5,531 Commits over 3,683 Days - 0.06cph!
road_decals alpha cut-off quality improvements
Converted all standard shaders dungeons/monuments materials to rust/standard type
roads textures - some extra polish, overall less noisy
Fix for RUST-434 - Satellite dish - Unable to walk up stairs
Fixed missing prefabs (broken references) in SatDish scene
Prefab update
RUST-474 - Missing concrete wall collisions
road sidewalk blend mask polish
vertex normals alignement fix - road piece
asphalt and road_decal gloss map polish
road round layer material fix (wasn't deep enough)
merge of roads and railroads progress from pre-release
Prefab scenes update
Roads dont cast shadows
train wagon greybox UV update
Updating greybox meshes to have proper ground UVs
RUST-449 - Fixed broken path to pipe colliders
sidewalk textures
final road models (still needs a LOD pass)
dungeons tweaks/updates for roads
road_decal textures
road asphalt textures
fixed railroad tracks objects interupting procmap loading
railroad tracks models/LODs/Textures and dungeons update
Trainyard - fixed missing pipe collisions and deadfall
Fix for RUST-413 - Various dungeons sewers gaps
Removing old rocks prefabs folder
Removing old rock models and textures
Rock_temp folder rename
Craggy Island update
Savas/Savas Koth update
Sat dish material fixes Hapis
Fix for material setup throwing errors in edit mode
Water treatment plant, added missing escape route for one tank
Sat dish material changes on smalled rocks
road_dirt material tweaks
slightly reduced road width for scale
procmap settings tweaks for ocean rocks
crustacean textures for ocean side rocks
autospawn prefab updates
New road texture set - trail path
fixes for wrong rock decor material config
dirt splat texture polish
stones splat texture polish, normal map is less deep and more realistic looking
gravel splat added, replaces path splat - repainted some of dungeons splats accordingly
biomes colours, almost final
atlases updated
Ore stones material tweaks
Terrain daily progress backup
terrain and rock biomes colours wip
terrain and rock materials fixes
daily progress backup
ocean and river tweaks
merge from main (foam\o/)
new terrain stones texture set
▍▌▊▆▊▍▊ ▄▇▌█▋, ▇▉▄▇, ▉▊▊█▌▆▊▅
back up daily progress plus new sand splat, new rock splat
Industrial light fixtures particles cull