5,912 Commits over 3,867 Days - 0.06cph!
Fixed UI.Options.KeyBind trying to change its name all the time
Fixed options being invisible until toggled when opening options tab in main menu
Fixed "lock" game object on shopfront being on unnamed layer
Fixing a GameObjectRef (build warning)
Fixed moon brightness regression
▆▌▌█▌ ▇▌▌█▍▆▅▆▌ ▆▊▉▋▆ ▄▇▄▅▆▆▇▍
Improved global fog calculation (plane no longer ignores fog, fog has identical density from A to B as from B to A)
Fog density no longer changes per biome (unfair advantage when looking in from a different biome)
▄▅█▌▋ ▍▌█▋▍▇▋▌▉ ▍▉▅ ▉▉▇▌▋▄▄▇██ █▊ ▍▅█▉ ▊▆▆▅ ▍▌█▊ ▋▌▌ ▆▍ ▇
▊▉▍▍▄▆▄▍▇▌▄ ▊▆▅█▊▆▊ ▊▆ █▍▌▋▌ / ▊▋▉▄ ▍▄▋▉ > ▋▄█
! ▆▇▋▆▉▅▊▇▍▇▄▌▆█▊▇▋▊▅ ▊▋▅▄█▉█▌ █▋▆▄▉▅▍ ▇▍▍▇▋▇▆█▌█ ▉▌ ▆▉▆ ▊▍▍▉▇▋
▍█▌▌▋ ▊▊█▍█▇▉▋▇ ▇▋▌▊▊ ▉▇▄▅▋██▉█▆▋ ▊▉█▊▍▄▌ ▉▄▆▍█▌▉█
Cache player building privilege once a second on the client (performance)
Added terrain anchor placement mode (minimize terrain error or minimize object offset)
Fixed junkpiles sometimes spawning partially on roads
Fixed junkpiles sometimes spawning in rather weird positions (too far above the terrain)
▄▊▄'▉ ▌▍▉▄▉▌▅▇ ▅▆▊▌▌ █▉▇▉▍▋ ▌▆▌▌▆▇▇ ▅▊ ▆▇▄▄▄▉▌█ ▍▉▇▇▋ ▋▅▉▊ █▍ ▅▌▆█
▉▍▋▋▇ ▌▍▉▊▆▌▅▌▋ ▇█▆▄▉▊ (▊▅▍ ▅▇█▋ ▌▊▅▉ ▍▊ █▇▅▌)
▆▄▄▊▌▌▉-- (▇▊█▉▋▊▅ ▉▉█▊ ▇▄▊█▌)
Road grass decor aligns to normal
Fixed stars being occluded by atmosphere fog at night
Slightly darker sky at midnight
Weather (currently only fog) is randomized every 18 hours, fades over 6 hours
Fixed washed out sky around noon in temperate and arid biomes
Fixed building ID regression on newly created buildings (changeset 24670)
Facepunch.Steamworks meta files
Throw exception and fail the build when skinnable item name is incorrect
Fixed small build log typo
Gibbable.DoPrepare error message tweaks
Moved xmas event meta file
Deleted ocean clutter prefabs (unused)
Fixed layer on elevator volumes
Optimized elevator volumes (server perf)
Any entity can use sockets, not just building blocks (presumably breaking everything)
Fixed door garland collider (blocking movement on the floor above it)
Fixed door garland entity bounds
Fixed fog not always being disabled in caves
Updated asset bundle splits
Downed (wounded) players no player block movement
Added "FogDarknessDistance" to climate
Fog darkening test for diogo
24560 because it looks like ass
Fixed roof conditional models in various scenarios
Fixed lastAttackedTime / lastDealtDamageTime serialization on BaseEntity (no longer saved on prefab / visible in inspector)
Fixed entity bounds on high external stone gate (RUST-1772)
Upkeep timer is saved / loaded (restores purchased upkeep time when restarting server, makes very little difference though)
Upkeep also scales with decay.scale convar (easier testing)
Fixed HttpImage error handling (UI web images)
Fixed possibility of BaseNetworkable.NetworkDestroy being called twice
Fixed NRE in AmbienceLocalStings.PlaySting
Fixed UnauthorizedAccessException in writecfg
Fixed NRE in UIInventory.PlayCloseSound
Fixed server NRE in TransformChanged (probably)
Updated Facepunch.System (NRE fix)