particle Don't target rockets Added CLASS_PORTAL_TURRET - Based on CLASS_COMBINE, but also hates COMBINE Portal Rocket Turret adjustments In spawned through spawn menu (spawnflag 2) - can be killed and can target NPCs. Also fixed the case when it is disabled and its angles are not 0 0 0, it would look all broken trace concommand also prints clientside entity classname
52 Days Ago
Block some of the screenshot commands Camera SWEP can still do screenshots, don't worry, and so can your code Portal Turret related fixes Don't try to precache EP2 particle Don't target rockets Added CLASS_PORTAL_TURRET - Based on CLASS_COMBINE, but also hates COMBINE Portal Rocket Turret adjustments In spawned through spawn menu (spawnflag 2) - can be killed and can target NPCs. Also fixed the case when it is disabled and its angles are not 0 0 0, it would look all broken trace concommand also prints clientside entity classname
52 Days Ago
Allow render.CapturePixels in main menu when used on Lua RTs.
53 Days Ago
Added Portal Cores to spawnmenu Update some portal map icons that have turrets Also updated portal turret NPC spawnmenu icon Added Portal Camera to spawnmenu Added "trace" console command This is just a convenience for me, it's serverside and limited to singleplayer/local server host Update TTT (Community Contributions) Update Turkish language Optimized radar ping network traffic
53 Days Ago
Fix Portal Rocket Turret not respecting ai_disabled Fixed a crash with prop_vehicle_crane and map cleanups Disable hidden convar setting by the Options menu con_enable, hud_quickswitch, hud_fastswitch Added text entry for FPS Limiter in Options Also nuke some hidden/unused panel code from multiplayer tab, regarding crosshairs and old player model selector Fixed Nextbot Paths failing to generate Also added console warnings when this happens, for debugging purposes. Fixed RPG behavior in 3rd person in multiplayer This involves a nasty hack setting the weapon's model for a split second in SetIdealActivity, which was already being done in SetActivity Remove redundant cast from weapon RPG primary attack code Fixed TOOL:Reload inconsistent trace code with left/right clicks Was accidentally rolled back to use TraceLine Fixed Lua Effects changing their entity table if accessed too early Weapons and SENTS already had this fixed ages ago Let's try adding an error on invalid input to PropSelect.AddModel Added Portal Cores to spawnmenu Update some portal map icons that have turrets Also updated portal turret NPC spawnmenu icon Added Portal Camera to spawnmenu Added "trace" console command This is just a convenience for me, it's serverside and limited to singleplayer/local server host Update TTT (Community Contributions) Update Turkish language Optimized radar ping network traffic
53 Days Ago
Update TTT (Community Contributions) Update Turkish language Optimized radar ping network traffic
53 Days Ago
Added Portal Cores to spawnmenu Update some portal map icons that have turrets Also updated portal turret NPC spawnmenu icon Added Portal Camera to spawnmenu Added "trace" console command This is just a convenience for me, it's serverside and limited to singleplayer/local server host
53 Days Ago
Fix Portal Rocket Turret not respecting ai_disabled Fixed a crash with prop_vehicle_crane and map cleanups Disable hidden convar setting by the Options menu con_enable, hud_quickswitch, hud_fastswitch Added text entry for FPS Limiter in Options Also nuke some hidden/unused panel code from multiplayer tab, regarding crosshairs and old player model selector Fixed Nextbot Paths failing to generate Also added console warnings when this happens, for debugging purposes. Fixed RPG behavior in 3rd person in multiplayer This involves a nasty hack setting the weapon's model for a split second in SetIdealActivity, which was already being done in SetActivity Remove redundant cast from weapon RPG primary attack code Fixed TOOL:Reload inconsistent trace code with left/right clicks Was accidentally rolled back to use TraceLine Fixed Lua Effects changing their entity table if accessed too early Weapons and SENTS already had this fixed ages ago Let's try adding an error on invalid input to PropSelect.AddModel
53 Days Ago
Let's try adding an error on invalid input to PropSelect.AddModel
53 Days Ago
Fix Portal Rocket Turret not respecting ai_disabled Fixed a crash with prop_vehicle_crane and map cleanups Disable hidden convar setting by the Options menu con_enable, hud_quickswitch, hud_fastswitch Added text entry for FPS Limiter in Options Also nuke some hidden/unused panel code from multiplayer tab, regarding crosshairs and old player model selector Fixed Nextbot Paths failing to generate Also added console warnings when this happens, for debugging purposes. Fixed RPG behavior in 3rd person in multiplayer This involves a nasty hack setting the weapon's model for a split second in SetIdealActivity, which was already being done in SetActivity Remove redundant cast from weapon RPG primary attack code Fixed TOOL:Reload inconsistent trace code with left/right clicks Was accidentally rolled back to use TraceLine Fixed Lua Effects changing their entity table if accessed too early Weapons and SENTS already had this fixed ages ago
56 Days Ago
TTT: Code clean ups (Community Pull Request) Use player.Iterator, use net.WritePlayer, remove self.Weapon/self.Entity usage
56 Days Ago
TTT: Use new game.CleanUpMap argument
56 Days Ago
TTT: Code clean ups (Community Pull Request) Use player.Iterator, use net.WritePlayer, remove self.Weapon/self.Entity usage
56 Days Ago
TTT: Fixed can_rag_pin_inno overwriting can_rag_pin in Magneto Stick (Community Contribution) Fixed func_breakable_surf crashes on spawn Added a warning when C_OP_WorldCollideConstraint gets insane values Fixed regression with nextbot pathfinding involving ladders Rookie mistake Fixed certain brushes not having any collisions on maps Better refcounting for model decal materials Clicking in the Paint tool UI will always bring up the paint tool Precache physgun materials Let's try releasing decal materials (and textures) on map shutdown Do not look for awesomium_process.exe on linux Reload default decals after clearing the entire list Added gmod_sneak_attack to disable HL2 sneak attack system Defaults to enabled naturally GM:PropBreak uses attacker, not inflictor for the player GM:PropBreak checks for physics attacker Prop physics damage tries to set correct attacker Owned combine ball (AR2) breaking a crate now has the correct attacker TTT: Code clean ups (Community Pull Request) Use player.Iterator, use net.WritePlayer, remove self.Weapon/self.Entity usage
56 Days Ago
Fixed text of game_text being cut off if too long Use string.StartsWith over StartWith Fixed regression with duplicated NPC being forced to drop to the ground Whip out Paint tool when selecting a decal Prevent errors with IconEditor and DAdjustableModelPanel with no entity Fixed problem counter not updating when problems are fired too early Adjustments to fallback main menu Enable asset:// for loading screens Fixed a bug with markup library Allow constraint.Keepupright on more entities Fixed a regression with Entity:NetworkVar Minor cleanups Added DMenuOption radio setting Fixed DMenuOption:SetChecked not calling OnChecked Read-Only file problem handling Allow right clicking in Bodygroup/Skin entity properties CreationMenu validates the panel it wants to parent to Workarounds around game.CleanUpMap() due to bad addons
56 Days Ago
Fixed regression with nextbot pathfinding involving ladders Rookie mistake Fixed certain brushes not having any collisions on maps Better refcounting for model decal materials Clicking in the Paint tool UI will always bring up the paint tool Precache physgun materials Let's try releasing decal materials (and textures) on map shutdown Do not look for awesomium_process.exe on linux Reload default decals after clearing the entire list Added gmod_sneak_attack to disable HL2 sneak attack system Defaults to enabled naturally GM:PropBreak uses attacker, not inflictor for the player GM:PropBreak checks for physics attacker Prop physics damage tries to set correct attacker Owned combine ball (AR2) breaking a crate now has the correct attacker
56 Days Ago
GM:PropBreak uses attacker, not inflictor for the player GM:PropBreak checks for physics attacker Prop physics damage tries to set correct attacker Owned combine ball (AR2) breaking a crate now has the correct attacker
56 Days Ago
Update bug report template
56 Days Ago
56 Days Ago
Do not look for awesomium_process.exe on linux Reload default decals after clearing the entire list Added gmod_sneak_attack to disable HL2 sneak attack system Defaults to enabled naturally
57 Days Ago
Precache physgun materials Let's try releasing decal materials (and textures) on map shutdown
57 Days Ago
Better refcounting for model decal materials Clicking in the Paint tool UI will always bring up the paint tool
57 Days Ago
Fixed regression with nextbot pathfinding involving ladders Rookie mistake Fixed certain brushes not having any collisions on maps
58 Days Ago
TTT: Fixed can_rag_pin_inno overwriting can_rag_pin in Magneto Stick (Community Contribution) Fixed func_breakable_surf crashes on spawn Added a warning when C_OP_WorldCollideConstraint gets insane values
58 Days Ago
TTT: Fixed can_rag_pin_inno overwriting can_rag_pin in Magneto Stick (Community Contribution) Fixed func_breakable_surf crashes on spawn Added a warning when C_OP_WorldCollideConstraint gets insane values
58 Days Ago
▍▉▇▌▅ ▋██▉▇▉▇▇▅▊.█▋▊█▌▅▍█▍▋▉ ▌▋ ▊▋ ▉▄▍█▊▋ ▊▉ ▊▆▋▊ ▆▆▆▆▇▌▍▋ ▋▆▊▌▍ ▍▅▇▄▉▍▋▌ ▌▌█▇▌█▌ ▋▆▍ ▅▅▉ ▋▅▊▉▆ ▄▋▌▄▆ ▇▅▉▊.▊▆█▄▇▍▋██▋▌█▇▅▄█▆▉▋█▆▍▊ ▉▆▌▄▍▋ ▉▅▆▇▋ ▆▉▌▍▋▅▋▆▋ (▌▊▌▊▉▌▉▍▋ █▅) █▋▉▌▋▉ ▍▋▊_▌▊▉ ▅▊▌█▊▇▌ ▉▊▄▅▌ ▌█ ▆█▅▆▊▇▌▅ ▇▉▍▍ ▅▆▅▍ ▉▍▆▅▋:▄▊▇▍▉▍▌█▇▉▋▍▇ (▆▉▊█▆▆▋▍▆ ▇▉) ▊▆▉█▋ ▉▅▉▋▋▆▋▌▆▄ █▍▋▄ ▍▆▄▌▍ ▊▇▄▋▍▇▌▋▆▌▇▇▇█▋ ▌█▆▅▊▄▋ ▋▆ ▆▌▋▅▆ █▆▉█▊▋▇██ !▉▇▌█ █▍▍▊▄▉▍ ▅▉ ▄▌▅▌.▌▉▌█▅▊▊█ ▌▉▋▌▋ ▊▇ ▇▍▊ ▌▋ ▉▇▌▇▉ ▌▆▅▄▍▆▋ ▆▋ ▍▌▊▍:▇▋▆▍▊█▅▌▆▌▊▋▉▇▄█▇█ ▋▉▍▇█ █▇▌▆▄▊▄ ▋█▋▍▆▄ █▉ ▋█▅ ▋▉▇ ▉▇▇▍▋ ▋▇█▅▅ ▄▄▇▋▉▋▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▍▊▄ ▍▄▋▋▇ ▇▆▋▄▍▄ █▇ ▆▌▊ ▆▇▊▌▆ ▋▊▄▍▆▍▉▇▅, ▇▇▋▌▋ ▋▊▊▌▋▌ ▆▆▌▉▇▋ ▌▇▉ ▌▌▇▋▌▅ ▇▋▌▄ ▇▊▇▌ ▉▋▋ █▉▄▍▉▉▍ ▄▍ ▉▌█▊▉ ▅▅▌▇▉▄▍▍▉█. ▍▋▌▇▅ ▌▇▆▋▉ ▆▇▆▉ ▆▇ █▋▍▊ █▆▆▉ ▆█▉▉▄▊ ▋▉▍▉ ▄▌▊ ▉▌▄▆▉▊▄▆ ▋▍▇▄▅ ▊▅▄▌▄▋▉ ▆▅▋▇▋▆ ▅▋▋ ▇▊██▊▌▍▍█ ▌▉▆▇█▉▅ ▉▌▄ ▊█▄▉▇▆█▇▅ ▊▉ ▇▉▆██▆▌/▉▉▋▆▅█▅▅▇ ▍▊▅ ▅▅ ▇▄▅ ▇▆▄▅▆▆ █▋▆▍▉▍, ▍▌▄ ▇▇▄ ▇▇▇▇▊█
58 Days Ago
Added u1 and v1 field support to Mesh:BuildFromTriangles Fixed shotgun firing on its own after being unholstered This could happen if you start reloading, press attack button and switch away from the shotgun in rapid succession. Fixed being able to open ammo crates from any distance using delayed damage and equipping crowbar Set inflictor of Crowbar/Stunstick dmg to the weapon itself, not the player
58 Days Ago
58 Days Ago
▄▉█▅ █▍▌▍█▅▍ ▄▊ ▆▋▌▊.▄▍▆▌▌▉▄▄
58 Days Ago
Remove mem_eat command Fixed an infinite loop with Panel:SetDragParent (Community PR) Fixed duplicated NPCs being unintentionally dropped to floor sometimes
59 Days Ago
Backport branch specific compile error fix Allow constraint.Keepupright to be called on more entities Still disallow players and the world Fixed util.IsBinaryModuleInstalled giving false positives (Community PR)
59 Days Ago
▍█▇▊▅ ▄▋▋▉▋▆ ▅▊▇▉▌▆▉▇ ▄▅▆▇█▊▍ ▋▊█▋▌
59 Days Ago
Further navmesh performance improvements Also added VPROF counters to some of the expensive functions Reset surface.SetMaterial material reference without destroying the texID Fixed performance degradation with sql library Fixed Problem count not being visible if problems are fired before the menu is created Multitude of crash fixes with infinities Mostly ragdoll stuff, but also the animation system Minor clean ups Prevent models going invisible when cycle somehow becomes infinity
59 Days Ago
Further navmesh performance improvements Also added VPROF counters to some of the expensive functions Reset surface.SetMaterial material reference without destroying the texID Fixed performance degradation with sql library Fixed Problem count not being visible if problems are fired before the menu is created Multitude of crash fixes with infinities Mostly ragdoll stuff, but also the animation system Minor clean ups Prevent models going invisible when cycle somehow becomes infinity
2 Months Ago
fix goddamn linuc build
2 Months Ago
fix goddamn linuc build
2 Months Ago
Fire a Problem to the user when a certain file is not writable Such as user configuration files More barnacle related potential crash fixes Fixed regression when barnacles ragdolls don't spawn at all
2 Months Ago
Fire a Problem to the user when a certain file is not writable Such as user configuration files More barnacle related potential crash fixes Fixed regression when barnacles ragdolls don't spawn at all
2 Months Ago
▅▊▄▊▄ █▅▉ █▋ ▇▌▌ ▌▅▊▍▍▄▌▌ ▇▋▌▊█▌▄▋ █▋ ▅█▉▊▉.▍▇▇▌ ▆▇▌▊▇ ▆▇▅▄▋█▇▍ ▍▌▌▌▆▍ ▊▉ ▄▌▍ ▍▆█▆▆▉▊▊▉ !▆▉▉▉▄ █ █▄▊▄▍▄█▆█ ▋▋▊▋▇ ▋▆▆█ ▌▋▅▌.▅▍█▄▋▌▊█
2 Months Ago
▊▇▇█▊ ▉ ▊▄▇▇▊▄▅▇█ ▄▉▆▄█ ▋▄▉█ ▉▋▍█.█▊█▌▄▉▆▉
2 Months Ago
Added DSP as 6th optional argument to sound.Play Fixed workshop status UI not appearing