31,541 Commits over 3,987 Days - 0.33cph!
Seed plant effect
Plant harvest effect
HeldEntities can demand a crosshair
Fixed not shadow culling MeshRenderers properly in SkinMultiMesh
Fixed server compile errors
RustEditor remembers tabs
Avoid rebuilding player models when nothing has actually changed (perf)
SkinnedMeshCollider can work with a regular MeshRenderer
Can define an attachment bone in wearable (for unskinned clothing items)
Added Transform.FindChildren (find immediate children by name)
Added all the splat types to TestLevel
Environment option in RustEditor
Added cullmode option to standard shader
Fixed hemp bush blocking bullets
Chicken sounds
Metal door sounds
Quarry sounds
Uncrunching - because Crunch texture compression apparently does the opposite of what it's meant to
deploy guides can be empty
Fixed incorrect subsurface refraction
Fixed glowy water at night; now properly lit using custom lighting model
Updated water level; tidying up scripts, more coming
Fixed normal texture mode
some more animations for the semi-auto pistol view model
Fixed ArrayIndexIsEnumDrawer not working with structs/classes
Oops @ left in debug output
Fixed floating building parts
Increased decay
Can place new Constructions in the editor without running manifest generation first
Fixed entity debugging flag not working as designed
Item defs don't have to be in Items/
Changing input to Input.GetAxisRaw - not sure it makes a difference
Entities don't need to be in bundles folder
animations for the semi_pistol viewmodel - deploy / dryfire / fire
Windmill files update - models, collision, LODs, Gibs, animation
Item Definition unit tests
rigged up the semi-auto pistol view model
idle animation done
3rd person animations for player shivering (when he's cold, or he just got dumped by his girlfriend)
Renamed "Water Reflections" to "Water Quality" in tweaks UI
Fixed water2 on OSX/GL; also fixed border mesh disappearing on restart water
Added max bounds to water displacement [AMD freeze]
Added water1 fallback when Water Quality set to 0, water2 when 1 [AMD freeze]
Moving testtools to the editor folder
SQLite bindings + unit tests
Added sqlite to native libraries
Switch to built in analytics
Terrain parallax in bundled builds