6,139 Commits over 3,806 Days - 0.07cph!
Added Hammer.Path
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Added BasePathEntity
Entities derived from BasePathEntity will appear in the Path Tool in Hammer. BasePathEntity parses the nodes from Hammer into a ready to use format, as well as provides a few helper functions to get the curves as they appear in Hammer.
Let's try more null checking in C_ServerRagdoll::TestCollision
Fixed asserts with Path Tool's Rope particle effect
Makes node colors affect the rope
Added AnimEntity.UseAnimGraph/HasAnimGraph/Sequence getter
Better implementation of Player.IsUserGroup (Community Contribution)
Added second argument to util.Base64Encode - skipNewLines, defaults to false
Bone manipulations do not inflate player/npc render bounds as much
Fixed any bone manipulations breaking entity's render bounds, now render bounds will be only enlarged if a bone is manipulated outside of the original model bounds
Completely disable CHudHintDisplay and CHudHintKeyDisplay as well, since they are also not used in GMod
gmod_camera's zooming is now tickrate independent (Community Contribution)
TTT: Updated language files
Stop the crosshair color going white if the player's FOV is < 90
Completely remove CHudDeathNotice as it does nothing in GMod
Fixed SWEP.AccurateCrosshair not taking into account worldclicker aim and sometimes hitting the player entity itself
Hammer: Added "Allow physgun" and "toolgun whitelist" keyvalues to func_lod
FIxed prop_vehicle_prisoner_pod (Sandbox Chair vehicles) forcing FOV to 90
Fixed a potential material refcount issue when binding materials in CMatQueuedRenderContext
Potential crash fix in CMatQueuedRenderContext::Bind
Really take care of npc_barnacle crashes when something deletes its internal physics objects
FIxed Hammer crashing when Path Tool tries to place non existent entities
Added SetColor input to all modelentities
OnDamaged output for func_physbox and prop_physics
Move Game title/author to the left
So create game/join game buttons don't change position when the title/author load from server and change size
Update base.fgd
Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
Remove non functioning "disableshadows" from Hammer.Model
Added Output.FireWithParam
Basic Hammer input parameter support in C#
Give info_particle_system an editor model
Do not allow ResetDelay -1 buttons to reset via the Press input
minimum speed for doors
Deleted func_door_rotating
func_button now can rotate, and has visualization
(I meant func_rot_button in previous commit)
Adjust mapIO max visible distance for text
Adjusted doorhelper visualization for local dir moving doors
Also adds "not moving" type to hide the visualization for non moving buttons
Update some compiled resources
ent_door moves (moving door) correctly when parented
Autodoc for Easing.Function delegate
minor change to doorhelper.cpp
Default explosion sound/effect if one isn't set by the prop
Added KeyframeEntity.LocalRotateKeyframeTo
ent_door rotates correctly when parented
Also added a public property for ease function to ent_door, no Hammer support just yet
ent_door's MoveDirIsLocal works correctly for rotating doors
More consistent speed for rotating doors with different angles of rotation
Better rotation axis visualization for rotating doors
Remove necessity for @EntityGroup for custom categories
Disallow spaces in hammer input names
Add DebugOverlay.Text overload with offset argument
Minor change to DefaultValue generator
Added Hammer.Particle attribute
Make use of Hammer.Particle
Bring back outline to debugoverlay text
Update MapIO visualization colors
Nuke HL2/NPC/AI stuff from core FGDs, cleanup s&box.fgd