116,225 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.21cph!
Fixed DepthOfFieldFocusPoint.Evaluate allocation
Fixed puzzle barge door placement RUST 1512
Scene2Prefab Harbor_1
Stop using LayerMask.GetMask!
Fixed allocations in UIHUD
Fixed small allocation in TemporalAntiAliasing.OnRenderImage
ifdef'd TonemappingColorGrading OnGUI (allocations)
Pickup/drop notice optimization
Optimized Vitals updating (allocations)
Removed usage of FilledImageVariable (gc)
Removed usage of TextVariable (gc)
Adding new junkpiles to the spawntable
Fixed profiler leak in SoundOcclusion
Fixed profiler leain in Sound.Play
Fixed profiler leak in AmbienceEmitter.GetBaseSound
Removed some garbage from effect message receiving
Destroy & recreate AudioReverbZone componets when culling instead of just enabling & disabling
Remove old FMOD crash prevention recycle delay on Sounds
Fixed rocket_explosion prefab being fucked up and breaking when pooled (another smoke_2 warning)
Log warning when component on pooled prefab was destroyed
Fixed various effect (mostly explosion) prefabs being fucked up and breaking when pooled
Fixed mysterious "smoke_2" prefab warnings being logged
Fix for invisible rock when thrown (1508)
Particle system culling tweaks
Removed rigidbodies from radiation sphere triggers (server physics perf)
Standard override shaders no longer having duplicate code; now referencing their rust/std counterparts directly
Repair bench cannot be used to block off windows and see through them (collider accuracy)
Adding some loot minecarts and minecrates to military_tunnels
Caves now spawn minecarts as well as mine crates that contain loot
Adding minecart_loot models
Reduced overall client side player collider and rigidbody count by a third
Enabled prefab pooling on some effect spawns that weren't using it
Fixed particle systems on impact effects sometimes not playing
added the car wreck and junkpile art to junkpiletest
Fixed player preview not rendering