
31,541 Commits over 3,987 Days - 0.33cph!

10 Years Ago
Codelock is default craft Pump shotgun spawn is less rare Gunpowder crafts 2x faster (kind of) Fixed wrong description text on pumpkin Restricted sleep command to admins
10 Years Ago
Updated RustNative
10 Years Ago
Increased grenade throw power
10 Years Ago
Fixed horse ragdoll not bleeding
10 Years Ago
Network data caching
10 Years Ago
Fixed spawn error
10 Years Ago
Client compile fix
10 Years Ago
Compile fix
10 Years Ago
Entity Octree implementation Developer: F7/F8 draw debug info for near entities
10 Years Ago
Moved player persistence server data from persistence folder to UserPersistence.db Fixed some item names showing as Translate+Phrase in warnings/errors
10 Years Ago
Player bone scale variation (based on steamid)
10 Years Ago
Inventory menu performance optimizations Fixed some prefab errors Fixed some normal maps that weren't marked as normal maps
10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Spacialdatabase bug fix
10 Years Ago
Now using Unity 5.1.1.f1
10 Years Ago
grass treads down on lower shader level Don't tread grass down into caves and stuff Updated RustNative
10 Years Ago
Fixed serverlist sort order More loading progress on bootstrap
10 Years Ago
Triangle foundations and triangle floors cost less Triangle foundation and triangle floors have the building shell protection the same as their non triangle peers Floors, doors, pillars, halfwall, doorway wall, window wall, foundation steps are cheaper Doors, window bars, pillars, low wall have less max health (same protection values)
10 Years Ago
Fixed miner hat/candle hat light offset
10 Years Ago
Tweaked night god ray color gradient
10 Years Ago
Made god ray intensity high enough for them to actually be visible
10 Years Ago
Time of Day update
10 Years Ago
Warn if Spawnable has no Population
10 Years Ago
Fix reimport freeze
10 Years Ago
Fixed some entities not bundling properly (like the bota bag)
10 Years Ago
finished the semi-auto pistol viewmodel and the worldmodel prefab. added sounds and special fx.
10 Years Ago
Fixed foundation placement weirdness
10 Years Ago
Menu music has volume control Spear hold positions Fixed C4 directional damage bug
10 Years Ago
Updating phrases Making botabag a default blueprint Network++
10 Years Ago
Making pumpkins so you can't get stuck in them
10 Years Ago
Added LodBias and DOF options to tweaks menu Spectators can use F3 (for battle royale mod)
10 Years Ago
Fixed corn not fuiting for very long Corn dies properly after fruiting BaseScriptableObject.ID is set/forced via OnValidate Enforcing Spawnable Population settings properly Corn/Pumpkin plants grow naturally Nights are shorter
10 Years Ago
NRE fixes, tweaks
10 Years Ago
Meg's Icons
10 Years Ago
Community update
10 Years Ago
More xlink cleanup
10 Years Ago
xlink cleanup
10 Years Ago
xlink test
10 Years Ago
Fixed NRE when sending empty string Bota Bag implementation WIP SignalBroadcast Gestures
10 Years Ago
Wolf headdress
10 Years Ago
Added StagPoint SpacialDatabase class Added SpacialDatabase unit test (which is failing right now)
10 Years Ago
Bush rustle tweaks
10 Years Ago
FindAndReplace tool DuplicateWithReferences tool
10 Years Ago
Fixed everything being broken
10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Compile fixes
10 Years Ago
Sped up gamemanifest generation Made Tools/Update/Prefabs redundant Fixed server compile error
10 Years Ago
Fixed potential speedtree shader transmission bug; encountered when porting to Before, because unity Fixed ConvarWater error in Hapis lake
10 Years Ago
Added entity.debug_lookat (toggles debug mode for the entity an admin is looking at)
10 Years Ago
Picked food condition set according to how ripe Eaten food item effects scale to condition Eaten Pumpkin gives seeds